不同状态纯Mg试样在75-200 ℃, 15-40 MPa条件下的蠕变实验表明: 在等同条件下, 铸态试样的晶粒粗大, 蠕变速率较低; 挤压态试样由于动态再结晶, 晶粒变细, 蠕变速率大幅上升; 退火后由于晶粒长大, 蠕变速率又呈下降趋势. 根据应变速率幂指数公式, 铸态纯Mg试样在较低应力时, 应力指数n处于4.3-4.9的范围, 在较高应力时, n>7; 激活能在76.0-89.4 kJ/mol的范围. 根据应力指数和激活能并结合蠕变过程中的组织分析, 纯Mg的蠕变受位错攀移、晶界滑移以及孪生的共同作用, 其中位错攀移和晶界滑移占主导地位.
Dislocation Climb
Grain boundary sliding
Zhichao FAN
In Volume 2/3 of R5 ``An assessment procedure for the high temperature response of structures", the strain based ductility exhaustion method is suggested to calculate the creep damage of stress concentration region, which involves description of creep dwell initial stress, stress drop and creep ductility. Considering lots of uncertainty existed in these assessment, some sensitivity analysis is required in R5 procedure to ensure the conservatism of assessment results. In this paper, laboratory creep-fatigue test data of 316H at 550℃ with different loading conditions are selected as a special case to investigate whether the basic R5 approach is conservative, and the different material data combinations of cyclic stress-strain, creep deformation and creep ductility are used to identify those significant parameters affecting the assessment results. The analytical results indicate that the creep deformation model and creep ductility data are more significant to the results comparing with cyclic stress-strain data. If the upper bound of creep deformation law and lower bound of creep ductility data are used to predict their creep-fatigue lives, the degree of conservatism can be as large as a factor of -300, but if the modified creep deformation model and cast specific ductility data are used, very well prediction results can be gained within a factor of ±2.0 although there is slight non-conservatism.
Xiancheng ZHANG
The creep behavior of the plasma sprayed NiCr and NiCrAl coating/Nickel alloy 690 substrate systems at 1033 K was investigated. Results showed that there was almost no difference in the creep lives between the NiCr and NiCrAl coated specimens at a given stress level, since the contents of Cr used in the NiCr and NiCrAl powders are almost same. The relationship between the minimum creep rate and the applied stress followed the well-known Norton's power law, εmin=Aσn, with the values of A=2.66×10-16 MPa-n•h-1 and n=6.48. The relation between the applied stress and time to rupture of the coated specimens can be estimated by using Larson-Miller equation. The θ projection method can be used to accurately characterize the creep behavior of the coated specimens.
Strength of welded joints of high chromium steels is one of the important concerns for fabricators and operators of ultra supercritical thermal power plants. A number of creep as well as creep-fatigue tests with tensile hold have been carried out on the welded joints of two types of high chromium steels widely used in Japan, i.e. Grade 91 and 122 steels. It was found that failure occurred in fine grain heat-affected zone in all the creep-fatigue tests, even at a relatively low temperature and fairly short time where failure occurred in plain base metal region in simple creep testing. Four procedures were used to predict failure lives and their results were compared with the test results. A newly proposed energy-based approach gave the best estimation of failure life, without respect of the material and temperature.
Ping Han
The microstructure, high strain rate superplasticity and tensile creep behavior of directionally solidified (DS) NiAl-Mo(Hf) alloy have been investigated. The alloy exhibits dendritic structure, where dendritic arm is NiAl phase, interdendritic region is Ni3Al phase, and Mo-rich phase distributes in the NiAl and Ni3Al phases. The alloy exhibits high strain rate superplastic deformation behavior, and the maximum elongation is 104.2% at 1373 K and strain rate of 1.04×10-2 s-1. The balance between strain hardening (by dislocation glide) and strain softening (by dynamic recovery and recrystallization) is responsible for the superplastic deformation. All the creep curves of the DS NiAl-Mo(Hf) alloy have similar shape of a short primary creep and dominant steady creep stages, and the creep strain is great. The possible creep deformation mechanism was also discussed. The creep fracture data follow the Monkman-Grant relationship.
