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Anomalous Phase Transformation from Martensite to Austenite in Fe-13%Cr-4%Ni-Mo Martensitic Stainless Steel

Yuanyuan Song Xiuyan Liy Lijian Rong Yiyi Li


The thermal stability of the reversed austenite in a low carbon Fe-13%Cr-4%Ni-Mo (in wt pct) martensitic stainless steel was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer. Different amount of the reversed austenite was obtained by controlling tempered temperature. It was found that the amount of the reversed austenite increased after keeping the specimens at liquid nitrogen temperature for 72 h. The mechanism of the anomalous phase transformation from martensite to austenite was discussed.

关键词: Low temperature , Martensite , Austenite , Phase transformation , Magnetization vs. temperature

Anomalous Phase Transformation from Martensite to Austenite in Fe-13%Cr-4%Ni-Mo Martensitic Stainless Steel

Yuanyuan Song Xiuyan Liy Lijian Rong Yiyi Li


The thermal stability of the reversed austenite in a low carbon Fe-13%Cr-4%Ni-Mo (in wt pct) martensitic stainless steel was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer. Different amount of the reversed austenite was obtained by controlling tempered temperature. It was found that the amount of the reversed austenite increased after keeping the specimens at liquid nitrogen temperature for 72 h. The mechanism of the anomalous phase transformation from martensite to austenite was discussed.

关键词: Low temperature , Martensite , Austenite , Phase transformation , Magnetization vs. temperature


杨睿 , 黄海凤 , 陈一杰 , 张细雄 , 卢晗锋

催化学报 doi:10.1016/S1872-2067(15)60884-1

火电厂和机动车辆等的NOx排放量与日俱增, NOx的治理已成为环境保护的重要组成部分.以NH3作为还原剂的选择性催化还原(SCR)技术是目前消除NOx最为高效的方法之一.该反应最为典型的催化剂是V2O5–WO3(MoO3)/TiO2,催化活性窗口为250–400 oC.国外通常将SCR系统置于省煤器之后,此时烟气温度在300 oC以上,催化剂能保持较高的活性,但易受到烟气中高浓度烟尘、SO2和碱金属等的影响,寿命相对较短.此外,高温工艺中副产物硫酸铵的堵塞也是一个不可忽视的问题.因此,将SCR脱硝装置设在脱硫除尘之后成为一种优选技术之一,但烟气温度会降至250 oC以下,而常规的钒基催化剂不能满足低温活性要求.通过添加助剂或改变载体可改善钒基催化剂的低温活性,同时保持其高效的抗硫能力.
  本文以Cr和V为活性组分, TiO2为载体,采用浸渍法制备了铬钒钛(Cr–VOx/TiO2)系列催化剂,考察了它们的低温脱硝活性和抗水抗硫性,并通过N2吸附-脱附、X射线衍射、NH3程序升温脱附(NH3-TPD)、H2程序升温还原(H2-TPR)和X射线光电子能谱等手段对催化剂进行了表征,分析了Cr–V催化剂的作用机制.
  结果显示,当n(Cr):n(V)为0.2:0.8,活性组分负载量为10 wt%时, Cr–VOx/TiO2催化剂表现出最佳的低温催化活性;当反应温度为160°C时, NOx转化率达到90%以上,明显优于其他催化剂,同时活性窗口(160–300°C)得到拓宽. NH3-TPD结果表明, VOx/TiO2催化剂表面呈中弱酸性,随着Cr的添加,钒基催化剂的NH3脱附峰向高温拓宽,说明其表面强酸量有所增加, Cr0.2–V0.8/TiO2在160–300°C范围内均出现了NH3的脱附峰,此时催化剂表面弱酸量最大.当n(Cr):n(V)大于0.2:0.8时,催化剂表面出现强酸位,这种强酸位不利于NH3脱附,从而不利于SCR反应的进行.因此适量Cr的添加有助于提高钒基催化剂表面弱酸及中性酸量. H2-TPR结果发现,助剂Cr的添加使得催化剂表面氧量增加,这可能是由于Cr的添加形成了较多的氧空穴和未饱和的化学键.催化剂表面化学吸附氧是氧化还原反应最活跃的氧物种,在SCR反应中,表面氧可作为NO的吸附介质参与到催化剂表面反应中,可有效提高SCR反应速率.通过考察活性组分负载量对催化剂活性的影响,发现不同负载量催化剂的催化活性依次为10 wt%>20 wt%>50 wt%>5 wt%. XPS分析发现,当负载量为10 wt%时,催化剂表面非计量的钒离子和化学性质活跃的自由电子最多,因此表现出最佳的SCR活性;当负载量过高时,大量氧化物堆积烧结形成V2O5和Cr2V4O13,覆盖了钒离子活性位点,降低了催化剂脱硝效率.
  催化剂在220°C表现出良好的抗硫性,在通入100 ppm SO212 h后NOx的转化率仍可达99%以上,并未出现硫中毒现象.同时该催化剂也表现出较好的抗水性,在通入10 vol%水蒸气12 h后, NOx转化率仍能达85%以上.

