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Fracture mechanics, crack propagation and microhardness studies on flux grown ErAlO3 single crystals

K.K.Bamzai , P.N.Kotru , B.M.Wanklyn


Results on fracture mechanics and crack propagation have been obtained, making use of Vickers microhardness studies on two different crystallographic planes [(110) and (001)] of flux grown erbium aluminate crystals in the load ranging from 10 similar to 100 g. The variation of microhardness with load which is best explained by Hays and Kendall's law leads to the load independent values of hardness. Classification of cracks is dealt with and it is reported that the transition from Palmqvist to median types of cracks occurs at higher loads. The values of fracture toughness (K-C), and brittleness index (B-i) are calculated using median types of cracks.




黄金 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-1277.2004.11.018


关键词: 纯金首饰 , K金首饰 , 款式 , 首饰设计 , 制造工艺



原子核物理评论 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4627.2001.04.010

电中性的K(892)电磁质量可以大于带电荷的K(892). 这是异乎寻常的现象, 将被称为K-电磁质量反常. 评述了这个课题, 并指出K的质量劈裂可以在北京谱仪(BES)上作精密测量.

关键词: 电磁质量劈裂 , BES实验 , 介子共振态


段沐枫 , 李宁 , 郑莹莹 , 肖军 , 李勇



关键词: 复合材料 , 半固化Z-pin , K-cor夹层结构 , 制备工艺 , 力学性能




本文证明我们所建议的关系: (da/dN)-C[(△K)~2-K_2~2/K_1~2-(△K)~2]~p能够很好地表达R=(K_(min)/K_(max))=常数时(da/dN)随△K的全部变化,其中P值在1左右,C约在3×10~(-3)—10~(-2)毫米/周之间。


Electronic structure and transport properties of K-doped blue bronze Rb0.15K0.15MoO3

Materials Letters

Single crystals of K-doped blue bronze Rb0.15K0.15MoO3 and Rb0.3MoO3 have been investigated by measurements of the X-ray photoemission spectrum (XPS), electrical resistivity and thermoelectric power, respectively. Analysis of the XPS data reveals that two final states representing alternate screening channels coexist in Rb0.15K0.15MoO3. Compared with the pure bronze, the Mo sites of the doped sample contain less 4d electrons which reflected in the movement of Mo3d spectrum. Due to the discrepancy of electronic structure, the K ion doping results in the notable increase of the single particle activation energy and decrease of the thermoelectric power in the charge density wave state. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: blue bronze;charge-density-wave;electronic structure;nonlinear transport;k0.30moo3;tl0.3moo3;k0.3moo3;moo3

The effect of yttrium addition on the isothermal oxidation behavior of sputtered K38 nanocrystalline coating at 1273 K in air

Surface & Coatings Technology

The influence of various amounts of Y addition on the isothermal oxidation behavior of sputtered Ni-based superalloy K38 nanocrystalline coating at 1273 K was investigated. The result indicated that the addition of 0.05 and 0.1 wt.% Y in nanocrystalline coating enhanced the selective oxidation of Al, reduced scale growth rate and retarded the phase transformation from metastable to stable alumina. In contrast, 0.5 wt.% Y addition significantly increased the oxidation rate of the coating, the incorporation of Ti in the external alumina scale accelerated the phase transformation to stable alumina. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: high temperature oxidation;nanocrystalline coating;reactive-element;superalloy;high-temperature oxidation;oxide scales;percent y2o3;alloys;k38g;superalloy;resistance;diffusion;corrosion;growth

Influence of cyclic frequency on oxidation behavior of K38 superalloy with yttrium additions at 1 273 K


Cyclic oxidation test is a fundamental method to assess lifetime of materials in high temperature environment. Cycle length or cyclic frequency is one important variable in cyclic oxidation testing. In present work, cyclic oxidation tests were performed on cast K38 alloys with 0 wt.%, 0.1 wt.%, and 0.5 wt.% yttrium additions at 1 273 K respectively. Two cyclic frequencies were used to investigate the influence of cycle length (1 h vs. 20 h) on the high temperature oxidation behavior of superalloy. The results showed that the degradation of cast K38 alloy critically was dependent on the cyclic frequency. The yttrium addition was beneficial to reducing scale-growth rate, improving the scale adhesion and stress releasing, thereby increased the spallation resistance. It could be drawn that the effect of cyclic frequency was highly dependent on the scale adherence to the substrate.

关键词: K38 superalloy;yttrium;cyclic oxidation;cyclic frequency;rare earths;high-temperature oxidation;adhesion;segregation;scales;spallation;chromia;alloys;growth;oxides


Physics Letters A

Except for a Peierls transition at T(p) = 180 K, a new transition around T = 270 K in K0.3MoO3 single crystals has been found as evidenced by the anomalies in electrical, magnetic and thermodynamic properties. This transition may be caused by the variation of carrier characteristics or of the charge transfer between cations and anions.



高桦 , 王自强 , 杨成寿 , 周爱华


本文用三点弯曲和四点弯曲试样,在K_Ⅱ/K_Ⅰ=0—14的范围内,对GC-4超高强度钢、30Cr2MoV中强度转子钢和稀土球墨铸铁进行了线弹性平面应变复合型脆断试验。结果表明:复合型裂纹的脆断开裂方向与现有的三种复合型理论符合较好;但是,复合型裂纹扩展阻力随K_Ⅱ/K_Ⅰ比值增加而增大,与现有复合型理论差别较大。 本文从塑性区的形状、大小和裂纹顶端在开裂方向的应力状态等方面对此问题进行了分析并指出,现有理论关于复合型裂纹扩展阻力与变形特征无关的假设,对于具有一定塑性变形能力的金属材料,是不合适的。文章还对简单且偏于安全的处理复合型问题的工程分析方法作了讨论。


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