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X.G. Cao , J.L. Huang


Rapidly quenching embrittlement (RQE) sometimes appears in Fe73.5 Cu1 Nb3Si13.5B9nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloy (FINEMET) during production process. As a re-sult of RQE the ductility of the as-quenched ribbon drops seriously. The mechanism ofRQE has been elucidated in the recent works of current authors. It was believed thatRQE is due to the structural relaxation but not related to α-Fe(Si) crystallization. Inthis paper, the high resolution TEM (HRTEM) method and image digital processingwere applied to analyze the HRTEM images of two FINEMET rapidly quenched rib-bons with different thicknesses in detail. In the thinner ductile sample, the orderingdomains with the size of about 3nm are observed. In the thicker RQE sample, themetastable nanocrystalline domains with the size are 18nm are observed along with thestructural relaxation. These domains seem to have Fe3B-like metastable phase struc-ture on nanometer scale. The result indicates that the local atomic ordering regionsextend when RQE induced by structural relaxation occurs.

关键词: HRTEM , null , null , null , null

Investigations of the g factors of Fe+ in MgO and CaO

Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences

The g factors of Fe+ in MgO and CaO are theoretically investigated by the perturbation formula of the g factor of a V ion in cubic octahedral symmetry based on the cluster approach. By considering the partial quenching of the spin-orbit coupling interaction and the effective Lande factor due to the dynamic Jahn-Teller effect (DJTE), the experimental g factors of the studied systems are reasonably interpreted. It can be suggested that the small g factors of the Fe+ centers in MgO and CaO can be likely attributed to the DJTE, rather than the covalency effect within the scheme of the static crystal-field model.

关键词: electron paramagnetic resonance;crystal- and ligand-field theory;Fe+;MgO;CaO;atomic screening constants;electron spin resonance;paramagnetic-resonance;orbit interaction;scf functions;crystals;spectra;oxide;co2+

Theoretical studies of the g factors for Co2+ in MgO and CaO crystals

Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences

This paper presents a cluster approach to the calculation of the g factors for 3d(7) ions in cubic octahedral crystals, in which the parameters related to the configuration interaction and the covalency reduction effects are obtained from optical spectra of the studied crystals, and so no adjustable parameters are applied. From the approach, the g factors for MgO:Co2+ and CaO:Co2+ are calculated. The calculated results show good agreement with the observed values. The experimental values of g < 4.333 (the first order value in absence of configuration and covalency interactions) for MgO:Co2+ and g > 4.333 for CaO:Co2+ are also explained.

关键词: electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR);crystal-field theory;Co2+ ion;MgO;CaO

Complete ligand-field calculations of energy spectrum and g factor of CaO : Ni2+ and their pressure-induced shifts

Communications in Theoretical Physics

The calculations of the whole energy spectrum and the g factor of the ground state for CaO:Ni2+ at normal pressure and their pressure-induced shifts have been carried out on the basis of the theory of pressure-induced shifts and the diagonalization of the complete dg energy matrix in a regular octahedral field. The calculated results are in very good agreement with experimental data. The physical essentials of the pressure-induced shifts of typical levels and g factor for the ground state have been revealed by using the wavefunctions and energy spectra at various pressures.

关键词: high pressure;ligand field;energy spectra;optical properties;electronic spin resonance