NiAl alloy
Xiaohua ZHANG
Daoxin LIU
Effects of the temperature, slip amplitude, and contact pressure on fretting fatigue (FF) behavior of the Ti811 titanium alloy were investigated using a high frequency fatigue machine and a home-made high temperature apparatus. The fretting fatigue failure mechanism was studied by observing the fretting surface morphology features. The results show that the sensitivity to fretting fatigue is high at both 350 and 500℃. The higher the temperature, the more sensitive to the fretting fatigue failure is. Creep is an important factor that influences the fretting fatigue failure process at elevated temperatures. The fretting fatigue life of the Ti811 alloy does not change in a monotonic way as the slip amplitude and contact pressure increase. This is owing to the fact that the slip amplitude affects the action of fatigue and wear in the fretting process, and the nominal contact pressure affects the distribution and concentration of the stress and the amplitude of fretting slip at the contact surface, and thus further influences the crack initiation probability and the driving force for propagation.
Fretting fatigue (FF)
Zhuangqi HU
Hongwei SONG
Shouren GUO
Wenru SUN
Dezhong LU
IN718 Ni-Fe-base alloy was prepared to study the effects of phosphorus. The results show that phosphorus improves morphology of grain boundary precipitates. Phosphorus has a remarkable beneficial effect on stress-rupture life and creep resistance. Increasing phosphorus in IN718 to 0.02\% causes an increase of the apparent creep activation energy from 678.6 kJ/mol to 746.1 kJ/mol. It has been proposed that the significant beneficial effect of phosphorus mainly arises from the inhibition of diffusion along grain boundary.
IN718 alloy
Chunzhong LIU
Nanoindentation was used to probe softening of the eutectic microstructure in a SnBi/Cu interconnect following thermal aging. Tests were conducted at constant loading rates and under constant loads to characterize the flow stress and creep behavior of the eutectic microstructure. Aging was found to reduce the flow stress but to increase strain-rate sensitivity of the eutectic SnBi microstructure. While the reduction in the flow stress was related to the coarsening of the eutectic microstructure, the increased creep rate sensitivity was resulted from additional contribution of grain boundary movement to indentation creep.
Ping Han
The microstructure, high strain rate superplasticity and tensile creep behavior of directionally solidified (DS) NiAl-Mo(Hf) alloy have been investigated. The alloy exhibits dendritic structure, where dendritic arm is NiAl phase, interdendritic region is Ni3Al phase, and Mo-rich phase distributes in the NiAl and Ni3Al phases. The alloy exhibits high strain rate superplastic deformation behavior, and the maximum elongation is 104.2% at 1373 K and strain rate of 1.04×10-2 s-1. The balance between strain hardening (by dislocation glide) and strain softening (by dynamic recovery and recrystallization) is responsible for the superplastic deformation. All the creep curves of the DS NiAl-Mo(Hf) alloy have similar shape of a short primary creep and dominant steady creep stages, and the creep strain is great. The possible creep deformation mechanism was also discussed. The creep fracture data follow the Monkman-Grant relationship.
NiAl alloy
Guangye ZHANG
Xinghao DU
Jianting GUO
Hengqiang YE
Brittle-to-ductile transition (BDT) behavior and creep behavior of extruded NiAl-25Cr alloy at elevated temperatures were investigated. The results reveal that the alloy exhibits obvious BDT behavior with the increase in temperature and BDT temperature (BDTT) is sensitive to initial strain rate. When the initial strain rate increases by two orders of magnitude, BDTT has an increase of approximate 80 K. The creep data in the temperature range of 1073~1123 K reveal two distinct regions of creep behavior in this material. At lower temperature, the creep characteristics are consistent with structural controlled creep process where creep deformation is controlled by dislocation climb. At higher temperature, the creep characteristics are consistent with mobility-controlled deformation where viscous glide of dislocations controls creep. The apparent activation energy determined by creep in both regions exceeds the value for lattice self-diffusion in NiAl by a considerable amount. This can be explained in terms of the simultaneous deformation of second phase particles (γ'-Ni3Al and α-Cr phase) along NiAl matrix during creep.