Wenhui LIU
Yangai LIU
Shoumei XIONG
Baicheng LIU
Casting pressure conditions have great influences on the casting defects, such as gas porosity, shrinkage porosity and gas holes. A Mg cylinder head cover die casting was used to experimentally study the influences of casting pressure, the loading time and the piston position of pressure intensification on the variation of pressure and the quality of casting. The results show that casting pressure, the loading time and the piston position of pressure intensification have great influences on the pressure variations in the mold, the quality and performance of casting. The external quality, the density and the tensile strength of casting were improved with the increase of casting pressure and the piston position of pressure intensification and the decrease of the loading time of pressure intensification.
Magnesium alloy
Jing YU
Qingyan XU
Baicheng LIU
Jiarong LI
Hailong YUAN
Haipeng JIN
The directional solidification process of turbine blade sample castings was investigated in the work. Variable withdrawal rates were used in one withdrawal process and compared with the other using uniform rate. A mathematical model for heat radiation transfer and microstructure simulation of directional solidification process was developed based on CA-FD method. The temperature distribution and microstructure were simulated and compared with the experimental results. The stray grains were predicted and compared with the experimental results. The uneven temperature distribution of platform was the main reason of the formation of stray grains.
Turbine blade casting
Jinwu KANG
Baicheng LIU
Shoumei XIONG
In order to study the thermal stresses at the mushy zone, a three dimensional rheological model [H]-[H|N]-[N|S] including elastic, visco-elastic and visco-plastic elements was established, its algorithm and codes for finite element method were also developed. A FDM/FEM integrated analysis system of thermal stresses was built based on the integration of this procedure with thermal analysis by finite difference method. A steel sample casting with a hot spot was simulated in order to validate this system, and the calculated and experimental results were in good agreement.
Liangrong JIA
Shoumei XIONG
Baicheng LIU
A 3-D mathematical model considering turbulence phenomena has been established based on a computational fluid dynamics technique, so called 3-D SOLA-VOF (Solution Algorithm-Volume of Fluid), to simulate the fluid flow of mold filling process of die casting. In addition, the mathematical model for simulating the heat transfer in die casting process has also been established. The computation program has been developed by the authors with the finite difference method (FDM) recently. As verification, the mold filling process of a S-shaped die casting has been simulated and the simulation results coincide with that of the benchmark test. Finally, as a practical application, the gating design of a motorcycle component was modified by the mold filling simulation and the dies design of another motorcycle component was optimized by the heat transfer simulation. All the optimized designs were verified by the production practice.
Shuyong DONG
Shoumei XIONG
Baicheng LIU
A mathematical model to calculate the size and distribution of microporosities was studied and coupled with a stochastic microstructure evolution model. The model incorporates various solidification phenomena such as grain structure evolution, solidification shrinkage, interdendritic fluid flow and formation and growth of pores during solidification processes. The nucleation and growth of grains were modeled with a cellular automaton method that utilizes the results from a macro scale modeling of the solidification process. Experiments were made to validate the proposed models. The calculated results of aluminum alloy castings agreed with the experimental measurements.
Numerical simulation
Wenzhen LI
Baicheng LIU
Jiarong LI
The effects of metallurgical and processing parameters on the formation of shrinkage cavities and porosities in spheroidal graphite cast iron have been studied, considering the parameters of carbon equivalent, inoculation, casting modulus, mold type (green or dry) and pouring temperature within specific ranges of these variables. Based on the orthogonal experiments, the metallurgical and processing parameters of the minimum casting shrinkage and the maximum casting shrinkage were obtained, and the effects of metallurgical and processing parameters on the formation of shrinkage cavities and porosities in spheroids graphite cast iron castings were discussed. Finally, two regression equations relating these variables to the formation of shrinkage porosity were derived based upon the orthogonal experiments conducted.
Qingyan XU
Weiming FENG
Baicheng LIU
A 3D stochastic modeling was carried out to simulate the dendritic grains during solidification of aluminum alloys, including time-dependent calculations for temperature field, solute redistribution in liquid, curvature of the dendritic tip, and growth anisotropy. The nucleation process was treated by continuous nucleation. A 3D simplified grain shape model was established to represent the equiaxed dendritic grain. Based on the Cellular Automaton method, a grain growth model was proposed to capture the neighbor cells of the nucleated cell. During growing, each grain continues to capture the nearest neighbor cells to form the final shape. When a neighbor cell was captured by other grains, the grain growth along this direction would be stopped. Three-dimensional calculations were performed to simulate the evolution of dendritic grain. In order to verify the modeling results, the predictions were compared with the observation on samples cast in the sand mold and the metal mold.
3D stochastic modeling