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Activity Calculation by Application of Sub-Regular Solution Model in Binary Oxide Systems

HOU Yan-qing , XIE Gang , TAO Dong-ping , LI Rong-xing , YU Xiao-hua


To confirm sub-regular solution model valid for predicting the activity of component in binary oxide systems, seven systems in the whole concentration and twelve systems presenting saturation concentration have been studied. The total average relative errors of component 1 and 2 are 3.2% and 4.1% respectively by application of the sub-regular solution model into the systems within the whole concentration. However, the total average relative errors are 16% and 1088% in the systems presenting saturation concentration. The results show that sub-regular solution model is not good for predicting the systems presenting saturation concentration, especially for the systems containing acidic or neutral oxide. The reason may be that the influence of the two types of oxide on the configuration is greater in binary oxide systems. These oxides can be present in the form of complex anion partly, Si-O, Al-O, Ti-O and so on, for example (SiO4)4-. That is contrary to sub-regular solution model which is supposed that the oxide systems consist of cation and O2-. But compared with regular solution model and quasi-regular solution model, sub-regular solution model is closer to the characteristics of actual solution and the calculated results are superior.

关键词: sub-regular solution model , binary oxide system , activity

Activity Calculation in Complex Metallurgical Molten Slag Systems Based on Regular Solution Model

HOU Yan-qing , XIE Gang , TAO Dong-ping , YU Xiao-hua , LI Rong-xing


The activity of FetO is very important in ironmaking and steelmaking process. In order to predict the activity of FetO and optimize the operation conditions in ironmaking and steelmaking process, by application of regular solution model in molten slag systems, FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2 ternary system, FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2-CaO and FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2-NiO quaternary systems have been studied by the chemical equilibrium between H2/H2O gas mixture and liquid slag contained in solid iron. The values of interaction energy between cations concerning steelmaking slags have been determined by application of ferric-ferrous iron equilibrium and iron-ferric iron equilibrium. And then the activity of FetO can be calculated. The results show that the relative error is 39% in FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2 system and 18% in FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2-CaO system. The prediction of activities of FetO in the systems are in good agreement with the measurements and the regular solution model is valid for predicting the activity of FetO in complex molten slags systems. The activity of FetO in FeO-Fe2O3-NiO system have not been tested presently, and the calculated result can not be assessed.

关键词: regular solution model , metallurgical molten slag , activity


Physical Review E

We disagree with the deduction of the equations of motion for the Davydov soliton and of the results in the paper by Jia-Xin Xiao et al. [Phys. Rev. A 44, 8375 (1991)]. The weakness and faults of the Davydov theory are also indicated.

关键词: davydov solitons;vibron solitons;molecules;excitation;system


李玉伟 , 陈继红 , 唐东明 , 张豹山 , 鹿牧 , 陆怀先

功能材料与器件学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4252.2010.02.011

制备了一系列具有铁磁/反铁磁交换偏置作用的[NiO/Fe65Co35]10多层膜,使用振动样品磁强计(VSM)测量了样品的静磁参数,利用微带线法测量了样品4GHz-10GHz的磁谱,首次制备并测得了自然共振频率(fr)在6GHz以上,最高到f=9.6GHz的薄膜样品.结果表明交换偏置场(Hex)、各向异性场(Hua)、以及矫顽力(Hc)随铁磁层厚度(tFM)增大而减小;基于Landau-Lifishitz (L-L)方程对静磁参量和磁谱进行了比较,发现样品自然共振频率较L-L方程计算值偏大30%以上.

关键词: 铁磁 , 反铁磁 , 交换偏置场 , 各向异性场 , 交换耦合能密度 , 自然共振频率

Improved Nonlinear Equation Method for Numerical Prediction of Jominy EndQuench Curves

SONG Yuepeng , LIU Guoquan , LIU Shengxin , LIU Jiantao , FENG Chengming


Without considering the effects of alloying interaction on the Jominy endquench curves, the prediction results obtained by YU Baihai′s nonlinear equation method for multialloying steels were different from those experimental ones reported in literature. Some alloying elements have marked influence on Jominy endquench curves of steels. An improved mathematical model for simulating the Jominy endquench curves is proposed by introducing a parameter named alloying interactions equivalent (Le). With the improved model, the Jominy endquench curves of steels so obtained agree very well with the experimental ones.

关键词: Jominy endquench curve;nonlinear equation method;alloying interaction parameter;computer simulation



N。1Atmospheric Corrosivlty for Steels………………………………………………… .LIANG Caideng HO[I i。-tat(6)Caustic Stress Corrosion Cr。king of Alloy 800 Part 2.The Effect of Thiosul执e……………………………………… KONG De-sheng YANG Wu ZHAO Guo-zheng HUANG De.ltL。ZHANG Yu。。he CHEN She。g-bac(13)SERS slid E16CttOCh6iniC81 Stlldy Of Illhibit1Oli M6ch&tllsth Of ThlollY68 Oil ITOll ID H....


三维晶粒长大速率方程的大尺度Potts模型Monte Carlo仿真验证

王浩 , 刘国权 , 秦湘阁


采用Potts模型Monte Carlo方法对3种现存的三维个体晶粒长大速率拓扑依赖性 方程进行了仿真验证. 结果表明, Rivier速率方程认为晶粒 体积变化率dVf/dt与晶粒面数f成线性关系, 与仿真 结果明显不符, 不适用于描述三维晶粒长大过程的动力 学. 当晶粒面数f≥8时, Yu-Liu速率方程和 MacPherson-Srolovitz速率方程均与仿真结果很好吻合, 表明这两者均可以用来定量描述三维晶粒长大过程的动力学;当 f<8时, 这两个方程均与仿真结果有显著差异.

关键词: 三维晶粒长大 , topology-dependent grain growth rate equation

三维晶粒长大速率方程的大尺度Potts模型Monte Carlo仿真验证

王浩 , 刘国权 , 秦湘阁

金属学报 doi:10.3321/j.issn:0412-1961.2008.01.003

采用Potts模型Monte Carlo方法对3种现存的三维个体晶粒长大速率拓扑依赖性方程进行了仿真验证.结果表明,Rivier速率方程认为晶粒体积变化率dVf/dt与晶粒面数,成线性关系,与仿真结果明显不符,不适用于描述三维晶粒长大过程的动力学.当晶粒面数f≥8时,Yu-Liu速率方程和MacPherson-Srolovitz速率方程均与仿真结果很好吻合,表明这两者均可以用来定量描述三维晶粒长大过程的动力学;当f<8时,这两个方程均与仿真结果有显著差异.

关键词: 三维晶粒长大,拓扑依赖性长大速率方程,Potts模型,Monte Carlo仿真

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