ZHENG Yunrong RUAN Zhongci Institute of Aeronautical Materials
China ZHENG Yunrong
Senior Engineer
Laboratory No.4 Institute of Aeronautical Materials
In consideration of the envelopment of γ dendrites by the Hf-rich melts at the late period of solidification of the cast Ni-base superalloys containing Hf,a heat of brazing filler alloy composed of Ni-18.6Co-4.5Cr-4.7 W-25.6Hf(wt-%)was prepared.This alloy is hypereutectic.γ phase is the leading phase in eutectic γ+Ni_5Hf and γ bars are surrounded by Ni_5Hf phase.At the section perpendicular or parallel to the γ growing direction,the eutectic morphology is cellular or laminar respectively.The content of Ni_5Hf in the alloy is 68.7v.-%. The compositions of primary and eutectic Ni_5Hf are very similar.Ni,Co and Hf are the main elements and solubility of Cr and W in Ni_5Hf is very low.This alloy is an ideal brazing filler suitable to the directional or single crystal superalloy,and the elements are beneficial to superalloys properties.This filler alloy is of low melting point and of good fluidity.After braz- ing at 1240℃,5 min+1190℃,I h in 10~(-3) Pa vacuum,the microstructure of bond is the same as that of Hf-bearing superalloy.No Si and B contamination is involved.
Ni-Hf brazing alloy