Xiuchun YANG(Dept. of Physical Chemistry
University of Science and Technology Beijing
Beijing 100083
China)Gaorong HAN
Xiabin ZHANG
Piyi DU and Zishang DING(Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering
Zhejiang University
Hangzhou 310027
China)Ze ZHA
Photoluminescence of nanometer SiC powder was found firstly. By TEM, SAED, FTIR and chemical analyses, it is suggested that the quantum confinement effect of nanometer β-SiC be responsible for the blue light and violet emission
Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica
Adsorption of thiourea (TU) and ethylthiourea( ETU) on roughened silver electrode was investigated using in situ surf. enhanced Raman spectroscopy(SERS) Using quantum chemistry and HSAB theories, the influences of electrode potential and the different substituent groups on SERS were disc i. TU is chemisorbed perpendicularly by Ag-S bond on silver at E = -0.3 V and adsorption of TU turns into a parallel orientation at E = -0.9 V. ETU is always chemisorbed at an angle from Ag. The adsorption of ETU is through and C=C and C=O groups at E = -0.3 V, and mainly through C=C at E = -0.9V.
Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy;Adsorption;Quantum chemistry;Thiourea;Inhibitor
Shanthi Subramanian
David Muller
John Silcox and Stephen L.Sass (Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Department of Applied and Engineering Physics
Cornell University
Ithaca. NY 14853)
Local chemistry plays an important role in determining the cohesive strength of grain boundaries in Ni3Al. Doping with B increases the room temperature ductility and changes the fracture mode from intergranular to transgranular, while doping with Zr increases the ductility but leaves the fracture mode predominantly intergranular.Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) were used to probe the changes in local bonding (and hence the cohesive strength) produced by changes in local chemistry at large angle boundaries in Ni3Al.In addition , small angle tilt boundaries were studied to correlate structure with Nienrichment at the interface. B segregation to Ni-rich grain boundaries was shown to make the bonding similar to that of the bulk, thereby increasing their fracture resistance. Ni-enrichment does not occur in the presence of Zr segregation to grain boundaries. Ni-enrichment to antiphase boundaries (APB) in small angle tilt boundaries lowers the APB energy by reducing the number of high energy Al-Al interactions across the interface. Ni-enrichment to large angle boundaries is expected to produce a similar effect on energy.
: grain boundary chemistry
S. X. Wanng
D. S. Zheng
Y. L. Liu 1) Department of Material Engineering
Luoyang Institute of Technology
Luoyang 471039
China 2) Luoyang Copper (Group) Co.
As far as the accuracy of calculating unsteady temperature field is concerned, it is very important to find the accurate physical parameters such as specific heat, thermal conductivity, latent heat of phase transformation and surface heat flux. The model for calculating H and Q is established in this paper. The measurement methods and data processing for physical parameters such as volume specific heat C, thermal conductivity k, volume latent heat of phase transformation c1 and surface heat flux are introduced The physical parameters of 1Cr18Ni9Ti and 45 steels and the surface heat flux for 1 Cr18Ni9Ti probe cooled in water,10% NaCl water and oil with different temperatures are measured, respectively. These data show that the probability of absolute error less than 2* C between the calculated and measured values in temperature field calculation reaches above 80% if using the above physical parameters, which provides a reliable technology basis for precise calculation of temperature field.
unsteady temperature field
L. P. Karjalainen (Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Oulu
Modelling has become a more and more valuable tool in the design, control and development of steel processing. Empirical regression equations, physically based approachs, artificial neural networks and hybrid models are being theied in computer modelling. In all cases, relevant data are necessary, which can be most economically obtained by physical simulation. Physical simulation with a Gleeble simulator has been used in a large number of tasks at the University of Oulu for ten years in cooperotion with the Finnish metals industry. Some examples of these will be described and discussed below, such as the optimization of the recrystallization controlled rolling process, the improvement of the hot strength model for the control of coiling tension and the optimization of continuous strip annealing schedules.Finally,brief remarks will be then on a couple of projects now under way.
physical simulation
Y. H. Li
M. Krzyzanowski
J. H. Beynon and C. M. Sellars IMMPETUS( Institute for Microstructural and Mechanical Process Engineering: The University of Sheffield
Sheffield SI 3JD
In the last few years,substantial experimental simulation and mumerical modelling hare been carried out in IMMPETUS to characterise the interfacial heat transfer and friction conditions during hot forging and rolling of steels. Emphasis has been placed on the influence of the oxide scale which forms on the steel workpiece. In the present paper, the experimental methods used for investigating interfacial heat transfer and friction conditions are described. Theses include hot flat rolling of steel slabs and hot axi- symmetric forging of steel cylinders and rings.Temperature measurements and computations demon- strate that for similar conditions, similar conditions, the effective interfacial heat transfer coefficients (IHTC) derived for hot rolling are significantly higher than those for forging, mainly due to the contribution of scale cracking during rolling. On the basis of experimental observations and numerical analysis,physical models for interfacial heat transfer in forging and rolling have been established. In addition, hot" sandwich" rolling and hot tensile tests with finite element modelling have been carried out to evaluate the hot ductility of the oxide scale.The results indicate that the defomation, cracking and decohesion behaviour of the oxide scale depend on deformation temperature, strain and relative strengths of the scale layer and scale - steel interface.Finaly, friction results from hot ring compression tests and from hot rolling with forward/backward slip measurements are reported.
interfacial heat transfer
Y. Daiand C.W.Nan National Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing
Wuhan University ofTechnology
Wuhan 430070
Al NMRand quantum chemistry calculation have been used to study thestructureof γ Al2O3 and AlON. The NMRspectra arecharacterized bythree distinctresonance peaksat114 , 66 and 12 , corresponding to 〔AlN4〕,〔AlO4〕and 〔AlO6〕respectively. The uantum chemistrycalculationsshowqd thatthe models with vacancieslocated at octahedralsitein B block are morestablethanthose with vacancieslocated attetrahedralsitein A blockforboth of γ Al2 O3 and AlON. In AlON, nitrogen atoms preferentially replace oxygen atoms in〔AlO4〕tetrahedrons, and the model with 〔AlN4〕is morestablethan that with 〔AlO4 xNx〕(x= 1 ,2 and 3) and 〔AlO6 - yNy〕(y= 1 ,2 ,3 and 4) , which isin agreement with theexperimental analysisby NMR.
Al2 O3 and AlON