J.H. Tundermann(Inco Alloys International
WV 25705
USA Manuscript received 26 August 1996)
Many gas turbine components are made from nickel alloy sheet. Most are used for directing or containing gases at high temperatures and pressures where metal temperatures can be as high as 1090℃ (2000°F). These applications included combustor systems, casings and liners, transition and exhaust ducting, afterburners, and thrust reversere. Light weight components and sub-assemblies call for alloy sheet with high levels of stength and oxidation resistance. Complex component design calls for excellent ductility and ease of fabrication.The wide range of nickel alloy sheet alloys presently used in aircraft and land-based gas turbines is briefly described and typical properties presented. New sheet alloy developments, involving INCONEL~* alloys 625LCF, 718SPF and MA754, are presented including the process routes involved and material properties.
Y.L. Chen(Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Zhejiang University
Hangzhou 310027
Internal friction measurements on binary and ternary α-phase alloys of Pd with hydrogen and boron have been performed with a torsion pendulum and by observing the cttenuation of ultrasonic pulses. A pronounced damping maximum of binary Pd-B alloys at 220K and measuring frequencies of about 4Hz could not be established at a frequency of 15MH. Ternary Pd-B-H alloys show an additional damping maximum besides the hydrogen Zener effect, which is interpreted in terms of a changed jump frequency of hydrogen in the neighborhood of boron atoms.
Pd-B-H alioy
在1100-1230℃的温度下真空烧结表面涂覆一层由聚乙烯醇粘结剂、合金粉末和分散剂构成的浆料的聚苯乙烯球制得高孔隙率的INCO-617合金空心球颗粒,对不同烧结工艺下制备的空心球颗粒的显微组织和力学性能进行了研究.结果表明,INCO-617合金空心球颗粒的密度随烧结温度的升高和烧结时间的延长而增加,其密度值在1.504~2.113 g/cm3之间.烧结温度的升高和烧结时间的延长可以明显减少球壁的残余孔隙,这是空心球颗粒显微硬度和压缩性能提高的主要原因,并且,随着球壁内残余孔隙的降低,空心球颗粒压缩时脆性破坏的倾向被抑制.
F.Gesmundo F.Viani Instituto di Chimica
Facolta di Ingegneria
Universita di Genova
ItalyY.NIU Corrosion Science Lab.
Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals
Academia Sinica
The corrosion of alloys based on Fe,Co and Ni containing 15 and 30 wt-% Nb was studied at 700℃ in H_2-H_2S mixtures providing 10~(-8) atm S_2.The Fe and Co-based alloys formed duplex scales with an outer layer of pure base-metal sulphide and an inner layer containing both metals.The Nb addi- tions were not able to produce exclusive Nb sulphidation but yielded a significant decrease of the corrosion rates for both types of alloys with respect to the pure metals even though they were still much higher than that of pure Nb.The Ni-base alloys corroded rapidly forming a single complex scale layer,mainly due to the appearance of a liquid Ni-S solution.
Corrosion Science
The sulfidation behavior of two Fe-Ce alloys containing approximately 15 and 30 wt% cerium has been studied at 600-800 degrees C in H-2-H2S mixtures providing a sulfur pressure of 10(-8) atm. The alloys corrode more slowly than pure iron, but more rapidly than pure cerium. The sulfidation rates generally decrease with time and tend to become parabolic after an initial stage intermediate between linear and parabolic, except for Fe-15Ce which corrodes linearly after an initial quasi-parabolic behavior. Both alloys produce complex scales, containing an outermost layer of practically pure iron sulfide and an inner complex layer where the sulfides of both alloy components are simultaneously present. Finally, a thin region of internal sulfidation of cerium is also generally present in contact with the alloy which is not depleted in cerium. Cerium is not able to diffuse out of the alloy consumption region, where it forms a cerium sulfide mixed with iron sulfide. The iron sulfide forms a continuous network which allows the growth of the external FeS layer, even though at rates reduced with respect to pure iron. Thus, a cerium/content up to 30 wt% is not sufficient to prevent the sulfidation of pure iron. These results as well as the details of the microstructure of the scales grown on the two alloys are interpreted by taking into account the limited solubility of cerium in the base metal and the presence of intermetallic compounds in the alloys. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
iron;cerium;sulfidation;high temperatures;2-phase binary-alloys;high-temperature sulfidation;possible scaling;modes;low oxidant pressures;nb alloys;h2-h2s mixtures;mo alloys;oxidation;600-degrees-c-800-degrees-c;corrosion
Corrosion Science
The sulphidation of two copper-silver alloys containing 5 and 10 wt.% silver (Cu-5Ag and Cu-10Ag, respectively) was investigated over the temperature range 550-750 degrees C in H-2/H2S mixtures under sulphur pressures below the dissociation of Ag2S. External scales, composed mainly of cuprous sulphide, often containing some (Cu,Ag)(2-x)S islands, formed on both alloys. The corrosion kinetics were significantly affected by the detachment of the outer scales at temperature, as a consequence of the significant volume increase due to sulphidation. After scale detachment, sulphidation proceeded through a dissociative transport of sulphur in voids between the outer sulphide layer and the alloy substrate, yielding an abrupt decrease of the corrosion rate in all cases and modifying the composition of the reaction products in the case of Cu-10Ag. An increase of the volume fraction of the silver-rich solid solution in the subscale region with respect to the original alloy was observed in all cases. The silver islands coalesced to a continuous subscale layer only in the sulphidation of Cu-5Ag at 650 and 750 degrees whereas, in all the other cases, they remained as particles in a Cu2S matrix. The peculiar corrosion behaviour of these alloys is attributed to the low solubility of silver in copper. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
