As a potential application of titanium-oxide nanoparticles, it is extremely importantto investigate a detailed picture of the surface and interior structural properties ofnanocrystalline materials, such as rutile and anatase with diameters 7.0 and 4.5nm,respectively. X-ray absorption spectroscopy has been used to identify the local Ti envi-ronment and related electronic structure. We combine the experimental results at theTi edge in both bulk and nano-crystals to determine the lattice distortion in terms ofdifferently characteristic preedge features and the variation in the multiple-scatteringregion of X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra. The relationshipbetween the transition peaks and the surface-to volume ratio is also discussed.
X-ray absorption
Z.Y. Wu
The Si L2,3 X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) can be used to probe thelocal structure around Si and derive electronic information of the unoccupied s- andd-like partial density of states in nano-size SiO2. We present Si L2,3-edge for threedifferent size silicates acquired by total electron yield (TEY) at the photoemission sta-tion of Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF). The Si L2,3-edge spectra areinterpreted based on ab initio full multiple-scattering (MS) calculation. The Si L2.3-edge of nano-size materials has XANES similar to that of a-quartz. The similaritiesbetween the Si L2.3-edge shapes attest to a common molecular-orbital picture of theirSi-O bonding and the same coordination state. However, a considerable broadeningof Si L2,3-edge XANES spectra as decrease of particle size is also an indicative ofpolyhedral distortions.
multiple scattering calculation