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Concentration Heterogeneity in Structure of Ni3Al Intermetallic Synthesized under Compression

O.B.Perevalova , M.B.Fedorischeva , V.E.Ovcharenko , Huihe SU


By X-ray analysis, TEM and SEM methods the phase composition, microstructure, and deviation from stoichiometric composition were investigated for the Ni3Al intermetallic compound obtained by cast and self-propagation high-temperature synthesis under compression with followed homogenization anneal, with the Al concentration being 24.0 and 25.0 at. pct with and without B (0.5 at. pct). It was discovered that in SHS intermetallic alloys an average local deviation from stoichiometric composition is significantly more than in the cast alloy. Dependence of the local deviation from the stoichiometric composition on the distance has a zig zag nature at the level of the grain groups. Deviation from the stoichiometric composition at the boundaries of the general type is less than at the boundaries of the special type. When the intensity of boundary migrations of the general type decreases, the degree of deviation from the stoichiometric composition increases. There is correlation between the solubility of B in the crystalline lattice of the Ni3Al phase and the value of the deviation from the stoichiometric composition in the grains. When the B concentration in a solid solution increases, the deviation from stoichiometric composition decreases.

关键词: Ni3Al , null , null , null

Energy of Grain Boundaries of Different Type in fcc Solid Solutions, Ordered Alloys and Intermetallics with L12 Superstructure

O.B.Perevalova , E.V.Konovalova , N.A.Koneva , E.V.Kozlov


The study of the triple junctions of the grain boundaries in some fcc solid solutions, ordered alloys and intermetallics with L12 has been carried out using the optical metallography and TEM methods. Two-types of the triple junctions were found in the alloys investigated (1), consisting of the boundaries of the random (RT), and (2), consisting of the RT boundary and the special boundaries (ST). The relative values of the RT and ST boundary energy were determined on the basis of the measurements of the angles between the grain boundary planes. It has been shown that the energy of ST boundaries increases with the increase of the stacking fault (SF) energy. The energy of the RT boundaries does not depend on the SF energy.

关键词: Alloys , null , null , null