关键词: 低温 , 选择性催化还原 , , 铬钒钛催化剂 , 烟气脱硝 , 抗硫性 , 铬掺杂

Performance of Sn-Cu Alloy Anode at Low Temperature

Jianguo REN , Weihua PU , Xiangming HE , Chunrong WAN , Changyin JIANG


Sn-Cu alloy anode was prepared by pulsed electrodeposition for lithium ion batteries, and its electrochemical performance was tested at low temperature. When temperature decreased from 25℃ to -20℃, the Sn-Cu alloy anode provided the capacity retentions of 76% in the electrolyte of 1 mol/L LiBF4/EC+EMC+γBL and 51% in the electrolyte of 1 mol/L LiPF6/EC+DMC+DEC. Under the same conditions, the graphite anode presented the capacity retentions of only 41% and 18%, respectively. The Sn-Cu alloy anode showed better performance in the electrolyte of 1 mol/L LiBF4/EC+EMC+γBL than in the electrolyte of 1 mol/L LiPF$_{6}$/EC+DMC+DEC, and kept much higher capacity retention than that of graphite at -20℃. The Sn-Cu alloy anode in the electrolyte of 1~mol/L LiBF4/EC+EMC+γBL (1:1:1, volume ratio) is promising for low temperature application of lithium batteries.

关键词: Sn-Cu alloy electrode , null , null , null

Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Martensitic Stainless Steel by Plasma Nitriding at Low Temperature

Y.T. Xi , D.X. Liu , D. Han , Z.F. Han , null , null , null , null


A series of experiments were carried out to study the influence of low temperature plasma nitriding on the mechanical properties of AISI 420 martensitic stainless steel. Plasma nitriding experiments were carried out for 15 hours at 350℃ by means of DC-pulsed plasma with 25%N2+75%H2 gas. The microstructure, phase composition and residual stresses profiles of the nitriding layers were determined by optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The microhardness profiles of the nitriding surfaces were also studied. The fatigue life, sliding wear and erosion wear loss of the untreated specimens and plasma nitriding specimens were determined on the basis of a rotating bending fatigue tester, a ball-disk wear tester and a solid particle erosion tester. The results show that the 350℃ nitriding surface is dominated by -Fe3N and , which is supersaturated nitrogen solid solution. They have high hardness and chemical stabilities. So the low temperature plasma nitriding not only increases the surface hardness values but also improves the wear and erosion resistance. In addition, The fatigue limit of AISI 420 steel can also be improved by plasma nitriding at 350℃, because plasma nitriding produces residual compressive stress inside the modified layer.

关键词: Martensitic stainless steel , stainless , steel , Plasma , nitri


徐顺建 , 罗玉峰 , 钟炜 , 肖宗湖

新型炭材料 doi:10.1016/S1872-5805(13)60079-7

以大孔径的介孔炭(MC)为催化层材料经低温热处理构建出炭对电极,着重探讨了在炭浆料中添加Triton X100对其组装的染料敏化太阳电池(DSCs)光电性能的影响,并引入分形维数(DF)用于定量评估炭膜形貌的差异.结果表明,当炭浆料中Triton X100的含量增加到0.1 mL(相应MC含量为0.6g)时,DSCs的光电转换效率增加至5.65%,其值比活性炭对电极DSCs高46.5%,且达到Pt对电极DSCs的95.4%.Triton X100改性的介孔炭对电极的高性能归功于高品质的炭膜和介孔炭本身合理的孔结构(如大尺寸孔径和大比表面积等).相对于未添加Triton X100的纯介孔炭对电极,Triton X100改性的介孔炭对电极具有分布更均匀的炭膜和更小的分形维数,是对电极欧姆串阻减小及相应器件效率改善的一个重要因素.

