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Possible Phenomena of Stochastic Behaviour of Shear Deformed Aluminum

S.V.Alekseev S.G , Psakhie V.E.Panin Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Siberian Branch.Tomsk , 634055 , Russia


The influence of shear deformation on the behaviour of Mg and Zn impurities as well as self-interstitial atoms in Al was studied using molecular dynamics method.The profilies of potential relief were calculated in directions of possible migration of interstitials.It was found that under load- ing the location of interstitial atoms may be undefined.It means that the system of determined parti- cles may go into stochastic regime of behaviour.

关键词: stochastic behaviour , null , null



The present paper summarizes the current status of high resolution elect;on microscopy ( HREM) and the applications of HREM to materials science and condensed matter physics. This review recounts the latest development of high resolution electron microscope, progress of HREM and the applications of HREM, including the crystal structure determination of microcrystalline materials and characterization of the local structure of the defects and nanostructured materials as well as qualitative and quantitative analysis of the grain boundaries, interfaces and interfacial reactions in the advanced materials by means of HREM in combination with electron diffraction, subnanometer level analysis, image simulation and image processing.

关键词: juxtaposed pentagonal antiprisms;two-dimensional quasicrystal;domain;boundary structures;close-packed phases;nanocrystalline materials;crystal-structure;copper oxidation;initial-stage;translational;symmetry;rotational symmetry

Current Status of High Resolution Electron Microscopy and Its Applications to Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics

Douxing LI and Hengqiang YE (Laboratory of Atomic imaging of Solids , Institute of Metal Research , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang , 110015 , China)


The present paper summarizes the current status of high resolution electron microscopy (HREM)and the applications of HREM to materials science and condensed matter physics. This review recounts the latest development of high resolution electron microscope, progress of HREM and the applications of HREM, including the crystal structure determination of microcrystalline materials and characterization of the local structure of the defects and nanostructured materials as well as qualitative and quantitative analysis of the grain boundaries, interfaces and interfacial reactions in the advanced materials by means of HREM in combination with electron diffraction,subnanometer level analysis, image simulation and image processing.


Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion,The Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510070,China

B.W. Wang , H. Shen


Ni-Cr System solar selective thin solid films were prepared by d.c. magnetron reactivesputtering under the atmosphere of O2 and N2. Ni-Cr alloy was chosen as targetmaterial and copper sheets as substrate. Using SEM, Spectrophotometer and Talystepto analyze the relations between the selective characteristic and the structure, theformation and the thickness of the thin films. The aim is to obtain good solar selectivethin films with high absorptance and low emittance, which is applied to flat plate solarheat collectors.

关键词: solar selective thin film , null , null , null

Stereology in Materials Science

LIU Guoquan Department of Materials Science and Engineering , University of Science and Technology Beijing , 100083 , China.


Quantitative analysis of populations having a geometric structure,which has developed into a special scientific subject called microstructology or stereology,is of great importance to the characterization and evaluation of microstructures and their evolution in various processes.This paper, besides a brief discussion on those topics such as the recent developments of computer assisted image analysis,mathematical morphology,and fractal analysis,will mainly focus on the scope,fundamen- tals,present status,and perspectives of classical stereology.Several case examples of its application to materials science will also be given.

关键词: stereology , null , null , null

Developing carbon materials targeted for applications-A summary on the annual world conference on carbon, Carbon2011


The 2011 Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2011) was held in Shanghai, China, during 24-29 July, 2011. This conference was hosted jointly by East China University of Science and Technology, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, and Institute of Coal Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences. About 800 attendees from 42 countries/regions participated in this conference, and 797 papers were accepted for presentation, including 5 plenary lectures, 42 keynote lectures, 280 oral presentations, and 470 posters, involving 10 topics: graphene; nanocarbon, carbon for energy storage and conversion, porous carbon and adsorption, carbon fiber and composites, precursor/carbonization and graphitization, computation and modeling, bio-carbon and safety, novel experimental techniques and characterization, bulk carbon and industrial applications. Research and development of nanocarbons are quite active and in particular, graphene received tremendous interest. Rapid progress has also been made on the electrochemical properties, energy conversion and energy storage applications of carbon materials.


Dependence of strength, elongation, and toughness on grain size in metallic structural materials

Journal of Applied Physics

The dependence of yield strength, uniform elongation, and toughness on grain size in metallic structural materials was discussed. The toughness is defined as the product of yield strength and uniform elongation. The yield strength versus grain size can be well described by the Hall-Petch relation; however, the uniform elongation versus grain size is not well understood yet. A simple model involving the densities of geometrically necessary dislocations and statistically stored dislocations was proposed to estimate the uniform elongation versus grain size. Existing data for low carbon steels and aluminum indicate that, in the grain size less than 1 mu m, the materials usually exhibit high strength and low uniform elongation and, in the grain size greater than 10 mu m, the materials usually exhibit low strength and high elongation; in either case the toughness is low. However, in the grain size of several micrometers, the toughness is the highest. It is suggested that we should pay more attention to develop the metallic materials with grain size of several micrometers for structural applications. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.

关键词: nanocrystalline copper;nanostructured metal;steels;deformation;ductility;law


WADSWORTH Jeffrey and FLUSS Michael(Chemistry and Materials Science Directorate , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory , Livermore , CA 94551)


The role of the National Laboratories is summarized from the era of post World War II to the present time. The U.S. federal government policy for the National Laboratories and its influence on their materials science infrastructure is reviewed with respect to .determining overall research strategies, various initiatives to interact with industry (especially in recent years),building facilities that serve the nation, and developing leading edge research in the materials sciences. Despite reductions in support for research in the U.S. in recent years, and uncertainties regarding the specific policies for Research &Development (R&D) in the U.S., there are strong roles for materials research at the National Laboratories. These roles will be centered on the abilities of the National Laboratories to field multidisciplinary teams, the use of unique cutting edge facilities, a focus on areas of strength within each of the labs,increased teaming and partnerships, and the selection of motivated research areas. It is hoped that such teaming opportunities will include new alliances with China, in a manner similar, perhaps, to those recently achieved between the U.S. and other countries.

关键词: : U.S. Materials Science. U.S. National Laboratories and Facilities , null

Approximate means for evaluating tensile strength of high porosity materials

Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China

Based on the simplified structure model of high porosity materials, the formulas for approximately evaluating the tensile strength of these materials have been derived from the corresponding deductions taken by means of the relative theories about geometry and mechanics. The results show that, the tensile strength of these materials not only associates with the material sort and production method, but do further have a direct value relationship with the porosity, theta. This value relationship can be specifically expressed by the power of the item (1 - theta), and it makes the tensile strength variation display a complicated nonlinear law with the porosity. In addition, the application of those formulas has been investigated with the corresponding experiment on a nickel foam.

关键词: high porosity material;tensile strength;evaluation

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