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Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Helical Bevel Gears Made by Mn-Cu Alloyed Austempered Ductile Iron

LIU Sheng-fa , CHEN Yang , CHEN Xin , MIAO Hua-ming


Austempered ductile iron (ADI) has several advantages of replacing cast steel and forged steel in many engineering fields. A new Mn-Cu alloyed ADI with excellent mechanical properties has been developed in order to cut the cost and enlarge the application of ADI. The helical bevel gears were made of the new-developed Mn-Cu alloyed ADI. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the standard sample were investigated by optical microscope (OM), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and performance measurement. The results showed that after a series of treatments, the mechanical properties (Rm 10074 to 1200 MPa, A 52% to 88%, HRC 32 to HRC 35, αK 70 to 120 J/cm2) of the Mn-Cu alloyed ADI standard sample could reach European standard EN1564-97/ EN-CJS-1000-5. The surface hardness after helical bevel gears meshing was significantly increased due to the formation of martensite. The bench test and traffic running testing results suggested that the new Mn-Cu alloyed ADI with ultimate life and median life respectively exceeding 30×104 and 50×104 times could replace 20CrMnTi forged steel for manufacturing the EQ140 helical bevel gears.

关键词: ADI , Mn , mechanical property , helical bevel gear


李玉伟 , 陈继红 , 唐东明 , 张豹山 , 鹿牧 , 陆怀先

功能材料与器件学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4252.2010.02.011

制备了一系列具有铁磁/反铁磁交换偏置作用的[NiO/Fe65Co35]10多层膜,使用振动样品磁强计(VSM)测量了样品的静磁参数,利用微带线法测量了样品4GHz-10GHz的磁谱,首次制备并测得了自然共振频率(fr)在6GHz以上,最高到f=9.6GHz的薄膜样品.结果表明交换偏置场(Hex)、各向异性场(Hua)、以及矫顽力(Hc)随铁磁层厚度(tFM)增大而减小;基于Landau-Lifishitz (L-L)方程对静磁参量和磁谱进行了比较,发现样品自然共振频率较L-L方程计算值偏大30%以上.

关键词: 铁磁 , 反铁磁 , 交换偏置场 , 各向异性场 , 交换耦合能密度 , 自然共振频率


邹俭鹏 , 阮建明 , 黄伯云 , 周忠诚

材料研究学报 doi:10.3321/j.issn:1005-3093.2005.03.007

制备了HA(ZrO2)/316L不锈钢纤维对称功能梯度材料(FGM),316L不锈钢纤维的含量(体积分数)按20%→10%→0→10%→20%呈轴向对称梯度变化.分析了材料的微观结构和微区元素含量,研究了材料的性能与316L不锈钢纤维含量的关系.结果表明,在HA(ZrO2)/316L不锈钢纤维对称FGM中,316L不锈钢纤维在微观上呈无序和均匀分布状态,它被包裹于HA(ZrO2)基体中,两者紧密结合.316L不锈钢纤维与HA(ZrO2)基体间的界面表现为部分凹凸不平,紧紧地咬合在一起.在FGM基体中发生了微量的韧化相Fe元素扩散,在韧化相316L不锈钢纤维不发生基体相Ca、P元素的扩散,基体与韧化相之间不发生化学反应.随着316L不锈钢纤维含量的增加,HA(ZrO2)/316L不锈钢纤维复合材料的断裂韧性和弹性模量逐渐增加,体现了FGM中各梯度层的力学性能缓和设计.按Miao模型计算HA(ZrO2)/316L不锈钢纤维FGM中的残余热应力为515 MPa,FGM的增韧机理主要为纤维的拔出增韧和层间的裂纹偏转增韧.

关键词: 复合材料 , 功能梯度材料 , 生物材料 , 羟基磷灰石 , 316L不锈钢纤维 , 热等静压



