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刘义武 , 张小明 , 索继栓

催化学报 doi:10.1016/S1872-2067(11)60474-9


关键词: , 含氮钛硅分子筛 , 环氧化 , 氮化 , 环氧丙烷 , 钛硅分子筛相

Effects of Nitridation on Properties of SiC Fiber and Interface of Ti Matrix Composite

Nanlin SHI , Jiwei FENG , Yanfen GUO , Yuyin LIU , Z.X.Guo


Prenitridation of the TiBx coating surface of the Sigma SM1240 SiC fiber can form more stable compounds at the surface and obstruct the release of boron atoms into the Ti-based alloy matrix. The effect of nitridation on the tensile strength of the fiber was investigated in this work. Nitridation could degrade the tensile strength of the SiC fiber if the treating temperature and time are not optimized. The chemical reaction between the W core and SiC and the modification of fiber microstructure during the nitridation are responsible for the degradation in strength. The strength can be maintained by further optimization of the treating temperature and time. Therefore, stabilizing the surface of TiBx coating and hence the interface of the SiCf/Ti composite by the nitridation of the SiC fiber is a feasible technique for practical applications.

关键词: SiC fiber , null , null , null , null

Synthesis of Vanadium Nitride by a One Step Method

Sansan YU , Nianxin FU , Feng GAO , Zhitong SUI


Vanadium nitrides were prepared via one step method of carbothermal reduction and nitridation of vanadium trioxide. Thermalgravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-ray diffraction were used to determine the reaction paths of vanadium carbide, namely the following sequential reaction: V2O3→V8C7 in higher temperature stage, the rule of vanadium nitride synthesized was established, and defined conditions of temperature for the production of the carbides and nitrides were determined. Vanadium oxycarbide may consist in the front process of carbothermal reduction of vanadium trioxide. In one step method for vanadium nitride by carbothermal reduction and nitridation of vanadium trioxide, the nitridation process is simultaneous with the carbothermal reduction. A one-step mechanism of the carbothermal reduction with simultaneous nitridation leaded to a lower terminal temperature in nitridation process for vanadium nitride produced, compared with that of carbothermal reduction process without nitridation. The grain size and shape of vanadium nitride were uniform, and had the shape of a cube. The one step method combined vacuum carborization and nitridation (namely two step method) into one process. It simplified the technological process and decreased the costs.

关键词: Vanadium nitride , null , null , null , null



