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Structure, Fluorescence and Stability of CdS Nanoparticles Prepared in Air

Wei CHEN , Zhaojun LIN , Zhanguo WANG , Yan XU and Lanying LIN (Lab. of Semicond. Mater. Sci. , Institute of Semiconductors , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100083 , China )


CdS nanoparticles were prepared in air and their stability by air annealing was studied. A small change in crystal structure and particle size was observed by air annealing, but a rapid reduction in fluorescence was found. Through investigation, it is revealed that it is the surface change or reconstruction rather than the variation of the size or structure that decreases the fluorescence.The emission of the particles consists with two peaks which are dependent on the excitation energy. The two peaks are considered to be arisen from "two" different sizes of nanoparticles and may be explained in terms of selectively excited photoluminescence. Finally we discuss why the discrete state of nanoparticles are able to be resolved in the photoluminescence excitation spectrum, but could not be differentiated in the absorption spectrum.


Photoluminescence of ZnS Clusters in Zeolite-Y

We CHEN , Zhanguo WANG , Zhaojun LIN , Yan XU and Lanying LIN(Lab. of Semiconductor Materials Sciences , Institute of Semiconductors , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100083 , China)


Two obvious emissions are observed from the ZnS clusters encapsulated in zeolite-Y. The emissionaround 355 nm is sharp and weak, locating at the onset of the absorption edge. The bandaround 535 nm is broad. Strong and Stokes-shifted. Both the two emissions shift to blue andtheir intensities firstly increase then decrease as the loading of ZnS in zeolite-Y or clusters sizedecreases. Through investigation, the former is attributed to the excitonic fluorescence, andthe latter to the trapped luminescence from surface States. The cluster size-dependence of theluminescence may be explained qualitatively by considering both the carrier recombination andthe nonradiative recombination rates. Four peaks appearing in the excitation spectra are assignedto the transitions of 1S-1S, 1S-1P, 1S-1D and sudsce state, respectively. The excitation spectraof the clusters do not coincide with their absorption spectra. The states splitted by quantum-sizeconfinement are detected in the excitation spectra, but could not be differentiated in the opticalabsorption spectra due to inhomogeneous broadening. The size-dependence of the excitationspectra is similar to that of the absorption spectra. Both the excitation spectra of excitonicand of trapped emissions are similar, but change in relative intensity and shift in position areobserved.




