ZHAO Pu LU Shiying Central Iron and Steel Research Institute
Ministry of Metallurgical Industry
China ZHAO Pu Engineer
Central Iron and Steel Research Institute
Ministry of Metallurgical Industry
The SCC susceptibility of the plastically pre-deformed 18-5-Nb duplex stainless steel to lo- calized corrosion was evaluated in both 25% NaCl+1% K_2Cr_2O_7 and 42% MgCl_2 boiling so- lutions.The y phase in the steel is metastable at room temperature and the γ-α′ martensitic transformation can be induced by cold plastic deformation.With the increase in cold deformation,the volume fraction of α′ martensite increases.Cold plastic deformation results in a remarkable deterioration of SCC resistance of the steel in chloride-containing solutions, resulting from the decrease in corrosion resistance of γ phase in the duplex.It is indicated that, in NaCl solution,the SCC in 18-5-Nb duplex stainless steel initiates at pits and the selective attack on γ phase plays a significant role in the initiation and propagation of SCC.
duplex stainless steel