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B.Z. Li1) , Y.P. Song1) , K.U. Kainer2) , H. Zhang3) , J.P.Xie1) and R.Xiang4) 1) Department of Materials Engineering , Luoyang Institute of Technology , Luoyang 471039 , China2) Institute of Material Science and Technology , TU Clausthal , D 38678 Clausthal Zellerfeld , Germany 3) Institute of Mechanicaland Electrical Engineering , Zengzhou University , Zengzhou 450052 , China 4) Luoyang Steeland Iron Group Corp , Luoyang 471023 , China


Theinvestigation of physicometallurgicalphenomena forthe CC formingof WCP/ Fe Ccom posites wasperformed. Resultsshow that underthe patentcondition, WCP/ Fe Ccomposite surfacelayerof16 20 m m heavycross sectioncan beacquiredintheoutsideofa hollow cylin der. The surface of CTC particlescould be partially dissolved by Fe containing melt. Thefineshortstick like WCcrystallitesarein situseparated neartothesurfaceof CTC particles.Far from the CTC particles,someseparated, finetungsten carbidecrystallitesand Fe, W,Mo and Cretc. containing web composite carbides, are distributed on the matrix of WCP/ Fe Ccomposite. Fe Calloy matrix of the hollow composite cylinder is alloyed in differenthigh levels.

关键词: physicometallurgical phenomena , null , null


李佩 , 周世平 , 刘少斌 , 刘绍虎 , 陈丽华 , 王健

贵金属 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-0676.2010.03.003

采用轧制复合法制备AgCuNi/TU1复合带材,使用EDS能谱仪分析不同退火条件下复合界面元素的扩散情况,利用两端不受扩散影响的扩散偶模型和Arrenius关系计算退火温度在550~750℃下Ag在TU1中的扩散系数、扩散常数与扩散激活能.结果显示:退火温度在550~750℃之间,分钟级退火时间下(退火时间<5 min),AgCuNi/TU1复合界面主要发生表面原子扩散,且扩散系数和扩散常数在同一数量级,而扩散激活能有明显差别.

关键词: 金属材料 , 复合材料 , 扩散系数 , 扩散常数 , 扩散激活能


乔勋 , 王健 , 周世平 , 贺晓燕 , 李林修

贵金属 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-0676.2009.02.002

用室温固相轧制复合法制备了AgCuCe/TU1层状复合材料,研究了不同扩散退火工艺对AgCuCe/TU1界面结合性能的影响,测定了复合材料复层和基体的硬度,观察了试样的界面微观组织.结果表明:600 ℃/0.5 h扩散退火可以改善界面结合状态和界面附近组织形貌,获得充分的再结晶组织和致密的界面结合状态;700 ℃/0.5 h扩散退火在界面处形成细晶区和孔洞;750 ℃/0.5 h扩散退火使AgCuCe/TU1在界面处形成氧化物夹杂,严重损害界面结合性能.

关键词: 金属材料 , 复合材料 , 扩散退火 , 界面 , 显微组织


何晓英 , 邓海英 , 李容

腐蚀学报(英文) doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-6495.2005.04.007

采用交流阻抗法和极化曲线法研究了溴代十六烷基吡啶(CPB)和硫脲(TU)在复配前后对X70钢在H2SO3溶液中的缓蚀作用.研究发现:H2SO3的浓度为10 mmol/L、pH=3.7的HAc-NaAc缓冲体系中,溴代十六烷基吡啶(CPB)与硫脲(TU)的缓蚀率随着浓度的增加而增加,溴代十六烷基吡啶(CPB)的浓度达到5×10-6kg/L时的缓蚀性能最佳,而硫脲(TU)的浓度达到50×10-6kg/L时的缓蚀性能最佳.复配实验结果表明:当缓蚀剂的总浓度为25×10-6kg/L,溴代十六烷基吡啶(CPB)和硫脲(TU)复配质量浓度比为1:1时缓蚀效果最好.

关键词: 溴代十六烷基吡啶 , 硫脲 , 协同缓蚀 , X70钢 , 电化学阻抗谱


刘少斌 , 王健 , 李佩 , 顾彬 , 卫思璇 , 周世平

贵金属 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-0676.2010.02.009


关键词: 复合材料 , 轧制道次变形量 , 残余应力 , 侧弯度


徐海娟 , 谢刚 , 袁靖淞 , 魏无际


用乙二胺(EDA)和硫脲(TU)为原料制备缓蚀剂EDA-TU,优化了EDA-TU的合成条件.采用黏度法和红外光谱对合成产物的分子结构进行了表征.采用静态失重法和极化曲线法研究了其在氨法脱硫循环浆液中对Q235钢的缓蚀作用.结果表明:最佳的合成条件为合成温度80℃,反应时间4h,此时反应物的转化率最高;在氨法脱硫液中该缓蚀剂的用量为100 mg/L时,对Q235碳钢的缓蚀率可达75.16%;电化学分析表明该缓蚀剂对Q235碳钢的缓蚀作用是基于对阳极反应的抑制.

