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Forming process and numerical simulation of making upset on oil drill pipe

Huaping TANG


The flow stress behavior of grade G-105 steel (API  standard) for oil drill pipe in hot compressive deformation was  studied by isothermal compression tests on Gleeble-1500  thermal-mechanical machine. Referring to established empirical  formulas, the constitutive equation of the flow stress for G-105  steel was obtained. For the grade G-105 oil drill pipe  (φ114.3×10.92 mm), through proper design of the die and  applying suitable process parameters, and using coupled rigid  viscoplastic thermo-mechanical finite element method, the forming  process of making upset on oil drill pipe was numerically simulated.  The simulation results show that the internal transition section of  the oil drill pipe is not only continuous and smooth but also long  (up to about 220-250mm).

关键词: Oil drill pipe , constitutive equation , end upsetting , numerical simulation

Molecular dynamics studies on vacancy-interstitial annihilation in silicon

Acta Physica Sinica

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is performed to study the vacancy-interstitial annihilation in crystalline silicon. We choose the Stillinger-Weber potential, which is commonly used for silicon, to describe the interaction between atoms. The system is relaxed under 300K and 1400K respectively. We have found that < 111 > is the preferred recombination direction and propose the presence of an energy barrier in the < 110 > direction. From the calculated value of energy barrier along < 110 > we give a reasonable explanation for the difference between Tang's and Zawadzki's data.

关键词: molecular dynamics;vacancy and interstitial;diffusion;point-defects;diffusion;mechanisms


Zeitschrift Fur Physik B-Condensed Matter

we study the on-site model of a new class of one-dimensional quasiperiodic lattices, for which the substitution rules are B --> BA, and A --> BAB. By means of the renormalization-group approach, a interesting multifractal spectral behavior has been found, which has been confirmed by numerical simulation. A Cantor-like energy spectra is obtained by using the Kohmoto-Kadanaff-Tang (KKT) renormalization-group method. Three kinds of wave-function behavior (extended, localized, and intermediate states) are definitely found.

关键词: energy-spectrum;quasiperiodic lattices;localization problem;trace;maps;fibonacci;quasicrystal;systems;tilings


陈修帅 , 侯传金 , 李晴 , 刘彦军 , 杨瑞丰 , 胡向平

催化学报 doi:10.1016/S1872-2067(16)62488-9

手性2,3-二氢呋喃衍生物是一类重要的杂环化合物,广泛存在于天然产物和生物活性分子中.它们也经常被用于手性四氢呋喃化合物的不对称合成.因此,人们发展了很多合成手性2,3-二氢呋喃化合物的方法,如有机小分子催化的多米诺迈克尔-烷基化反应、“中断的”Feist-Bénary反应或改进的 Feist-Bénary反应.此外,过渡金属催化的手性2,3-二氢呋喃的不对称合成在近些年引起了人们的极大关注. Ozawa等通过 Pd-催化2,3-二氢呋喃的动力拆分方法获得了手性2-芳基-2,3-二氢呋喃. Evans发展了一种 Sc-催化联烯硅和乙醛酸乙酯的[3+2]环加成反应合成手性2,3-二氢呋喃的方法.最近, Fu和 Tang等发展了 Cu催化烯酮和重氮化合物的[4+1]环加成反应合成手性2,3-二氢呋喃的方法.在 Nishibayashi和 van Maarseveen的开创性工作之后, Cu催化的不对称炔丙基转化反应取得了很大的进展.最近,我们发展了一类新的三齿手性 P,N,N-配体,在 Cu催化不对称炔丙基取代、脱羧炔丙基取代、[3+2]、[3+3]和[4+2]环加成反应中表现出优秀的对映和非对映选择性.其中,我们发现采用 Cu催化炔丙醇酯和β-酮酯的[3+2]环加成反应,能高对映选择性地获得手性2,3-二氢呋喃.我们设想,采用β-羰基膦酸酯代替β-酮酯,通过这种 Cu催化[3+2]环加成反应,将可以合成一类具有重要生物活性的手性膦酰化2,3-二氢呋喃化合物.基于这种设想,本文使用手性 P,N,N-配体,通过 Cu催化炔丙醇酯与β-羰基膦酸酯的不对称[3+2]环加成反应,以很好的收率和最高92% ee的对映选择性获得了一系列光学活性的膦酰化2,3-二氢呋喃化合物.我们以炔丙醇酯1a与β-羰基膦酸酯2a为标准底物,优化了反应条件,考察了配体、Cu盐、碱和反应温度等对反应收率和对映选择性的影响.我们确定了最佳的反应条件:以4b为配体,以 Cu(OTf)2为铜盐,以t-BuOK为碱,以 MeOH为溶剂,–20oC反应24 h.在此条件下,我们对β-羰基磷酸酯2的适用范围进行了考察.结果表明,各种苯基取代的β-羰膦磷酸酯均能得到很好的收率和对映选择性.苯环上取代基的空间效应对反应的对映选择性影响不大,但对反应收率影响较大,与相应3-取代或4-取代底物相比较,2-取代的底物获得的收率较低.苯环对位取代基的电子效应对反应的影响不大,给电子基或吸电子基的底物,均得到了较好的收率和对映选择性.杂环取代的底物同样适用于该反应,以90%的收率和89% ee的对映选择性获得了相应的[3+2]环加成产物.对于烷基底物,虽然反应的产率略低,但是得到了高达92% ee的产物.此外,我们对炔丙醇酯底物的适用范围也进行了考察.结果表明,该体系对于各种取代的炔丙醇酯底物均可以获得较高的收率和良好的对映选择性.总之,本文发展了一种铜催化炔丙醇酯与β-羰基膦酸酯的不对称[3+2]环加成反应的方法,成功合成了手性膦酰化2,3-二氢呋喃化合物.通过使用一个结构刚性的酮亚胺三齿 P,N,N-配体,以很好的收率和最高92% ee的对映选择性获得了一系列光学活性的膦酰化2,3-二氢呋喃化合物.

关键词: , 不对称合成 , 3+2环加成 , β-羰基膦酸酯 , 膦酰化 2,3-二氢呋喃



