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Z. Li , G. D. Wang , X. H. Liu and C. Y. Ma The State Key Lab. of Rolling Technology and Automation , Northeastern Univarsity , Shenyang 110006 China


The continuous cooling transformation of hot deformation austenite austenite of test steel and the effect of different processing schedules of controlled rolling and controlled cooling on the strength and ductility have been studied. The theory and the experiment base are presented for controlled rolling and controlled cooling of the SBL micro alloyed engineering steel.

关键词: micro alloyed engineering steel , null , null , null

Corrosion of Y, Fe and Fe-15Y in H-2-H2S mixture under 10(-3) Pa S-2 at 600 similar to 800 degrees C


The corrosion of an Fe-based alloy containing 15 wt pet Y in H-2-H2S mixtures under 10(-3) Pa S-2 was studied at 600 similar to 800 degrees C in an attempt to find materials with improved sulphidation resistance with respect to pure Fe. The presence of Y has been shown to be beneficial, but not sufficient to the level expected. In fact, the alloy is able to form at all tested temperatures an external FeS layer, beneath which a zone containing a mixture of the two sulphides is also present. Thus, Fe can still diffuse through this region to form the outer FeS layer with non-negligible rate. The corrosion rate of Fe is considerably reduced by the Y addition, but the alloy corrodes still much more rapidly than Y. The sulphidation kinetics is generally rather irregular for both the pure metals, while the corrosion rate of the alloy decreases with time and tends to become parabolic after an initial period of 12 similar to 17 h. The sulphidation behaviour of the alloys is discussed by taking into account the presence of an intermetallic compound Fe17Y2 and the limited solubility of Y in Fe.

关键词: high-temperature sulfidation;most-reactive component;ni-nb alloys;h2-h2s mixtures;behavior;600-degrees-c-800-degrees-c;oxidation


郑树起 , 闵光辉 , 邹增大 , 王效志 , 韩建德


系统研究了利用La2O3和B4C粉制备LaB6粉末的反应合成工艺.La2O3-B4C系反应热力学分析表明反应产物的气体分压对LaB6的形成有重要影响,减小气体分压可以明显降低LaB6的合成温度,结合DTA测定结果,确定了LaB6粉末的合成温度.利用X射线衍射分析了不同温度和保温时间条件下所生成粉末的相组成,并分别用扫描电镜和化学分析方法分析了所生成LaB6粉末的颗粒尺寸、形貌及纯度.实验结果表明,La2O3-B4C系制备LaB6粉末的优化工艺是真空度133 Pa,1673 K保温2.5 h,所合成的LaB6粉末颗粒比较规整,大多呈近似圆球形,平均直径3μm,纯度达98.2%.

关键词: La2O3 , null , null , null , null


郑树起 , 闵光辉 , 邹增大 , 王效志 , 韩建德

金属学报 doi:10.3321/j.issn:0412-1961.2001.04.018

系统研究了利用La2O3和B4C粉制备LaB6粉末的反应合成工艺.La2O3-B4C系反应热力学分析表明反应产物的气体分压对LaB6的形成有重要影响,减小气体分压可以明显降低LaB6的合成温度,结合DTA测定结果,确定了LaB6粉末的合成温度.利用X射线衍射分析了不同温度和保温时间条件下所生成粉末的相组成,并分别用扫描电镜和化学分析方法分析了所生成LaB6粉末的颗粒尺寸、形貌及纯度.实验结果表明,La2O3-B4C系制备LaB6粉末的优化工艺是真空度133 Pa,1673 K保温2.5 h,所合成的LaB6粉末颗粒比较规整,大多呈近似圆球形,平均直径3μm,纯度达98.2%.

关键词: La2O3 , B4C , 反应 , 合成 , LaB6

Prospects for Variable Gauge Rolling: Technology, Theory and Application

LIU Xianghua


Rolling of gauge changeable (RGC) is a new technology to produce flat with different thickness (FDT), which could be used to replace conventional flat products in order to save metals and reduce structure weight. This paper introduced the method of RGC, investigated new problems in rolling theory of RGC, proposed the new formulas for caluclating parameters of RGC, and described some results of numerical simulation by FEM. As example, the products applications of FDT in bridge construction, ship building and auto manufacturing were presented. Finally the prospect for RGC and FDT was discussed.