关键词: 乙二胺 , 缓蚀剂 , 氨法脱硫浆液 , 碳钢


王雷明 , 钟义兵 , 朱小明 , 夏元复



关键词: 穆斯堡尔谱学 , auger electron spsctroscopy , carbon steel , oxidized film

Influence of Iron Microstructure on Corrosion Inhibitor Performance in Acidic Media

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Electrochemical measurements employing ac and dc techniques as well as atomic force microscopy were used to study the electrochemical corrosion behavior of ingot iron with two different microstructures: conventional polycrystalline ingot iron (CPII) and bulk nanocrystalline ingot iron (BNII) fabricated from CPII by severe rolling, without and with inhibitors. The corrosive media was 0.1 M H(2)SO(4) solution, while thiourea (TU) was employed as inhibitor, with a concentration of 5.0 mM, as well as a 1:1 combination of TU and KI. Impedance and polarization results show that BNII was more susceptible to corrosion in the uninhibited acid. The presence of TU improved the corrosion resistance of both specimens comparably, while KI reduced the inhibition efficiency of TU. Infrared spectrophotometry revealed that the interfacial species for CPII and BNII in the presence of TU were quite identical and markedly different from that in TU + KI. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to illustrate the adsorption process of TU at a molecular level, and the theoretical predictions showed good agreement with the electrochemical results.

关键词: nanocrystalline ingot iron;universal force-field;mild-steel corrosion;sulfuric-acid;electrochemical corrosion;sulfate-solution;behavior;thiourea;derivatives;molecules

Corrosion inhibition and adsorption behavior of imidazoline salt on N80 carbon steel in CO(2)-saturated solutions and its synergism with thiourea

Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry

The inhibition and adsorption behavior of 2-undecyl-1-sodium ethanoate-imidazoline salt (2M2) and thiourea (TU) on N80 mild steel in CO(2)-saturated 3 wt.% NaCl solutions was studied at 25 A degrees C, pH 4, and 1 bar CO(2) partial pressure using electrochemical methods. It was found that inhibition efficiency (eta%) increased with increase in 2M2 concentration but decreased with increase in TU concentration with optimum eta% value at 20 mg l(-1) TU. The data suggest that the compounds functioned via a mixed-inhibitor mechanism. The inhibition process is attributed to the formation of an adsorbed film of 2M2 and TU via the inhibitors polycentric adsorption sites on the metal surface which protects the metal against corrosion. A synergistic effect was observed between TU and 2M2. Potential of unpolarizability, E (u), was observed in the presence of 100 mg l(-1) TU which was shifted positively in the presence of 2M2-100 mg l(-1) TU blends, which suggests that the presence of 2M2 stabilized the adsorption of TU molecules on the surface of the metal. The adsorption characteristics of 2M2 were approximated by Langmuir adsorption isotherm.

关键词: Adsorption;CO(2) corrosion;Imidazoline;Mild steel;Synergism;Thiourea;impedance spectroscopy eis;sulfuric-acid-solution;m hcl solutions;mild-steel;dioxide corrosion;benzimidazole derivatives;anodic-dissolution;chloride solutions;h2so4 solutions;iodide-ions


邓祖宇 , 何晓英


采用极化曲线法和电化学阻抗谱研究了缓蚀剂硫脲(TU)对X70钢在含H2S薄层液膜下的缓蚀作用.结果表明,在含H2S薄层液膜下,TU对X70钢有一定的缓蚀作用;TU属于以抑制阴极过程为主的缓蚀剂,TU的缓蚀性能随其浓度的增加而增加,当TU浓度为10 mg/L时达到最大值;TU浓度进一步增加,缓蚀率减小.TU在X70钢表面为化学吸附,通过氮或硫原子上的孤对电子与表面铁发生键合而化学吸附在钢表面,从而对X70钢产生缓蚀作用.

关键词: 硫脲 , X70钢 , 薄层液膜 , 极化曲线 , 电化学阻抗谱

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