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Comparing Properties of Adhesive Bonding, Resistance Spot Welding, and Adhesive Weld Bonding of Coated and Uncoated DP 600 Steel

Fatih Hayat


Zinc coated dual phase 600 steel (DP 600 grade) was investigated, utilisation of which has gradually increased with each passing day in the automotive industry. The adhesive bonding (AB), resistance spot welding (RSW), and adhesive weld bonding (AWB) joints of the zinc coated DP 600 steel were investigated. Additionally, the zinc coating was removed using HCL acid in order to investigate the effect of the coating. The microstructure, tensile shear strengths, and fracture properties of adhesive bonding (AB), resistance spot welding (RSW), and adhesive weld bonding (AWB) joints of the coated and uncoated DP 600 steel were compared. In addition, a mechanical-electrical-thermal coupled model in a finite element analysis environment was utilised. The thermal profile phenomenon was calculated by simulating this process. The results of the tensile shear test indicated that the tensile load bearing capacity (TLBC) values of the coated specimens among the three welding methods were higher than those of the uncoated specimens. Additionally, the tensile strength of the AWB joints of the coated and uncoated specimens was higher than that of the AB and RSW joints. It was determined that the fracture behaviours and the deformation caused were different for the three welding methods.

关键词: advanced high strength steel , DP600 , adhesive weld bonding , microstructure , deformation , fracture

Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Fracture Behaviour of Ship and Dual Phase Steels

Fatih Hayat , Hüseyin Uzun


Grade A (GA) and high strength steel DH36 ship steels possessing different chemical compositions were used, and strength properties of GA steel and DH36 steel were compared. Additionally, 4 types of dual phase (DP) steels with different martensite volume fractions (MVFs) were produced from GA steel by means of heat treatment and they were compared with other steels through conducting microstructure, microhardness, tensile and impact tests. The fracture surfaces of specimens (DH36, GA and DP steels) exposed to tensile and Charpy impact tests were investigated by scanning electron microscope. Furthermore, it was found that the specimens quenched from 800 and 900 ℃ had better strength than DH36 steel. The tensile test results indicated that the tensile strength of DP steel water quenched from 900 ℃ was 3 times that of GA steel and twice that of DH36 steel.

关键词: Grade A ship steel , DH36 ship steel , dual phase steel , martensite , mechanical property , fracture





关键词: X80 , pipeline steel , inclusion , SEM , in-situ observation , crack initiation and propagation , fracture




通过焊接工艺试验研究影响LPG储罐用钢 09MnNiDR焊接接头低温韧性的因素,首先对不同工艺后的焊接接头进行系列低温冲击试验,然后对不同工艺编号的冲击试样断口进行扫描电镜分析,研究了不同焊接工艺下试样断口的组织形貌特征,研究结果表明采用多层多道焊配合以较小的焊接线能量可以有效提高焊缝金属的低温韧性。

关键词: LPG储罐 , 09mnnidr , welded joints , low temperature toughness , fracture



