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Effect of Basicity and Alumina-Silica Ratio on Formation of Silico-Ferrite of Calcium and Aluminum

ZHANG Fang , AN Sheng-li , LUO Guo-ping , WANG Yi-ci


Abstract: Baivumebo iron ore is special magnetite containing fluorine, kalium and sodium elements, and the main raw material for ironmaking of Baotou Iron and Steel (Group) Co. The effects of basicity and ratio of Al2O3 to SiO2 (A/S) on the formation of silico-ferrite of calcium and aluminium (SFCA) in Baivumebo low silica sinters were studied by means of mini-sintering, XPF-500 optical mineralogical microscope and CSS-88000 electronic universal testing machine. The results show that it is beneficial to the formation of complex calcium ferrite to enhance the basicity of Baivumebo low silica sinters. The acicular SFCA-I was increased with the enhancing basicity and reached the peak at basicity 28, then the columnar or platy SFCA formed and the bonding strength decreased. Alumina is beneficial to the formation of acicular complex calcium ferrite in Baivumebo low silica sinters. But the residual unfused Al2O3 reagent came into being when A/S was 035, while complex calcium ferrite still remained to be acicular. There is a common rule about mineralogy components affected by basicity and ratio of A/S, that is, SFCA is increasing accompanied with hematite and porosity reduced, but the content of glass phase is stable.

关键词: Key words: Baivumebo iron concentrates , Baivumebo low silica sinter , SFCA , basicity , alumina-silica ratio

Formation Characteristics of Calcium Ferrite in Low Silicon Sinter

WANG Yi-ci , ZHANG Jian-liang , ZHANG Fang , LUO Guo-ping


Influence of sintering temperature, basicity and MgO content on the formation characteristics of calcium ferrite in low silicon sinter of Baotou Iron and Steel Company was studied by means of mini-sintering test and mineralographic microscope analysis. In addition, the suitable sintering parameters such as temperature and basicity were explored. The results found that optimum temperature for the formation of calcium ferrite is 1280 ℃, the basicity of 25-28 is helpful to the development of acicular or columnar calcium ferrite, and MgO content in the low silicon sintering raw materials should be lower than 28% because MgO can intensively inhibit the formation of calcium ferrite. And calcium ferrite in the sinter belongs to calcium ferrite with low calcium, which is different from that in ordinary sinter at home and abroad. So, it provided theoretical basis for promoting formation of calcium ferrite in low silicon sinter and improving properties of sinter.

关键词: low silicon sinter , formation characteristics , calcium ferrite , sintering temperature , basicity



N。1Atmospheric Corrosivlty for Steels………………………………………………… .LIANG Caideng HO[I i。-tat(6)Caustic Stress Corrosion Cr。king of Alloy 800 Part 2.The Effect of Thiosul执e……………………………………… KONG De-sheng YANG Wu ZHAO Guo-zheng HUANG De.ltL。ZHANG Yu。。he CHEN She。g-bac(13)SERS slid E16CttOCh6iniC81 Stlldy Of Illhibit1Oli M6ch&tllsth Of ThlollY68 Oil ITOll ID H....



杨立新 , 巴黎明 , 李星


本文应用MUSIG模型[1]和均一直径模型对某溶液堆台架模型堆芯内气液流动传热进行了数值模拟.在MUSIG模型中堆芯内离散相气泡被分为5组不同直径的气泡,用于分析堆芯内气泡的流动变化和大小分布,采用Luo and Svendsen[2]和Prince and Blanch[3]模型描述不同直径气泡组间的破裂和聚合.在均一直径模型中,堆芯内的气体被考虑为同一直径的组分,并且不考虑其破裂与聚合现象.计算得到采用两个模型的模拟结果并且对其进行了对比研究.结果显示应用MUSIG模型的计算结果与台架实验结果吻合更好.

关键词: MUSIG , 均一直径 , 两相流 , 溶液堆

Atomic and electronic structures of the lattice mismatched metal-ceramic interface

Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter

This research purposes to investigate the atomic and electronic structures of the Al/TiC(001) interface with lattice misfit using the ab initio pseudopotential approach. A detailed analysis of the relaxed atomic structure reveals that the atoms over the initial unfavourable sites relax to the favourable sites along the lateral plane. The properties of the semicoherent interface can be taken as averages over the different coherent sites. In addition, the interface atoms in relatively favourable regions are dragged near to the interface, while those in unfavourable regions are pushed away from the interface. Therefore, a large war-ping near the interface is made perpendicular to the lateral plane. The calculated adhesions explain the different wetting results from the viewpoint of structural transition. The subsequent analysis of electronic properties demonstrates that adhesions dominate mainly via the strong Al-C covalent bond.

