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Effects of TMCP Parameters on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hot Rolled Economical Dual Phase Steel in CSP

TAN Wen , HAN Bin , WANG Shui-ze , YANG Yi , ZHANG Chao , ZHANG Yong-kun


Effects of chemical compositions, finish rolling temperature, isothermal temperature on runout table and coiling temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of economical dual phase steel produced on CSP line were investigated. Experimental results showed that martensite volume fraction could be enhanced and banding microstructure could be reduced by controlling Mn, Si contents and applying proper finish rolling temperature. Optimized processing-parameters were obtained for DP580 production on CSP line of Wuhan Iron and Steel (group) Co (WISCO) in China. Optimal microstructure and mechanical properties could be achieved when the strip was finished rolling at the range of 790 to 830 ℃, isothermally holding at 680 to 740 ℃ and coiling below 250 ℃.

关键词: economical dual phase steel , mechanical property , banding microstructure , processing-parameter

Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Microstructure During CMn and HSLA Plate Rolling

TAN Wen , LIU Zhenyu , WU Di , WANG Guodong


An artificial neural network (ANN) model for predicting transformed microstructure in conventional rolling process and thermomechanical controlled process (TMCP) is proposed. The model uses austenite grain size and retained strain, which can be calculated by using microstructure evolution models, together with a measured cooling rate and chemical compositions as inputs and the ferrite grain size and ferrite fraction as outputs. The predicted results show that the model can predict the transformed microstructure which is in good agreement with the measured one, and it is better than the empirical equations. Also, the effect of the alloying elements on transformed products has been analyzed by using the model. The tendency is the same as that in the reported articles. The model can be used further for the optimization of processing parameters, microstructure and properties in TMCP.

关键词: artificial neural network;TMCP;microstructure;ferrite grain size

立方 TaN纳米粉的制备

类伟巍 , 沈龙海 , 刘丹 , 李雪飞 , 彭刚 , 崔启良 , 邹广田

无机材料学报 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1077.2007.00400

采用直流电弧法使金属钽和氮气直接反应制备出了TaN纳米粉.利用XRD、XPS、TEM等测试方法对所制备的TaN纳米粉进行了表征.结果表明: 所制备的纳米粉为单一的立方相TaN, 纳米颗粒的平均粒度为5~10nm.实验中还发现氮气的气压对制备纯立方相TaN具有关键性作用, 并讨论了立方相TaN的形成机理.

关键词: 立方相TaN , nanocrystallites , dc arc discharge method


类伟巍 , 沈龙海 , 刘丹 , 李雪飞 , 彭刚 , 崔启良 , 邹广田

无机材料学报 doi:10.3321/j.issn:1000-324X.2007.03.004


关键词: 立方相TaN , 纳米粉 , 直流电弧法

Microstructural study on multilayer FeTaN/TaN (5) films

Materials Letters

The microstructure of [FeTaN/TaN](5) multilayer films has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM) in cross section and plan view. Each layer shows a small surface roughening less than 1 nm. The FeTaN layers are composed of b.c.c. Fe with Ta incorporated substitutionally and N interstitially, denoted as Fe(Ta,N); while the TaN layers mainly consist of f.c.c. TaN phase. A [110] texture of Fe(Ta,N) has been formed in the FeTaN layers. The columnar grain structure is a typical feature in FeTaN layers. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: microstructure;thin films;magnetic materials;transmission electron;microscopy (TEM);sputtering;fetan thin-films;magnetic-properties;recording-heads;tantalum;nitride;temperature

High temperature naphthenic acid corrosion of steel in high TAN refining media

Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials

Purpose - This paper aims to study the corrosion behavior of carbon steel and stainless steel in white oil with naphthenic acid under high temperature. Design/methodology/approach - The weight-loss method and surface analysis were used to study the corrosion behavior of steel in white oil with naphthenic acid. Findings - Naphthenic acids corrosion rates were directly related to experimental temperature, immersion time and total acid number (TAN). The activation energy was calculated and the process kinetics could be represented by Arrhenius-type equation. The relationship between the isothermal line in liquid phase and that in vapor phase at different TAN values had a significant distinction with the change of temperature. Originality/value - The findings have important implications for assessing the corrosivity of crude oils with high TAN value from various resources.

关键词: Corrosion;Stainless steel;Oils;Acids;refineries


俞春福 , 徐久军 , 黑祖昆

腐蚀与防护 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-748X.2004.03.005

电化学原子力显微镜(ECAFM)可以在液体环境下工作,能原位观察电极反应过程中的腐蚀界面形貌.文章介绍利用ECAFM从纳米空间分辨度上原位研究离子束增强沉积TaN膜在0.4mol/L HCl溶液中的局部腐蚀早期过程,结果发现,表面形貌为颗粒状结构的TaN膜在0.4mol/L HCl中进行阳极极化时,颗粒结构的微观顶峰优先溶解,导致颗粒高度降低,边界扩大蔓延,使膜层表面趋于平整化.

关键词: 电化学原子力显微镜 , TaN , 原位 , 腐蚀


赵海阔 , 雒向东

量子电子学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5461.2009.01.018

采用磁控溅射方法在Si(111)基底上沉积不同调制周期的Cu/TaN多层膜,用X射线衍射仪(XRD)与原子力显微镜(AFM)表征薄膜微结构与表面形貌,研究了不同调制周期L薄膜的微结构与表面形貌.结果表明:不同L的TaN调制层均为非晶结构,多晶Cu调制层的晶粒取向组成随着L改变而变化; Cu调制层的表面粗糙度Rrms.大于TaN调制层的Rrms;与Cu单层膜相比,最外层为Cu调制层的Cu/TaN多层膜的Rrms较小;与TaN单层膜相比,最外层为TaN调制层的Cu/TaN多层膜的/Rrms较大;随着L增加,多层膜与对应的单层膜之间的兄Rrms差值逐渐减小.

关键词: 光电子学 , Cu/TaN , 多层膜 , 调制周期 , 表面形貌


高亮 , 杨建广 , 陈胜龙 , 杨济豪 , 吴玉山



关键词: PVD , MOCVD , ALD , TaN薄膜 , 前驱体


蒋洪川 , 向阳 , 王超杰 , 莫绍毅 , 雷云 , 张万里



关键词: TaN薄膜 , 退火 , 微结构 , 方阻

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