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Characteristics and Nature of Metal Fog in Molten Salts

QIU Zhuxian FAN Liman K.Grjotheim H.Kvande Northeast University of Technology , Shenyang , 110006 , China.University of Oslo , Norway.


In this paper are reported the characteristics and nature of metal fog in molten cryolite-alumina mixtures on the basis of laboratory experiments and quantum chemistry studies.The metal fog is the finely divided metal particles in the molten salts, and it dissolves partly in the molten cryolite to form atomic clusters,such as(Al_nNa_m)~(x+) type.

关键词: metal fog , null , null


陆安慧 , 郑经堂 , 王茂章 , 樊彦贞

新型炭材料 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-8827.2000.01.005

ACFs的吸附性能主要取决于比表面积和孔隙结构,在不同相对压力下的吸附行为对应不同的孔隙结构.在一定范围内微孔是决定吸附能力大小的重要因素.以N2吸附等温线为依据,采用H-K法考察了不同比表面积ACFs在微观结构以及吸附性能上的差异.采用BET法计算比表面积,Hovath-Kawazoe方程表征微结构.研究表明ACFs含有大量的小于0.7 nm的极微孔,这些极微孔对吸附等温线的贡献较大,并且在吸附过程中赋予ACFs分子筛特性.同时发现随着ACFs比表面积的增加极微孔的分布相应变宽.

关键词: 表面积 , 吸附等温线 , 极微孔 , 孔分布

The crossover from parallel shift to fan-shape broadening of the superconducting transition of La(1.44)Nd(0.4)Sr(0.16)CuO(4) films in magnetic fields

Superconductor Science & Technology

In this paper we report the transport properties of c-axis-oriented superconducting La(1.44)Nd(0.4)Sr(0.16)CuO(4) films on LaSrAlO(4) substrates with different thicknesses in various magnetic fields parallel and perpendicular to the c axis of the films. It is found that with decreasing film thickness there is a crossover from the parallel shift to fan-shape broadening in the resistive transitions. Moreover, for both field configurations, the flux pinning potential U(0)(H) of the film shifts upward with an order of magnitude with increasing in-plane compressive strain. These results indicate that the compressive epitaxial strain and strain-induced destabilization of the static charge stripes are important aspects for the promotion of superconducting transition temperature as well as the flux pinning potential.

关键词: high-temperature superconductors;crystal thin-films;flux motion;la2-xsrxcuo4;strain;insulator;dependence;behavior

Dendritic coarsening of gamma ' phase in a directionally solidified superalloy during 24,000h of exposure at 1173 K

Materials Characterization

Dendritic coarsening of gamma' was investigated in a directionally solidified Ni-base superalloy during exposure at 1173 K for 24,000 h. Chemical homogeneity along different directions and residual internal strain in the experimental superalloy were measured by electronic probe microanalysis (EPMA) and electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) technique. It was indicated that the gradient of element distribution was anisotropic and the inner strain between dendrite core and interdendritic regions was different even after 24,000 h of exposure at 1173 K, which influenced the kinetics for the dendrite coarsening of gamma' phase. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

关键词: Superalloy;Coarsening;Exposure;Segregation;ni-base superalloy;evolution;field


罗将 , 潘世烈 , 韩健


采用室温溶液法生长K2CaB8O26H24晶体,并得到尺寸为11mm×6 mm×5 mm的单晶.该晶体属于正交晶系,P212121空间群,晶胞参数为a=1.15520(2)nm,b=1.24751(3)nm,c=1.65768(4)nm.红外光谱测量证实晶体结构中含有BO33-和BO54-基团.透过光谱表明K2CaB8O26H24晶体紫外吸收边在200nm左右.K2CaBsO26H24晶体粉末倍频效应(SHG)测试表明该化合物具有倍频效应,信号强度约为KH2PO4晶体的0.3倍.

关键词: 室温溶液法 , K2CaB8O26H24 , 倍频

Titanium technology in the USA - an overview

D.Eylon , S.R.Seagle


The state of Ti research, development and industry is reviewed in this article. The fifty-year anniversary of Ti technology commercialization in the USA provides an opportunity for a historical perspective. Incorporation of "information-age" tools into alloy development, processing, and production invigorates the technology. Consolidation, diversification and globalization have been transforming the Ti industry in the recent years.


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