sulphidation;copper;silver;two-phase alloys;state corrosion kinetics;2-phase binary-alloys;most-stable oxide;internal oxidation
Oxidation of Metals
The sulfidation behavior of three two-phase Fe-Cu alloys containing 25, 50, and 75 wt.% copper has been investigated in H-2-H2S mixtures at 500-700 degrees C under gas-phase sulfur pressures, which is significantly above those for the dissociation of both FeS and Cu2S. In all cases, the three alloys sulfidized more slowly than both pure metals under the same conditions. At all temperatures, Fe-25Cu showed the slowest growth rates, whereas Fe-50Cu sulfidized more rapidly than the other two alloys. However, the kinetics curves for the three alloys tended to over lap, particularly at the higher temperatures. The scales were complex and contained an outer layer composed of a mixture of two different Cu-Fe double sulfides, Cu5FeS4 and CuFeS2, plus an inner zone containing a mixture of metallic iron with the double sulfide Cu5FeS4 formed by complete sulfidation of the copper-rich phase anti partial sulfidation of the iron-rick phase. This region also contained large voids, possibly because of outward diffusion of metal cations, whereas the iron-rich islands were mainly unattacked. The depth of intrenal attack increased with increasing temperature and/or iron content. Finally, particles of almost pure copper metal, probably formed during cooling from the reaction temperature,,were present at the scale-subscale interface, as inclusions in the scale and as whiskers producing out of the external scale surface.
sulfidation;iron-copper;two-phase alloys;2-phase binary-alloys;ni-nb alloys;high-temperature oxidation;most-reactive component;possible scaling modes;low oxidant pressures;low-oxygen pressures;1 atm o-2;h2-h2s mixtures;air oxidation
Huijie LIU
The friction stir weldabilities of the strain-hardened AA1050-H24 and precipitate-hardened AA6061-T6 aluminum alloys were examined to reveal the effects of material properties on the friction stir welding behavior. The experimental results are obtlained. (1) For AA1050-H24, the weld can possess smoother surface ripples; there is no elliptical weld nugget in the weld; there is no discernible interface between the stir zone and the thermomechanically affected zone; and the internal defect of the weld looks like a long crack and is located in the lower part of the weld. (2) For AA6061-T6, the weld usually possesses slightly rougher surface ripples; an elliptical weld nugget clearly exists in the weld; there are discernible interfaces among the weld nugget, thermomechanically affected zone and heat affected zone; and the internal defect of the weld is similar to that of the AA1050-H24 weld. (3) The effective range of welding parameters for AA1050-H24 is narrow, while the one for AA6061-T6 is very wide. (4) The maximum tensile strength efficiency of the AA1050-H24 joints is similar to that of the AA6061-T6 joints, i.e. 79% and 77%, respectively.
Friction stir weldability
Oxidation of Metals
The sulfidation of three Cu-Cr alloys with nominal Cr contents of 25, 50, and 75 wt.% and of the two pure metals has been studied at 400-600 degrees C in H-2-H2S mixtures under sulfur pressures of 10(-12) atm at 400 and 500 degrees C and 10(-10) arm at 500 and 600 degrees C, slightly above the Cu-Cu2S equilibrium All the alloys were two-phase, containing a mixture of the solid solution of chromium in copper with nearly pure chromium. The corrosion rates of the three materials under the same conditions were similar and intermediate between those of the two pule metals and increased with temperature and sulfur pressure. The scales had a complex composition, often containing an external Cu2S layer, which became discontinuous or even disappeared, in some cases, followed by an intermediate layer of the double Cu-Cr sulfide CuCrS2 and an innermost complex layer, which generally consisted of a mixture of the double Cu-Cr sulfide CuCr2S4 with the chromium sulfide CrS and also commonly contained unsulfidized chromium metal particles. No chromium depletion was developed in the alloys beneath the corrosion-affected region. Moreover; no internal sulfidation of chromium was observed in the alloy richest in copper and no exclusive external sulfidation of chromium in those richest in chromium, in spite of the large difference in the thermodynamic stabilities of the sulfides of the two pure metals. These peculiar scale features are interpreted by taking into account the special two-phase nature of these alloys.
sulfidation;copper;chromium;two-phase alloys;2-phase binary-alloys;co-nb alloys;high-temperature oxidation;low-oxygen pressures;most-reactive component;possible scaling modes;low oxidant pressures;1 atm o-2;h2-h2s mixtures;600-800-degrees-c