关键词: 介孔炭 , 染料敏化太阳电池 , 对电极 , 表面活性剂 , 低温制备


乔波涛 , 林坚 , 王爱琴 , 陈洋 , 张涛 , 刘景月

催化学报 doi:10.1016/S1872-2067(15)60889-0

CO低温氧化是多相催化领域研究最多的反应之一.作为简单、典型的探针反应,其不仅具有重要的基础研究价值,而且在环境污染消除等方面也有着非常重要的实际应用价值.金属氧化物如铜锰(Hopcalite)、铜铬复合氧化物以及氧化钴等都具有优异的低温CO氧化活性.然而氧化物催化剂热稳定性低、反复启动性能差、以及对硫化物、水等物质敏感,严重制约了其实际应用.相对而言,负载型贵金属催化剂因具有较高的CO氧化活性、反应稳定性以及热稳定性而受到关注.但是贵金属价格昂贵、资源稀少,使其持续应用面临严峻挑战.为了提高贵金属利用效率、降低贵金属使用量,在负载型贵金属催化剂中,贵金属多以纳米尺度分散于高比表面载体上.由于多相催化一般在纳米粒子表面发生,只有表面金属原子能够接触到反应物,因而贵金属原子利用率仍然有待提高.最近本课题组成功开发以原子级分散的单原子催化剂并提出“单原子催化”的概念.后续研究以及其他研究人员相继证明氧化物负载贵金属单原子具有高活性和/或不同于纳米粒子的反应性能,表明开发单原子催化剂是最大化贵金属利用效率、降低贵金属用量的可行途径.对于CO氧化而言,目前普遍认为负载Au催化剂具有最高活性.然而负载Au单原子催化剂是否具有活性仍存争议:理论计算表明氧化物负载Au单原子催化剂具有很好的活性,但是缺少实验证据;目前已有一些氧化物负载Au正价离子催化剂的报道,结果也都表明Au单原子活性远低于纳米粒子或纳米团簇.最近本课题组发现氧化铁负载Au单原子不仅具有与Au纳米粒子相当的单位活性位(TOF)活性而且具有更高的单位金属重量(反应速率)活性以及非常高的反应稳定性.本文将载体拓展到氧化钴,开发了具有更高活性的氧化钴负载Au单原子催化剂, Au负载量仅为0.05 wt%即可在室温条件下实现CO完全转化. Co3O4载体用Co(NO3)3与Na2CO3通过共沉淀法制备,400 oC焙烧.然后通过简单的沉淀吸附法制备Co3O4负载Au单原子催化剂(Au1/Co3O4),确保Au单原子能够分散于载体的表面.具有原子分辨率的球差校正高分辨电镜照片显示Au原子确实以单原子形式分散于载体上.催化剂在第一个循环中活性并不非常高,但是在第二个循环中活性提高非常明显,可以在室温条件下实现CO全转化.为了弄清楚活性提高的原因,我们用惰性气体(He)、氧化性气体(5%O2/He)以及还原性气体(5%CO/He)对催化剂进行了热处理,但是活性提高并不明显.由此推断催化剂是在第一个循环反应过程中发生了某些变化,导致活性显著提高.空白载体实验表明Co3O4载体本身虽然具有反应活性,但是远不如负载少量Au原子活性高,表明Au原子或Au原子与载体一起起到高活性的作用.稳定性研究表明该催化剂在室温条件下容易失活,但经惰性气体或氧化气体处理后活性可恢复,表明不是结构性失活而是可逆失活,说明单原子非常稳定.

关键词: 单原子催化 , 贵金属 , , 一氧化碳氧化 , 四氧化三钴 , 低温

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