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刘香军 , 杨吉春 , 张剑 , 张文怀 , 何耀宇 , 李堃

钢铁钒钛 doi:10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2016.04.027

试制了高强度20MnSi螺纹钢筋,采用万能拉伸试验机、扫描电镜、透射电镜等检测手段,对试制后的螺纹钢进行了力学性能检测和显微组织分析.结果表明:在N含量为0.04%,V含量为0.047%的试验钢中,屈服强度达到831 MPa,抗拉强度达到l 140 MPa,伸长率为29.1%,屈强比为0.79;含钒、钛的碳、氮析出物的沉淀析出强化作用是试验钢力学性能显著改善的主要原因.

关键词: 20MnSi钢筋 , 微合金化 , , 高氮 , 力学性能 , 显微组织

Precipitation Behavior of M2N in a High-Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel During Isothermal Aging

F. Shi , L.J. Wang , W.F. Cui , C.M. Liu


The precipitation behavior of M2N and the microstructural evolution in a Cr-Mn austenitic stainless steel with a high nitrogen content of 0.43mass% during isothermal aging has been investigated using optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The aging treatments have led to the decomposition of nitrogen supersaturated austenitic matrix through discontinuous cellular precipitation. The precipitated cells comprise alternate lamellae of M2N precipitate and austenitic matrix. This kind of precipitate morphology is similar to that of pearlite. However, owing to the non-eutectoidic mechanism of the reaction, the growth characteristic of the cellular precipitates is different from that of pearlite in Fe-C binary alloys. M2N precipitate in the cell possesses a hexagonal crystal structure with the parameters a = 0.4752nm and c = 0.4429nm, and the orientation relationship between the M2N precipitates and austenite determined from the SADP is [0110]M2N∥ [101]γ,[2110]M2N∥ [010]γ.

关键词: austenitic stainless steel , null , null



