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梁晓亮 , 王波 , 孙洵 , 顾庆天 , 丁建旭 , 许心光



关键词: KDP晶体 , 晶体生长 , 柱面扩展


MENG Liang ZHANG Baochang LIANG Ying ZHANG Weizhong TIAN Puke Northwestern Polytechnical University , Xi'an , China


The crack propagation resistance for alloy 8090 sheet decreases with the increase of content of Na and K impurities.An improvement over the fracture toughness and crack initiation resist- ance for the alloy containing Na and K within certain limit may be made by adding 0.05% Ce.This beneficial modification would not be manifested if the alloy contained more Na and K.One of the reasons why Na and K injure the toughness of the alloy might be due to that they cause the precipitation of T_1 phase along grain and subgrain boundaries and accelerate the abnormal growth of recystallized grains.

关键词: alloy 8090 , null , null , null , null


邵忠宝 , 赵敬棋


研究了Na2SO3的除氧效果,讨论了pH值、Ca和Mg 离 子浓度、催化剂Co(NO3)2的浓度对Na2SO3除氧效果的影响.实验结果表明:在无催 化剂存在的情况下,Na2SO3的除氧率最高仅达到90%.Ca、Mg离子浓度对Na2SO3的 除氧效果有一定的抑制作用,使除氧率降低约4%~6%.催化剂Co(NO3)2的引入,能够明 显地提高Na2SO3的除氧率,降低Na2SO3的用量,当Na2SO3加入量过剩约5.0 mg /L,催化剂Co(NO3)2的加入量为1.5 mg/L时,除氧率大于99.5%,且Ca、Mg离子浓度及p H值对其除氧率影响很小.

关键词: Na2SO3 , catalyst , Co(NO3)2 , rate of deoxidation


邵忠宝 , 赵敬棋

腐蚀科学与防护技术 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-6495.2002.01.013

研究了Na2SO3的除氧效果,讨论了pH值、Ca和Mg离子浓度、催化剂Co(NO3)2的浓度对Na2SO3除氧效果的影响.实验结果表明:在无催化剂存在的情况下,Na2SO3的除氧率最高仅达到90%.Ca、Mg离子浓度对Na2SCO3的除氧效果有一定的抑制作用,使除氧率降低约4%~6%.催化剂Co(N鸭)2的引入,能够明显地提高Na2SO3的除氧率,降低Na2SO3的用量,当Na2SO3加入量过剩约5.0 mg/L,催化剂Co(NO3)2的加入量为1.5 mg/L时,除氧率大于99.5%,且Ca、Mg离子浓度及pH值对其除氧率影响很小.

关键词: Na2SOO3 催化剂 Co(NO3)2 除氧率


吕建国 , 陈学梅 , 朱剑博 , 黄凯 , 宋学萍 , 孙兆奇


采用溶胶-凝胶技术制备不同Na掺杂ZnO薄膜,用XRD、拉曼光谱仪、AFM、SEM和紫外可见分光光度计等表征方法研究了Na掺杂量对ZnO薄膜的表面形貌和光学性质的影响.XRD和Raman光谱分析表明:8.0 at%Na掺杂ZnO薄膜具有最佳c轴择优取向,内部残余张应力最大;表面形貌研究结果显示:薄膜的平均粒径和粗糙度均随Na含量的增加而增大.薄膜在可见光范围内的平均透射率大于80%,随着Na含量从0增加到10at%,薄膜的光学带宽由3.283 eV增大到 3.305 eV.

关键词: Na掺杂 , 拉曼光谱 , 表面形貌 , 透射谱


罗劼 , 金宗哲 , 何欧里


<正> 作为脆隆材料的Na-Ca-Si 玻璃,其纤维的应力应变曲线明显地偏离完全弹性,用Vickeis 金刚石尖压痕研究Na-Ca-Si 玻璃时,也发现许多偏离弹性的现象。如:压痕痕迹不消火,压痕丧丽上出现凸起~([1]),压痕下而出现位错线~([2])。本文设计了一种新的试验,用Vickers 压痕研究Na-Ca-Si 玻璃的微塑性。


Short-range order in liquid Na-Cd alloys

Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter

We present a detailed study of both the topological and the chemical short-range orders for liquid Na-Cd alloys using interatomic potentials derived from a non-local model pseudopotential theory. First, the mixing entropy is predicted using a hard-sphere Yukawa reference system, with the parameters being measured from the pseudopotential-calculated mean interatomic interactions and the ordering potentials. It is found that the ordering contribution to the entropy reaches its largest magnitude at around 30 to 50 at.% (atomic per cent) of Na, while above 70 at.% Na, the contribution is small. Then, the atomic structures are calculated using molecular dynamics simulations combined with an energy mapping technique. From the careful examination of the calculated structural distribution functions, the chemical shea-range-order parameters and the pair analysis results, we found that with increasing Na concentration, the Na-Cd alloy system exhibits a chemical ordering tendency from compound forming to phase separation, and a topological ordering tendency from a Cd-like structure characterized by 1311- and 1422-type atomic bonded pairs to a Na-like one characterized by 1551-type atomic bonded pairs.

关键词: thermodynamic properties;binary-alloys;ga

Preparation and Gas-sensing Characteristics of Na~+-doped ZnO Single Crystals

Suying PAN and Junbiao MAO (Center for Materials Research and Analysis , Wuhan University of Technology , Wuhan , 430070 , China)(To whom correspondence should be addressed)


ZnO single crystals were grown by vapor phase reaction of Zno powder with active carbon powdei at an elevated temperature The typical crystals were colorless and transparent with maximum size o4 0.1 mm in diameter and 25 mm in length, The gas-sensing characteristics of Na+-doped anc undoped single crystals were investigated in 1 %H2. Co and CH, in air between 1 50 and 600℃. It was found that the undoped ZnO single crystals showed little gas sensitivity in air. and Na+-doping can greatly enhance the senstivity by increasing the resistivities. The maximum sensitivity of the samples is 22 (Ra/ Rg) for H2. 1 2 for CO and 4 for CH4


First-principles study of diffusion of Li, Na, K and Ag in ZnO

Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter

Based on ab initio total energy calculations, Li, Na and Ag interstitials are found to be stable with at least a 1.56 eV energy barrier to transform to a zinc substitutional site in ZnO, whereas K interstitial has a relatively small energy barrier at 0.79 eV. The isolated dopant substitutional defects (LiZn, NaZn, KZn and AgZn) are found to be rather stable, with at least a 3.4 eV energy barrier to transform to an interstitial site. All of the dopant interstitials (Lii, Nai, Ki and Agi) are fast diffusers. The diffusion of Li interstitial is isotropic, whereas the diffusion of Na, K and Ag interstitials is highly anisotropic. Fundamental processes of the vacancy-assisted mechanisms are systematically investigated and specific values of the energy barriers are obtained.

关键词: augmented-wave method

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