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Research on the Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb automobile exhaust valve formed in permanent mold during centrifugal casting process

Wenbin SHENG , Dong LI , Rui YANG , Yuyin LIU , Jingjie GUO , Jun JIA


Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb automobile exhaust valves were formed with permanent mold centrifugal cast method and their surface layer structure, microstructure, elements distribution and mechanical properties were analyzed by SEM, XRD and EMPA etc. Furthermore, the HIPped valves were tested on 483Q diesel engine. Results showed that the element distribution of TiAl based alloy exhaust valves was uniform and their microstructure was refined. The typical mechanical properties of HiPped exhaust valves were sigma (b)=670 MPa, sigma (0.2)=527.5 MPa and delta =3%. Engine test showed that the valves had excellent airtightness and wear resistance properties and satisfied the requirements of engine successfully.


Forming mechanism of gaseous defect in Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb exhaust valves formed with permanent mold centrifugal casting method

Wenbin SHENG , Jingjie GUO , Yanqing SU , Hongsheng DING , Jun JIA


A method combining theoretical analysis with experiment is adopted and the flowing process of Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb alloy melt poured in a permanent mould during the centrifugal casting process has been analyzed. A mathematical model of the filling process is established and the forming mechanism of internal gaseous defect is summarized. The results of calculation show that the melt fills the mould with varying cross-section area and inclined angle. The filling speed of the cross-section is a function of filling time. The cross-section area is directly proportional to the filling speed and the inclined angle is inversely proportional to the filling speed at a given rotating speed of the platform. Both of them changes more obvious near the mould entrance. The gaseous defect can be formed in several ways and the centrifugal field has an important influence on the formation of the defect. In addition, the filling process in centrifugal field has been verified by wax experiments and the theoretical analysis are consistent with experimental results.




N。1Atmospheric Corrosivlty for Steels………………………………………………… .LIANG Caideng HO[I i。-tat(6)Caustic Stress Corrosion Cr。king of Alloy 800 Part 2.The Effect of Thiosul执e……………………………………… KONG De-sheng YANG Wu ZHAO Guo-zheng HUANG De.ltL。ZHANG Yu。。he CHEN She。g-bac(13)SERS slid E16CttOCh6iniC81 Stlldy Of Illhibit1Oli M6ch&tllsth Of ThlollY68 Oil ITOll ID H....


Hardness of T-carbon: Density functional theory calculations

Physical Review B

We reconsider and interpret the mechanical properties of the recently proposed allotrope of carbon, T-carbon [Sheng et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 155703 (2011)], using density functional theory in combination with different empirical hardness models. In contrast with the early estimation based on Gao et al.'s model, which attributes to T-carbon a high Vickers hardness of 61 GPa comparable to that of superhard cubic boron nitride (c-BN), we find that T-carbon is not a superhard material, since its Vickers hardness does not exceed 10 GPa. Besides providing clear evidence for the absence of superhardness in T-carbon, we discuss the physical reasons behind the failure of Gao et al.'s and Simunek and Vackar's (SV) models in predicting the hardness of T-carbon, residing in their improper treatment of the highly anisotropic distribution of quasi-sp(3)-like C-C hybrids. A possible remedy for the Gao et al. and SV models based on the concept of the superatom is suggested, which indeed yields a Vickers hardness of about 8 GPa.

关键词: superhard rhenium diboride;elastic-constants;ambient-pressure;metal;borides;crystals;diamond;search;boron



