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Influence of hot deformation and cooling conditions on the microstructures of low carbon microalloyed steels

Jinbo QU , Yiyin SHAN , Mingchun ZHAO , Ke YANG


The transformation behaviours and microstructural characteristics of three low carbon microalloyed steels were investigated. In particular, the effects of deformation and cooling conditions were studied by means of compression tests. It was found that at higher cooling rate (45℃/s), the transformation products was mainly granular bainite, the intragranular nucleated bainitic ferrite grew in different directions, and the second phase particles of M/A constituent uniformly distributed in the bainitic ferrite matrix. When the cooling rate was decreased to 25℃/s or 15℃/s, the resulting microstructure was converted to a mixture of polygonal hypoeutectoid ferrite and granular bainite, whose percentage was reduced. As the cooling rate was lowered to 8℃/s, the microstructure consisted chiefly of polygonal ferrite with a few amounts of M/A and pearlite.


Thermodynamic Calculation of A_(r3) Temperature inLow Alloy Steels

Jinbo QU , Zhenyu LIU , Xianghua LIU and Guodong WANG (State Key Lab. of Rolling and Automation , Northeatern University Shenyang 110006 , China)


On the basis of superelement model, Cahn's transformation kinetics theory and Scheil's additivity rule, actual γ/α transformation start temperature, A.3 in Fe-Σ Xi-C (Xi=Mn, Si, Ni, Mo etc.)multi-component low alloy Steels during continuous cooling process was calculated. Influences of chemical composition, hot deformation of γ and cooling rate on Ar3 temperature were analyzed. Calculated Ar3 temperatures are in reasonable agreement with measured ones.


Strength, strain-rate sensitivity and ductility of copper with nanoscale twins

Acta Materialia

We present a comprehensive computational analysis of the deformation of ultrafine crystalline pure Cu with nanoscale growth twins. This physically motivated model benefits from our experimental studies of the effects of the density of coherent nanotwins on the plastic deformation characteristics of Cu, and from post-deformation transmission electron microscopy investigations of dislocation structures in the twinned metal. The analysis accounts for high plastic anisotropy and rate sensitivity anisotropy by treating the twin boundary as an internal interface and allowing special slip geometry arrangements that involve soft and hard modes of deformation. This model correctly predicts the experimentally observed trends of the effects of twin density on flow strength, rate sensitivity of plastic flow and ductility, in addition to matching many of the quantitative details of plastic deformation reasonably well. The computational simulations also provide critical mechanistic insights into why the metal with nanoscale twins can provide the same level of yield strength, hardness and strain rate sensitivity as a nanostructured counterpart without twins (but of grain size comparable to the twin spacing of the twinned Cu). The analysis also offers some useful understanding of why the nanotwinned Qu with high strength does not lead to diminished ductility with structural refinement involving twins, whereas nanostructured Cu normally causes the ductility to be compromised at the expense of strength upon grain refinement. (c) 2006 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: nanocrystalline materials;nanoscale twins;crystal plasticity;copper;computational model;ni multilayer system;single-crystals;nanocrystalline metals;localized;deformation;plastic-deformation;activation volume;cu;microstructures;simulations;patterns


杨忠诚 , 谢发勤 , 姚小飞 , 吴向清 , 郭梦洛



关键词: NM500 , 0Cr18Ni9Ti , 温度 , 干摩擦磨损


王松 , 王兵 , 单娟娟



关键词: 黄芩素 , 分子印迹 , 微球 , 沉淀聚合


陈康 , 许希武 , 马凯



关键词: 夹杂之间相互影响 , 轻微弱化界面 , 细观力学 , 等效性能参数 , 颗粒增强复合材料



