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Microstructure Characterization and Mechanical Properties of FGH 95 Turbine Blade Retainers

TAO Yu , JIA Jian , LIU Jiantao


FGH 95 is a powder metallurgy (P/M) processed superalloy, which was developed in the 1980s in China. One of the applications of FGH 95 was for high pressure turbine blade retainers. The manufacturing processes used to produce FGH 95 blade retainers consisted of atomization by plasma rotating electrode process (PREP), hot isostatic pressing (HIP) at super-solvus temperature and a heat treatment with sub-solvus solution. The material had an equiaxed grain structure (ASTM 6.5-7.5). The γ' precipitates in As-HIP FGH 95 showed a tri-model distribution. Carbides in the alloy were type of MC and precipitated at grain boundaries. The prior particle boundaries (PPB) in the material were found to originated mainly from γ' phase. Statistics of the mechanical properties data from batch production of the FGH 95 blade retainers were investigated. The As-HIP FGH 95 blade retainers showed high strength at room temperature and 650℃, excellent creep resistance and outstanding stress rupture strength at 650℃.

关键词: FGH95;As-HIP;P/M superalloy;blade retainer;microstructure;mechanical property


王耀 , 李成山 , 于泽铭 , 冯建情 , 金利华 , 王辉 , 张平祥


研究CSD技术制备La3TaO7 (LTO)缓冲层过程中前驱液的热分解行为以及热处理工艺对薄膜取向生长的影响,通过选取恰当的LTO前驱液以及快速升温热处理的方法最终获得了良好c轴织构的LTO薄膜.

关键词: 涂层导体 , 缓冲层 , 化学溶液沉积


刘文鹏 , 张庆礼 , 杨华军 , 周鹏宇 , 孙敦陆 , 高进云 , 谷长江 , 罗建乔 , 王迪 , 殷绍唐

量子电子学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5461.2011.02.018

采用固相反应法制备了Bi3+、Eu3+、Tb3+掺杂的Lu3TaO7.测量了样品的X射线衍射谱、激发和发射光谱及荧光衰减曲线.三种离子掺杂的Lu3TaO7均呈现出强的荧光发射,其中Bi3+具有峰位在431 nm处的一强发射宽带,衰减寿命为16.8μs,Eu3+、Tb3+则表现出稀土离子的特征锐发射峰,衰减寿命分别为1.26 ms和1.20 ms.因此,它们均是具有潜在应用前景的重闪烁体材料.

关键词: 材料 , 闪烁体 , Lu3TaO7 , 发光


季振国 , 周荣福 , 毛启楠 , 霍丽娟 , 曹虹

无机材料学报 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1077.2009.09217

利用反应磁控溅射法制备了半导体锡锑氧化物薄膜 (TAO). 根据霍尔效应测试结果,当Sn/Sb 原子比处于0.22~0.33范围内时,TAO薄膜是p型导电的,在此范围之外,TAO薄膜是n型导电的. 光学带隙测量结果表明,不同Sn/Sb比的TAO薄膜的禁带宽度基本相同(~3.9eV).构造了一个全透明的PN结,其中n区为Sn/Sb原子比为0.5的TAO薄膜, p区为Sn/Sb原子比为0.33的TAO薄膜.n区TAO的电极用铟锡氧化物(ITO),p区TAO的电极用Cu薄膜.实验结果表明,由于两种导电类型的TAO薄膜具有相同的禁带宽度,上述透明PN结构具有典型的准同质PN结的整流特性.

关键词: 透明半导体薄膜 , antimony-tin oxide , PN junction


季振国 , 周荣福 , 毛启楠 , 霍丽娟 , 曹虹

无机材料学报 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1077.2009.09217

利用反应磁控溅射法制备了半导体锡锑氧化物薄膜 (TAO). 根据霍尔效应测试结果,当Sn/Sb 原子比处于0.22~0.33范围内时,TAO薄膜是p型导电的,在此范围之外,TAO薄膜是n型导电的. 光学带隙测量结果表明,不同Sn/Sb比的TAO薄膜的禁带宽度基本相同(~3.9eV).构造了一个全透明的PN结,其中n区为Sn/Sb原子比为0.5的TAO薄膜, p区为Sn/Sb原子比为0.33的TAO薄膜.n区TAO的电极用铟锡氧化物(ITO),p区TAO的电极用Cu薄膜.实验结果表明,由于两种导电类型的TAO薄膜具有相同的禁带宽度,上述透明PN结构具有典型的准同质PN结的整流特性.

关键词: 透明半导体薄膜 , 锡锑氧化物 , PN结

Improved Nonlinear Equation Method for Numerical Prediction of Jominy EndQuench Curves

SONG Yuepeng , LIU Guoquan , LIU Shengxin , LIU Jiantao , FENG Chengming


Without considering the effects of alloying interaction on the Jominy endquench curves, the prediction results obtained by YU Baihai′s nonlinear equation method for multialloying steels were different from those experimental ones reported in literature. Some alloying elements have marked influence on Jominy endquench curves of steels. An improved mathematical model for simulating the Jominy endquench curves is proposed by introducing a parameter named alloying interactions equivalent (Le). With the improved model, the Jominy endquench curves of steels so obtained agree very well with the experimental ones.

关键词: Jominy endquench curve;nonlinear equation method;alloying interaction parameter;computer simulation



N。1Atmospheric Corrosivlty for Steels………………………………………………… .LIANG Caideng HO[I i。-tat(6)Caustic Stress Corrosion Cr。king of Alloy 800 Part 2.The Effect of Thiosul执e……………………………………… KONG De-sheng YANG Wu ZHAO Guo-zheng HUANG De.ltL。ZHANG Yu。。he CHEN She。g-bac(13)SERS slid E16CttOCh6iniC81 Stlldy Of Illhibit1Oli M6ch&tllsth Of ThlollY68 Oil ITOll ID H....


Correctness and completeness of the theory of bio-energy transport Reply to the comments on "The theory of bio-energy transport in the protein molecules and its properties"

Physics of Life Reviews

Commentaries by Philip W.T. Pong, Nongyue He, S.D. Liang, Tao Song, Yuri Gaididei and Sergey Volkov and Alexander Y. Grosberg on my review article (Pang, 2011 [1]) are answered. The validity of Davydov's mechanism of bio-energy transport, the completeness of theory, outstanding problems, the normalization and validity of wave function of the system in Pang' model as well as other related problems are elucidated in detail. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: biological temperature;3 channels;soliton;model

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