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Intergranular Fatigue Cracking Behaviour in Aluminium

LIU Wei , WANG Zhongguang , XIA Yuebo Institute of Matal Research , Academia Sinica , Shenyang , China.


In order to understand the basic mechanism of intergranular cracking in pure metals during fatigue, stress-controlled push-pull fatigue tests were carried out with high purity aluminium. Tests were interrupted frequently so as to study the grain boundary (GB) cracking behaviour by the surface observation. The results show that crack initiation at GB was a process controlled by multi-factors, such as boundary structure, GB-slip interaction, GB sliding and so on. If these factors are varied so that the incompati- bility at a GB increased, the possibility of cyacking at the boundary will be raised. Some inteygranular cracking phenomena are not able to be explained by the GB stepping mechanism.

关键词: intergranular crack , null , null , null , null

MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF SiC_w/6061Al COMPOSITE The Author is now with Institute of Metal Research,Academia Sinica,China

MA Zongyi YAO Zhongkai Harbin Institute of Technology , Harbin , China


The SiC_w/Al composite prepared by squeeze casting has a combination of superior room temperature specific strength and modulus together with excellent thermal properties.The extrusion can make an improvement on the strength and ductility of the composite from 582 MPa as squeeze casted up to 639 MPa,and on the transformation from isotropic to the anisotropic structure.This seems to be explained by the orientation of whiskers and the densification of dislocations in matrix.TEM observation indicates that the stacking fault is the usual planar defect on the SiC_w surface. composite;;SiC whisker;;Al alloy;;microstructure

关键词: composite , null , null , null

Review On Research And Development Of Magnesium Alloys

Z. Yang , J.P. Li , J.X. Zhang , G.W.Lorimer , J. Robson , null , null , null , null


The current research and development of magnesium alloys is summarized. Several aspects of magnesium alloys are described: cast Mg alloy, wrought Mg alloy, and novel processing. The subjects are discussed individually and recommendations for further study are listed in the final section.

关键词: Magnesium alloys , null , null

Introduction to atmospheric corrosion research in China

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials

In this paper, we introduce the research on atmospheric corrosion in China. We describe the climate characteristics and the classification of atmospheric corrosivity across the whole country. We also describe the rusting evolution under simulated wet/dry cyclic conditions. (C) 2007 NIMS and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: atmospheric corrosion;corrosivity;rusting evolution;weathering steels;rust;mechanism;so2;o-3;no2


WADSWORTH Jeffrey and FLUSS Michael(Chemistry and Materials Science Directorate , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory , Livermore , CA 94551)


The role of the National Laboratories is summarized from the era of post World War II to the present time. The U.S. federal government policy for the National Laboratories and its influence on their materials science infrastructure is reviewed with respect to .determining overall research strategies, various initiatives to interact with industry (especially in recent years),building facilities that serve the nation, and developing leading edge research in the materials sciences. Despite reductions in support for research in the U.S. in recent years, and uncertainties regarding the specific policies for Research &Development (R&D) in the U.S., there are strong roles for materials research at the National Laboratories. These roles will be centered on the abilities of the National Laboratories to field multidisciplinary teams, the use of unique cutting edge facilities, a focus on areas of strength within each of the labs,increased teaming and partnerships, and the selection of motivated research areas. It is hoped that such teaming opportunities will include new alliances with China, in a manner similar, perhaps, to those recently achieved between the U.S. and other countries.

关键词: : U.S. Materials Science. U.S. National Laboratories and Facilities , null

Recent developments in high temperature intermetallics research in China


A comprehensive survey was made of various advances of intermetallics research in China. The investigation focussed on the fundamental research and materials development. Charge density distribution and site occupancy of alloying elements, environmental embrittlement and chemical reaction, interface structures and phase transformation at the atomic scale, nanocrystalline intermetallics and its thermal stability, superplastic behavior and anomalous yield strength peak are reviewed. Several Ti-Al and Ni-Al based alloys have been manufactured, and show good mechanical properties. Diverse components have been fabricated successfully. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: aluminides, miscellaneous;hydrogen embrittlement;mechanical properties;at high temperatures;superplastic behavior;phase interfaces;grain-boundary fracture;in-situ composites;environmental;embrittlement;hydrogen embrittlement;ni3al;compression;alloys;co3ti;boron;feal

Thermo electrochemistry and its application to metallurgical research

Zheng FANG , Quanru ZHANG , Hengzhong ZHANG , Yuan FANG


The thermoelectrochemistry (TEC), a novel cross discipline, is presented, including the basic equations for a cell and a half-cell reaction, the treatment of experimental data and its application to electro-generative leaching of mineral and to measuring thermodynamic and kinetic data of an electrode reaction. The TEC technology will play an important part in the research on the metallurgical process under various fields.


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