冶金分析 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-7571.2003.06.021


关键词: X射线荧光光谱法 , 转炉渣 , CaO , MgO , SiO2


樊传刚 , 徐兰 , 严解荣 , 朱义文 , 于洋 , 李家茂

耐火材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-1935.2007.02.007

首先以电熔ZrO2为主原料,以碱式碳酸镁和CaCO3为稳定剂,经混合、成型和预烧(1 550 ℃ 3 h)后,制成(MgO)0.1-x(CaO)x(ZrO2)0.9系列陶瓷粉体(x值分别取0、0.01、0.02、0.03、0.04、0.05、0.1);然后将预烧后试样破碎、筛分成0.1~0.074 mm的粗粒级颗粒和<0.055 mm的细粒级颗粒,分别按单一细颗粒和粗颗粒与细颗粒混合(粗、细颗粒质量比为1∶1)两种方案进行坯体配料,经1 550 ℃ 5 h 烧成后制成(MgO)0.1-x(CaO)x(ZrO2)0.9系列陶瓷试样,研究了稳定剂组成的相对变化对试样的相组成、体积密度、力学性能与抗热震性能的影响.结果表明:(1)在稳定剂MgO、CaO总量10%(摩尔分数)不变的情况下,试样中立方相含量随着CaO量(即x值)增加而增加;当x=0.01时,陶瓷中单斜相与立方相含量之比为21,此时陶瓷具有较高的常温抗折强度和较为理想的抗热震性(1 100 ℃水急冷5次后未出现裂纹),而且其抗热震性受陶瓷材料致密度的影响程度较小.(2)在陶瓷粉体中增加粗粒级配料,可有效降低ZrO2陶瓷试样的致密度,提高试样的抗热震性能,但其抗折强度也随之下降.

关键词: ZrO2陶瓷 , 部分稳定氧化锆(PSZ) , 复合稳定剂 , 相组成 , 力学性能 , 抗热震性

CaO在CaCl2和等摩尔CaCl2-X(X=NaCl, BaCl2,LiCl)熔盐中的阴极行为

王淑兰 , 王伟 , 王川华 , 张丽君


采用循环伏安方法研究了1173 K时CaCl2-0.5%CaO (摩尔分数)和 等摩尔CaCl2-X-0.5%CaO(X=NaCl, BaCl2, LiCl) 熔盐中CaO在Mo电极上的阴极行为.研究结果表明,CaCl2与CaO电离的Ca2+具有不同的离子结构和还原电势, 在1173K时其还原峰电势分别为-2.15和-1.51 V.等摩尔混合熔盐CaCl2-x-0.5%CaO (x=NaCl, BaCl2)中,CaO诱发电解质产生低电位沉积, 降低了混合熔盐的电化学稳定性.通过阴极扫描电流峰密度与 扫描速率的关系, 计算出1173K时CaO电离的Ca2+在CaCl2-0.5%CaO,等摩尔的CaCl2-NaCl-0.5%CaO,CaCl2-BaCl2-0.5%CaO和CaCl2-LiCl--0.5%CaO熔盐中的扩散系数,分别为6.42×10-5, 1.56×10-5,1.20×10-5和 6.79×10-5cm2/s.



王淑兰 , 王伟 , 王川华 , 张丽君

金属学报 doi:10.3321/j.issn:0412-1961.2008.06.018

采用循环伏安方法研究了1173 K时CaCl2-0.5%CaO(摩尔分数)和等摩尔CaCl2-X-0.5%CaO(X=NaCl,BaCl2,LiCl)熔盐中CaO在Mo电极上的阴极行为.研究结果表明,CaCl2与CaO电离的Ca计具有不同的离子结构和还原电势,在1173 K时其还原峰电势分别为-2.15和-1.51 V.等摩尔混合熔盐CaCl2-x-0.5%CaO(x=NaCl,BaCl2)中,CaO诱发电解质产生低电位沉积,降低了混合熔盐的电化学稳定性.通过阴极扫描电流峰密度与扫描速率的关系,计算出1173 K时CaO电离的Ca2+在CaCl2-0.5%CaO,等摩尔的CaCl2-NaCl-0.5%CaO,CaCl2-BaCl2-0.5%CaO和CaCl2-LiCl-0.5%CaO熔盐中的扩散系数,分别为6.42×10-5,1.56×10-5,1.20×10-5和6.79×10-5 cm2/s.

关键词: 循环伏安 , CaO , CaCl2 , 熔盐 , 还原电势



冶金分析 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-7571.2004.z1.064


关键词: X荧光光谱法 , 压片 , 基体校正


常玉文 , 李永忠 , 汪鄂东

冶金分析 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-7571.2001.02.015

试样用硼酸镶边衬底压片,以铑靶的瑞利散射线强度为内标,X射线 荧光光谱法测定石灰石中的CaO、MgO和SiO2,取得满意的结果。

关键词: X射线荧光光谱法 , 石灰石 , CaO , MgO , SiO2

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