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Secondary Hardening, Austenite Grain Coarsening and Surface Decarburization Phenomenon in Nb-Bearing Spring Steel

ZHANG Chao-lei , LIU Ya-zheng , ZHOU Le-yu , JIANG Chao


The secondary hardening, the austenite grain coarsening and the surface decarburization phenomenon of Nb-bearing spring steel were investigated, and the effects of niobium on tempered microstructure was studied using scanning electron microscope. The results show that the micro-addition of niobium increases the tempering resistance and produces secondary hardening. The effect of niobium on the size and distribution of cementite particles is one of the primary reasons to increase the hardness after tempering. The grain-coarsening temperature of the spring steel is raised 150 ℃ due to Nb-addition. Furthermore, both the secondary hardening and the austenite grain coarsening phenomenon congruously demonstrate niobium begins observably dissolving above 1100 ℃ in the spring steel. Besides, niobium microalloying is an effective and economy means to decrease the decarburization sensitivity of the spring steels.

关键词: spring steel , microalloying , secondary hardening , grain coarsening , surface decarburization

Effect of Doping and High-Temperature Annealing on the Structural and Electrical Properties of Zn1-XNiXO(0≤X≤0.15) Powders

Hakan Colak


This paper reported the synthesis, crystal structure and electrical conductivity properties of Ni-doped ZnO powders (i.e. Zn1-XNiXObinary system, X=0, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.0075 and in the range 0.01≤X≤0.15). I-phase samples, which were indexed as single phase with a hexagonal (wurtzite) structure in the Zn1-XNiXObinary system, were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The widest range of the I-phase was determined as 0≤X≤0.03 at 1200°C; above this range the mixed phase was observed. The impurity phase was determined as NiO when compared with standard XRD data, using the PDF program. We focused on single I-phase ZnO samples which were synthesized at 1200°C because of the widest range of solubility limit at this temperature. It was observed that the lattice parameters a and c of the I-phase decreased with Ni doping concentration. The morphology of the I-phase samples was analyzed with a scanning electron microscope. The electrical conductivity of the pure ZnO and single I-phase samples were studied by using the four-probe dc method at temperatures between 100 and 950°C in air atmosphere. The electrical conductivity values of pure ZnO and 3 mol% Ni-doped ZnO samples at 100°C were 2×10-6 and 4.8×10-6Ω-1?cm-1, and at 950°C they were 1.8 and 3.6Ω-1?cm-1, respectively. In other words, electrical conductivity increased with Ni doping concentration.

关键词: II-VI semiconductors

Acoustic emission inspection of Portevin-Le Chatelier effect and deformation mechanisms of two Mg-Li-Al alloys

Journal of Materials Science

In this paper, Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) effect of LA41 magnesium alloy is reported. With increasing strain rate, both ultimate tensile stresses (sigma(b)) and 0.2% proof (sigma(0.2)) stresses increase, while serrations become less severe. Major acoustic emission (AE) peaks appear at the end of elastic region, and transform to burst type signals in the plastic range. In another alloy containing less Li (LA11), serrations are absent and major AE peak values are considerably lowered. Additionally, PLC effect disappears in LA41 after annealing. The role of twins is discussed in details. Actual causes for AE activity during deformation are also proposed.

关键词: tensile deformation;magnesium alloys;bands;az31

Improved Nonlinear Equation Method for Numerical Prediction of Jominy EndQuench Curves

SONG Yuepeng , LIU Guoquan , LIU Shengxin , LIU Jiantao , FENG Chengming


Without considering the effects of alloying interaction on the Jominy endquench curves, the prediction results obtained by YU Baihai′s nonlinear equation method for multialloying steels were different from those experimental ones reported in literature. Some alloying elements have marked influence on Jominy endquench curves of steels. An improved mathematical model for simulating the Jominy endquench curves is proposed by introducing a parameter named alloying interactions equivalent (Le). With the improved model, the Jominy endquench curves of steels so obtained agree very well with the experimental ones.

关键词: Jominy endquench curve;nonlinear equation method;alloying interaction parameter;computer simulation


Physical Review B

In order to understand the unusually large value of zero-field splitting D for the axial Fe3+ center in a KTaO3 crystal, Zhou made two assumptions in his recent report [Phys. Rev. B 42, 917 (1990)]. In this Comment we will show that his assumption II is qualitatively reasonable, whereas assumption I is unnecessary and doubtful.

关键词: electric-field;srcl2

Mathematical Analysis on the Uniqueness of Reverse Algorithm for Measuring Elastic-plastic Properties by Sharp Indentation

Yongli Huang


The reverse analysis provides a convenient method to determine four elastic-plastic parameters through an indentation curve such as Young's modulus E, hardness H, yield strength σy and strain hardening exponent n. In this paper, mathematical analysis on a reverse algorithm from Dao model (Dao et al., Acta Mater., 2001, 49, 3899) was carried out, which thought that only when 20&le;E*0:033&le;26and 0.3<n&le;0.5, the reverse algorithm would yield two solutions of n by dimensionless function Π2. It is shown that, however, there are also two solutions of n when 20&le;E*0:033&le;26 and 0&le;n<0.1. A unique n can be obtained by dimensionless function Π3 instead of Π2 in these two ranges. E and H can be uniquely determined by a full indentation curve, and σy can be determined if n is unique. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis on obtaining n from dimensionless function Π3 or Π22 has been made.

关键词: Elastic-plastic properties , null , null , null , null

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