关键词: first-principles;1st principles;adhesion;surfaces;misfit;1st-principles;wettability;al


X. Q. Yang , L. X. Huo , Y. F. Zhang and J. X. Yan (School of Material Science and Engineering , Tianjin University , Tianjin 300072 , China)


The buckling formation and influence factors during welding thin - plated structures were investigated based on finite element methods, An engineering treatment method for prdicating the buckling distor- tion was proposed in here. It was used the equivalent applied thermal - load to simulate the welding residual stress,therefore the calculation of complex welding distoriton can be transformed into 3D elas- tic structural applied- load analyses, which can reduce the quantities of calculating works effectively. The validation of the method was verified by comparison of the numerical simulation and experimental results. The simulation of buckling distorition for side - walled structrues of paseenger train was per- formed and the calculation was in agreement with measuring results in general. It was shown that the main factors for producing the buckling were the intermittent fillet and ping the during welding the stiffened beams and columns to the panel.The existence of the free edge of panels would reduce the crit- ical buckling stress and enlarge the deflection obviously,but the continuous weld in closed frames didn' t degrade the buckling situation.

关键词: welding buckling distortion , null , null


Z.L. Ding , Y.C. Fan , H.B. Qi , D.L. Ren , J.B. Guo and Z.Q. Jiang Shijiazhuang Railway Institute , Shijiazhuang 050043 , China


The SiC_p/Al-alloy composite front broke rotors designed for SHANGHAI SANTANA cars were prepared by semi-solid stirring+liquid for ping process. The properties of the composite rotors were examined. The composite brake rotors were subjected to dynamometer tests on a SCHENCK broke testing system, referring to TLll0 standard of VOLKSWAGEN Company. The friction coefficient and thermal response during fade testing and the wear performance of the composite rotors were studied as the function of various parameters, such as braking pressures, initial speeds, initial temperatures, torque and decelerations, and compared with that of conventional cast iron rotors. The results showed that the properties of SiC_p,/Al-alloy composite rotors can achieve the requirements of commercial cast iron rotor.s. The results also suggested that the friction coefficients of composite rotors under different broking conditions are within the deviation band specified by the TLll0 standard, and the temperature rise of the composite rotors at the cud of each fade stop is lower than that of the cast iron rotors. The wear resistance of composite rotors was higher than that of cast iron rotors. The friction and wear mechanism are analyzed.

关键词: SiC_p/Al-alloy composite , null , null , null


钱鹏 , 李兴华

量子电子学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5461.2015.06.008


关键词: 量子光学 , 量子安全直接通信 , 信道加密 , 窃听检测


刘守平 , 周上祺 , 王佳眉 , 任勤


用金相显微镜、扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪和X射线能谱仪对天然气井油管悬挂器腐蚀失效进行了检测分析,并对天然气井油管悬挂器用35CrMo钢进行了盐雾试验,结果表明,天然气中的水和CO2是引起腐蚀的主要介质,腐蚀产物主要是FeCO3,高速天然气冲刷和钢中的非金属夹杂加剧了腐蚀的速度. CORROSION FAILURE ANALYSIS OF AN OIL TUBE USED IN NATURAL GAS WELL LIU Shou-ping,ZHOU Shang-qi,WANG Jia-mei,REN Qin Chongqing University A failed oil tube used in natural gas well was examined by optical microscope,scanning electron microscope ,X-ray diffractometer and X-ray spectrometer.Corrosion behavior of 35CrMo steel samples of the oil tube were investigated by means of salt spray tests in the laboratory.The results show that CO2 and H2O are primary factors in the corrosion of oil tube.The corrosion product is FeCO3,non-metallic inclusions in the steel and erosion of natural gas fluid played an important role in accelerating the corrosion. oil tube; natural gas well; 35CrMo steel; failure analysis; corrosion

关键词: 悬挂器 , null , null , null


但永平 , 彭红涛 , 王东云 , 刘芳华

液晶与显示 doi:10.3788/YJYXS20132801.0099

在图像处理中图像数据交换量大,图像数据传输是图像采集处理系统的关键环节.EDMA是DSP中用于实现数据快速交换的重要技术,具有独立于CPU的后台批量数据传输的能力.文章基于TI公司TMS320DM642芯片的图像采集处理系统,利用EDMA的数据传输方式实现视频数据信号高速实时传输.介绍了DSP的外部存储器接口与FPGA的FIFO存储器有机结合进行数据传输,分析了其设计的整体结构与逻辑控制的功能,并着重分析了基于EDMA Ping-Pong数据传输方式的原理及其应用.另外,EDMA中断服务程序调用CPU对已搬移完成的图像数据块进行处理,不仅提高了数据的传输效率,而且节约了CPU资源,使DSP的高性能得到了充分发挥,从而为视频信号处理的实时性奠定了基础.

关键词: EDMA , DSP , FIFO , 数据传输 , Ping-Pong

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