LIU Senying GAO Zhe LI Keng University of Science and Technology Beijing
ChinaLI Junqing China University of Science and Technology
ChinaWANG Congyu Central Iron and Steel Research Institute
Ministry of Metallurgical Industry
China Doctoral student
Postgraduate School
Cemral Iron and Steel Research Institute.Ministry of Metallurgical Industry
Based on the feature of crystal sites occupied by alloying elements,a model cluster,investi- gating the interaction mechanisms of nonmagnetic element Cu in RECo_5 type alloy,has been presented.The electronic structure has been calculated with SCF-X_a-SW method.The calcu- lating results show that,after Cu replaced 2c crystal site Co,the energy spectrum of the mod- el cluster will move towards a shallow trap po.tential,the energy gap becomes small,the charge among the atoms will redistribute,and some new states to which impurity contributes will pro- duce.Partial-wave local density of states gives the interaction between atoms.Results of Hellmman-Feynman force show that the thermal expansion anisotropy of the model cluster decreases considerably after Cu substitutes for 2c crystal site Co.
intermetallic compound
QIAO Lijie LIU Rui XIAO Jimei University of Science and Technology Beijing
The effects of stress components on nucleation sites and propagation directions of stress cor- rosion cracks in brass were investigated with specimens under mode Ⅱ and mode Ⅲ loadings. The results indicated that under mode Ⅱ loading,stress corrosion cracks nucleated on the site with maximum normal stress component and propagated along the plane perpendieular to the maximum normal stress,under mode Ⅲ loading,the stress corrosion crack was not evident on the 45°plane due to the general corrosion in aqueous solution with high NH_4OH concentra- tion,while stress corroded in aqueous solution with low NH_4OH concentration, numerous cracks with spacings of 10—150μm were found on the 45°plane with maximum normal stress and no stress corrosion cracks was observed on the plane with maximum shear stress.
stress corrosion cracking