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Elastic Modulus of 304 Stainless Steel Coating by Cold Gas Dynamic Spraying

HAN Wei , MENG Xian-ming , ZHANG Jun-bao , ZHAO Jie


304 stainless steel coating was deposited on the IF steel substrate by cold gas dynamic spraying (CGDS), and the elastic modulus of the 304 stainless steel coating was studied. The elastic modulus of cold sprayed 304 stainless steel coating was measured using the three-point bend testing and the compound beam theory, and the other mechanic parameters (such as the equivalent flexural rigidity and the moment of inertia of area) of the coatings were also calculated using this compound beam theory. It is found that the calculated results using the above methods are accurate and reliable. The elastic modulus value of the cold sprayed 304 stainless steel coating is 1179×105 MPa, and it is slightly lower than the 304 stainless steel plate (about 2×105 MPa). It indicates that the elastic modulus of the cold sprayed coatings was quite different from the comparable bulk materials. The main reason is that the pores and other defects are existed in the coatings, and the elastic modulus of the coatings also depends on varies parameters such as the feed stock particle size, porosity, and processing parameters.

关键词: cold gas dynamic spraying , 304 stainless steel coating , three-point bend testing , compound beam theory , elastic modulus

Effect of Cooling Rate on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of K465 Superalloy

PEI Zhong-ye , HAN Wei , ZHAO Gang , CHEN Xing-fu , LI Jun-tao , TIAN Yan-wen


K465 superalloy, as a material for production of turbine nozzle, shows high mechanical properties as well as microstructure stability in critical and severe service conditions. The alloy gains its appropriate microstructure and strength through solid solution strengthening mechanism. Heat treatment parameters such as: time and temperature of homogenization, partial solution and aging temperatures, and cooling rate from solid solution affect the microstructure of the alloy. Among these parameters cooling rate from solid solution is the most effective. Therefore, in this study the effect of cooling rate on microstructure and mechanical properties (tensile and stress properties) were investigated. For this purpose, three different cooling rates were applied on the cast K465 specimens after solution treatment at 1210℃ for 4 h. Microstructures of the specimens then were studied using optical and electron microscopy. Also, tensile tests were performed at room temperature and stress rupture tests were performed under the condition of 975℃ and 230 MPa. It was found out that with increasing cooling rate the size of the γ' precipitates decreases and the mechanical properties of specimens increases. Also, it was shown that the shape and volume fraction of primary γ' particles are largely influenced by the cooling rate following solution treatment at 1210℃ for 4 h.

关键词: cast superalloy;solution heat treatment;cooling rate;microstructure;mechanical properties



