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Effect of Basicity and Alumina-Silica Ratio on Formation of Silico-Ferrite of Calcium and Aluminum

ZHANG Fang , AN Sheng-li , LUO Guo-ping , WANG Yi-ci


Abstract: Baivumebo iron ore is special magnetite containing fluorine, kalium and sodium elements, and the main raw material for ironmaking of Baotou Iron and Steel (Group) Co. The effects of basicity and ratio of Al2O3 to SiO2 (A/S) on the formation of silico-ferrite of calcium and aluminium (SFCA) in Baivumebo low silica sinters were studied by means of mini-sintering, XPF-500 optical mineralogical microscope and CSS-88000 electronic universal testing machine. The results show that it is beneficial to the formation of complex calcium ferrite to enhance the basicity of Baivumebo low silica sinters. The acicular SFCA-I was increased with the enhancing basicity and reached the peak at basicity 28, then the columnar or platy SFCA formed and the bonding strength decreased. Alumina is beneficial to the formation of acicular complex calcium ferrite in Baivumebo low silica sinters. But the residual unfused Al2O3 reagent came into being when A/S was 035, while complex calcium ferrite still remained to be acicular. There is a common rule about mineralogy components affected by basicity and ratio of A/S, that is, SFCA is increasing accompanied with hematite and porosity reduced, but the content of glass phase is stable.

关键词: Key words: Baivumebo iron concentrates , Baivumebo low silica sinter , SFCA , basicity , alumina-silica ratio

Formation Characteristics of Calcium Ferrite in Low Silicon Sinter

WANG Yi-ci , ZHANG Jian-liang , ZHANG Fang , LUO Guo-ping


Influence of sintering temperature, basicity and MgO content on the formation characteristics of calcium ferrite in low silicon sinter of Baotou Iron and Steel Company was studied by means of mini-sintering test and mineralographic microscope analysis. In addition, the suitable sintering parameters such as temperature and basicity were explored. The results found that optimum temperature for the formation of calcium ferrite is 1280 ℃, the basicity of 25-28 is helpful to the development of acicular or columnar calcium ferrite, and MgO content in the low silicon sintering raw materials should be lower than 28% because MgO can intensively inhibit the formation of calcium ferrite. And calcium ferrite in the sinter belongs to calcium ferrite with low calcium, which is different from that in ordinary sinter at home and abroad. So, it provided theoretical basis for promoting formation of calcium ferrite in low silicon sinter and improving properties of sinter.

关键词: low silicon sinter , formation characteristics , calcium ferrite , sintering temperature , basicity


王丽 , 吴希文 , 张晨鼎 , 张通 , 简丽 , 武朝军 , 周涛

稀土 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-0277.1999.02.003


关键词: 相平衡 , 碘化钇 , 乌洛托品氢碘酸盐 , 配合物

Two-step magnetization in a spin-chain system on the triangular lattice: Wang-Landau simulation

Physical Review B

The Wang-Landau algorithm is used to study the thermodynamic and magnetic properties of triangular spin-chain system based on two-dimensional Ising model in order to understand the magnetic-order dynamics in Ca(3)Co(2)O(6) compound. The calculated results demonstrate that the equilibrium state of the rigid spins produces the two-step magnetization curve at low temperature even when the random-exchange term is considered. This work indicates that the four-step magnetization behavior observed experimentally must be due to the nonequilibrium magnetization.

关键词: calcium compounds;exchange interactions (electron);Ising model;magnetisation;thermodynamics;one-dimensional ca3co2o6;density-of-states;compound ca3co2o6;phase-diagram;proteins;crystal


李丽 , 郑世钧 , 孟令鹏



关键词: 稀土 , 稀土卟啉配合物 , INDO/CI计算方法 , 电子结构与光谱


李耀威 , 古国榜


研究了以SnCl2为活化试剂用N-正丁基异辛酰胺(BiOA)从Rh-Sn-CI体系中萃取Rh的性能及机制.结果表明:溶液中未添加SnCl2时,Rh几乎不能被萃取,Rh的萃取率随着溶液中CSh/CRh的值增大而增大,当溶液中CSn/CRh摩尔比达到6以上,CHCI浓度为3 mol·L-1时,用1.5 mol·L-1 TBP-正辛烷体系萃取Rh,经过3min的萃取平衡,Rh的萃取率可达到99%.BiOA和TBP对Rh有协同萃取效应,研究表明萃取反应是以酸性离子缔合机制进行.

关键词: , 溶剂萃取 , N-正丁基异辛酰胺 , 二氯化锡


于秀娟 , 杨莉莎 , 程修文



关键词: 二氧化钛 , 氮氯共掺杂 , 可见光 , 光催化 , 苯酚

Dendritic Deposition of NH_4CI Crystals with Free Surface as Simulations of Surface Solidification of Materials

Junming LIU Zhiguo LIU Zhuangchun WU National Lab.of Solid State Microstructures , Nanjing University , Nanjing 210008 , China


As a simulation of surface solidification of materials,quasi-two dimensional dendritic deposition of ammonium chloride(NH_4Cl)crystals from an aqueous solution film with free surface by vapourization was investigated by the in- situ observation technique.The depositing morphologies of NH_4Cl crystals are faceted and of growth laws differing from the three-dimensional case.Under low supersaturation,faceted dendrites formed,whereas the anisotropy in growth kinetics decreases with the increase of supersaturation.When vapourizing rate(supersaturation)is not very low, oscillations of growth rate.tip-radius and second arm spacing of the dendrites were observed.It is suggested that this dynamic phenomenon is attributed to the correlation between the convection-transfer effect induced by the surface tension gradient of solution film.and the driving force for deposition.

关键词: surface deposition , null , null , null


吕战鹏 , 陈俊明



关键词: Fe/Na_2SO_4腐蚀 , Effect of magnetic field , Effect of Cl-


王瑞玉 , 李忠 , 郑华艳 , 谢克昌



关键词: 甲醇 , 氧化羰基化 , 碳酸二甲酯 , 碱式氯化铜 , 负载型催化剂 , 活性炭

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