关键词: variable gauge rolling;longitudinal profile plate;tailor rolled blank

Research on Deformation, Texture and Properties of IF Steel in Multiple Rolling Technology

Jinxia LI , Xianghua LIU , Guodong WANG


The relationships among the deformation, texture and deep drawing properties of IF steel were investigated. By adopting double cold rolling (DCR) technology, the deep drawing property has been developed evidently. With the aid of orientation distribution function (ODF) analysis, it was found that the main reason for good property is the counterbalance in intensity of the ideal texture component {111}<011> and {111}<112>.

关键词: Texture , null , null , null


J.X. Li , X.H. Liu , G.D. Wang


Two kinds of cold rolling experiments, single cold rolling and double cold rolling, werecarried out on one titanium stabilized interstitial free (IF) steel that has been warmrolled at ferrite temperature. The main aim was to investigate the evolution of rollingand annealing textures from the well known behavior observed under single cold rollingcondition to the less understood double cold rolling by using orientation distributionfunction (ODF). In the twice cold rolled samples, the annealing texture comprises onlyfirst round of rolling. Accordingly both the once cold rolled sample and the twice coldrolled sample with heavy reduction in the first round of rolling have much complextexture components. They are related to the formation of initial {111} subgrain andthe priority growth of stable {111} nucleus.

关键词: double rolling , null , null , null , null

Microstructure evolution during reheating of extruded Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy into semisolid state

Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China

The microstructure evolution of an extruded Mg-8.57Gd-3.72Y-0.54Zr (mass fraction, %, GW94) alloy during reheating into the semisolid state was investigated using optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Typical semisolid microstructure with globular solid particles distributed in the liquid matrix is obtained over 600 C. The solid content of (Gd+Y) in the primary alpha-Mg particles decreases with increasing the semisolid temperature. With the prolongation of isothermal holding time, the liquid fraction does not change significantly, while the grains grow up and spheroidize. Three methods used to determine the liquid fraction as a function of temperature, namely quantitative metallography on quenched microstructures, cooling curve thermal analysis, and thermodynamic calculations were further compared.

关键词: semisolid;Mg-Gd-Y alloy;partial remelting;microstructural evolution;magnesium alloy;fraction;system

Study of properties of mixed ferro-ferrimagnetic ising compounds with (A(x)B(1-x))(y)C

Communications in Theoretical Physics

The magnetic properties of the mixed ferro-ferrimagnetic compounds with (A(x)B(1-x))(y)C-z where A(z) B-z and C are three different magnetic ions and form three different sublattices, are studied by using the standard mean-field theory. The phase diagram which is related to experimental work of molecule-based ferro-ferrimagnet ((NixMn1-xII)-Mn-II)(1.5)[Cr-III(CN)(6)].zH(2)O is obtained. The magnetization curves(z) internal energy(z) and specific heat of the same mixed (A(x)B(1-x))(y)C system are also investigated.

关键词: mixed ferro-ferrimagnet;Ising model;phase diagram;internal energy;specific heat;mean-field analysis;magnetic-properties;prussian blue;alloy

Corrosion of Y, Fe and Fe-15Y in H_2-H_2S Mixture under 10~(-3) Pa S_2 at 600~800℃

Yan NIU , Weitao WU and Chaoliu ZENG (State Key Lab. for Corrosion and Protection , Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang 110015 , China)F. Gesmundo and F. Viani (Instituto di Chimica , Facolta di Ingegneria , Un


The corrosion of an Fe-based alloy containing 15 wt pct Y in H2-H2S mixtures under 10-3 Pa S2 was studied at 600~800℃ in an attempt to find materials with improved sulphidation resistance with respect to pure Fe. The presence of Y has been shown to be beneflcial, but not sufficient to the level expected. In fact, the alloy is able to form at all tested temperatures an external FeS layer, beneath which a zone containing a mixture of the two sulphides is also present. Thus,Fe can still diffuse through this region to form the outer FeS layer with non-negligible rate. The corrosion rate of Fe is considerably reduced by the Y addition. but the alloy corrodes still much more rapidly than Y. The sulphidation kinetics is generally rather irregular for both the pure metals, while the corrosion rate of the alloy decreases with time and tends to become parabolic after an initial period of 12~17 h. The sulphidation behaviour of the alloys is discussed by taking into account the presence of an intermetallic compound Fe17Y2 and the limited solubility of Y in Fe


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