Y.Z. Yang
Y.L. Zhu
Q.S. Li
X.M. Ma
Y.D. Dong and Y.Z. Chuang (Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Guangdong University of Technologyt Guangzhou 510090
China)(Depotment of Materials Science and Engineering
Shanghai University
Shanghai 200072
China)(Institute of Metal Research
The Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shenyang 110015
Nanocrystalline supersaturated solid solutions (Sa in Fe) with Sn content less than 50 at. %,and FeSn2 and Fe1.3Sn intermetallic compounds have been prepared by mechanical alloying of Fe and Sn mixture powders with composition of Fe1-xSnx (x≤0.5).The atomic alloying the formation and microstructure, especially the coordination environments, of the resultant alloys have been studied by X-ray diffraction, 57Fe and 119Sn Mossbauer Spectroscopy and diffrrential scanning calorimetry. The Fe and Sn coordination environments and the composition dependence of the hyperfine parameters on the Fe and Sn content have been fully discussed with respect to the solid dissolution alloying, grain refinement, and distortion caused or induced by mechanical alloying.
mechanical alloying