Shaokang GUAN and Ningfu SHEN(Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering , Zhengzhou University of Technology , Zhengzhou 450002 , China) Yulin GONG(Central China Petroleum and Natural Gas Development Corporation of Henan Province , Zhengzhou 450002 , China)Ha
The microstructure and stability in a rapidly solidified Al-Fe-Nb-Si alloy were studied by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDXS) and X-ray difFraction technique. It is shown that the addition of Nb to Al-Fe-Si alloy may increase undercooling of melt, and form the featureless zone structure, the size of the intercellular phases and the distance betWeen intercellulars of Al-Fe-Nb-Si alloy are two times smaller than that of Al-Fe-V-Si alloy under the same conditions. Further, the microstructure of the featureIess zone has the better thermal stability after annealing at 623 K for 24 h.