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Fracture and Tribological Evaluation of Dental Composite Resins Containing Pre-polymerized Particle Fillers

Jingri REN , Kyohan Kim , Seock Sam Kim


The fracture and tribological evaluation of dental composite resin containing pre-polymerized particle fillers were investigated. Composite resins, e.g. metafil, silux plus, heliomolar and palfique estelite were selected as specimens in order to evaluate the effects of pre-polymerized particle filler on the fracture and wear characteristics of composite resins. In the wear tests, a ball-on-flat wear test method was used. The friction coefficient of metafil was quite high. The wear resistance of silux plus and palfique estelite was better than that of metafil and heliomolar under the same experimental condition. The main wear mechanism of composite resins containing pre-polymerized particle fillers was an abrasive wear by brittle fracture of pre-polymerized particles and by debonding of fillers and matrix.

关键词: Composite resin , null , null , null , null

Microstructure and Tribological Properties of Plasma Nitriding Cast CoCrMo Alloy

Qingliang Wang


A medical cast CoCrMo alloy was coated by plasma nitriding process to enhance the wear resistance. The microstructures, phases and micro-hardness of nitrided layers were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and micro-hardness. Tribological properties were investigated on a pin-on-disc wear tester under 25% bovine serum solutions. The experimental results showed that plasma nitriding was a promising process to produce thick, hard and wear resistant layers on the surface of CoCrMo alloy. The harder CrN and Cr2N phases formed on the plasma nitrided layer with the compact nano-crystalline structure. Compared with the untreated sample, all nitrided samples showed the lower wear rates and higher wear resistance at different applied loads and nitriding temperatures. It was concluded that the improvement of wear resistance could be ascribed to the formation of thicker and harder nitrided layers with the specific microstructures on nitrided surfaces.

关键词: CoCrMo alloy


郑军 , 周晖 , 杨拉毛草 , 张延帅 , 翟广泉

宇航材料工艺 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-2330.2015.01.015

采用非平衡磁控溅射技术在40Cr、9Cr18、GCr15、TC4及LY12等5种金属基体上沉积了钨掺杂含氢类金刚石(W-C:H)薄膜.采用Raman光谱仪、扫描电子显微镜、纳米硬度计及纳米划痕仪分别测试了薄膜的微结构、厚度、硬度及附着力,采用球-盘摩擦试验机及光学轮廓仪分别在干摩擦和PFPE脂润滑条件下评价了5种金属材料基体上薄膜的摩擦磨损性能.薄膜性能测试结果显示,该厚度为1μm的薄膜具有典型的类金刚石结构,硬度与弹性模量分别为11.56和128.34 GPa,附着力为645 mN;摩擦试验结果显示,在干摩擦条件下几种金属基体表面W-C:H薄膜的摩擦因数和磨损率差别比较显著,而在脂润滑条件下基体材料的影响较小;与干摩擦条件相比,脂润滑条件下薄膜的磨损可减少60% ~75%;在干摩擦与脂润滑条件下,9Cr18与40Cr基体上的W-C:H薄膜摩擦体系分别具有最小的磨损率1.71×10-7 mm3/(N·m)及4.55×10-8 mm3/(N·m).

关键词: W-C:H薄膜 , 摩擦学 , PEPE润滑脂 , 力学性能 , 非平衡磁控溅射



