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嵇阿琳 , 崔红 , 李贺军 , 程文 , 纪伶伶

新型炭材料 doi:10.1016/S1872-5805(11)60070-X

通过X-Y向拉伸强度、Z向剥离强力、NOL环整体拉伸强度表征预制体性能,研究了炭布叠层针刺预制体的结构特点.结果表明:X-Y向拉伸强度反映了针刺对连续纤维的损伤程度,其随针刺密度升高而降低.网胎面密度对Z向预制体剥离强力的影响规律性不明显,3 K炭布针刺预制体剥离强力高于6K和12K炭布针刺预制体,斜纹炭布针刺预制体剥离强力高于缎纹炭布预制体.NOL整体拉伸环破坏有完全断裂、褶皱式不完全断裂、层间剥离三种模式;3 K缎纹炭布针刺预制体NOL环拉伸强度最低,只有3 MPa,呈现整体拉伸完全断裂破坏模式;12 K缎纹炭布针刺预制体呈现层间破坏模式;6 K缎纹炭布针刺预制体的破坏方式为褶皱式不完全断裂模式,整体力学性能较好.相同工艺预制体环向拉伸强度远大于X-Y向拉伸强度.

关键词: 针刺 , 预制体 , X-Y向拉伸强度 , Z向剥离强力 , NOL整体拉伸强度

Sensitivity Analysis Based Multiple Objective Preform Die Shape Optimal Design in Metal Forging

Xinhai ZHAO


The multiple objective preform design optimization was put forward. The final forging's shape and deformation uniformity were considered in the multiple objective. The objective is to optimize the shape and the deformation uniformity of the final forging at the same time so that a more high integrate quality of the final forging can be obtained. The total objective was assembled by the shape and uniformity objective using the weight adding method. The perform die shape is presented by cubic B-spline curves. The control points of B-spline curves are used as the design variables. The forms of the total objective function, shape and uniformity sub-objective function are given. The sensitivities of the total objective function and the sub-objective functions with respect to the design variables are developed. Using this method, the perform die shape of an H-shaped forging process is optimally designed. The optimization results are very satisfactory.

关键词: Forging , null , null , null , null



