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Influences of Film Thickness on the Electrical Properties of TaNx Thin Films Deposited by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering

Hongchuan Jiang Chaojie Wang Wanli Zhang Xu Si Yanrong Li


TaNx thin films were deposited on commercial polished Al2O3 ceramic substrates by reactive dc magnetron sputtering. The influences of the film thickness on the electrical properties of the samples were examined in detail. It is found that the film thickness does not influence the phase structures of the TaNx thin films. The sheet resistances of the samples shift from 173 Ω­/sq. to 7.5 ­Ω/sq. with the film thickness shifting from 30 nm to 280 nm. With the increase of the film thickness from 30 nm to 280 nm, the temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) of the samples shifts from negative value to positive value. When the film thickness is about 100 nm, TaNx thin films exhibits a near-zero TCR value (approximately -15×10-6/°C). This fact implies that TaNx thin films with a null TCR can be obtained by adjusting the film thickness. The variation in the electrical properties of the TaNx thin films with the film thickness can be qualitatively explained by the parallel connection of surface layer with high resistivity and negative TCR and TaNx layer with low resistivity and positive TCR.

关键词: TaNx thin films , Film thickness , TCR , Sheet resistance

Ion sputter erosion in metallic glass-A response to "Comment on: Homogeneity of Zr(64.13)Cu(15.75)Ni(10.12)Al(10) bulk metallic glass" by L-Y. Chen, Y-W. Zeng, Q-P. Cao, B-J. Park, Y-M. Chen, K. Hono, U. Vainio, Z-L. Zhang, U. Kaiser, X-D. Wang, and J-Z Jiang J. Mater. Res. 24, 3116 (2009)

Journal of Materials Research

The morphology of the dark and bright regions observed by transmission electron microscopy for the Zr(64.13)Cu(15.75)Ni(10.12)Al(10) bulk metallic glass strongly depends on the ion beam parameters used for ion milling. This indicates that the ion beam could introduce surface fluctuation to metallic glasses during ion milling.

关键词: room-temperature

First-principle study of electronic properties of Ti3Si1-xAlxC2 solid solutions

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids

The layered ternary ceramics Ti3SiC2 and Ti3AlC2 are isostructural and can form Ti3Si1-xAlxC2 solid solutions combining the advanced properties of both compounds [H.B. Zhang, Y.C. Zhou, Y.W. Bao, M.S. Li, Improving the oxidation resistance of Ti3SiC2 by forming a Ti3Si0.90Al0.1C2 solid solution, Acta Mater. 52 (2004) 3631-3637; E.D. Wu, J.Y. Wang, H.B. Zhang, Y.C. Zhou, K. Sun, Y.J. Xue, Neutron diffraction studies of Ti3Si0.9Al0.1C2 compound, Mater. Lett. 59 (2005) 2715-2719; J.Y. Wang, Y.C. Zhou, First-principles study of equilibrium properties and electronic structure of Ti3Si0.75Al0.25C2 solid solution, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15 (2003) 5959-5968; Y.C. Zhou, J.X. Chen, J.Y. Wang, Strengthening of Ti3AlC2 by incorporation of Si to form Ti3Al1-xSixC2 solid solutions, Acta. Mater. 54 (2006) 1317-1322]. In the present work, the solid solutions of Ti3Si1-xAlxC2 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.33, 0.5, 0.67, 0.75, 1) are investigated by first-principle calculations based on pseudo-potential plan-wave method within the density functional theory framework. The results show that as Al content increases in the solid solution, all the bonds have weakened to certain extents, which lead to an unstable structure both energetically and geometrically. The calculated results are compared and discussed with the reported data for the Ti3Si1-xAlxC2 solid solutions. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: ceramics;ab initio calculations;electronic structure;electrical;conductivity;oxidation behavior;mechanical-properties;ti3sic2;temperature;ti3alc2;air;si

Two-step magnetization in a spin-chain system on the triangular lattice: Wang-Landau simulation

Physical Review B

The Wang-Landau algorithm is used to study the thermodynamic and magnetic properties of triangular spin-chain system based on two-dimensional Ising model in order to understand the magnetic-order dynamics in Ca(3)Co(2)O(6) compound. The calculated results demonstrate that the equilibrium state of the rigid spins produces the two-step magnetization curve at low temperature even when the random-exchange term is considered. This work indicates that the four-step magnetization behavior observed experimentally must be due to the nonequilibrium magnetization.

关键词: calcium compounds;exchange interactions (electron);Ising model;magnetisation;thermodynamics;one-dimensional ca3co2o6;density-of-states;compound ca3co2o6;phase-diagram;proteins;crystal

Effect of Li and Ti Additions on L■α(Al)+Mg_2Si Pseudobinary Eutectic Reaction

Shengxu ZHAO , Shunpu LI , Deqian ZHAO , Mingxiang PAN and Xichen CHEN(Institute of Physics , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100080 , China)


Effect of Li and Ti additions on Lα(AI)+Mg2Si pseudobinary eutectic reaction in ternary Al-Mg-Si system has been investigated by thermoanalysis, directional solidification and metallographic techniques in this study. It has been found that Li addition causes decreasing of the volume fraction of Mg2Si, while a little amount of Ti causes to increasing, which is of a great importance to the adjustment of phase constitution and alloy properties. Doping components have little influence on the eutectic temperature.



陈荣 , 黄正 , 张永刚 , 陈昌麒 , 沈剑韵

材料研究学报 doi:10.3321/j.issn:1005-3093.2000.03.009


关键词: 相图计算 , Al-Li-Mg-Si合金 , 显微结构

Low-temperature synthesis/densification and properties Of Si2N2O prepared with Li2O additive

Journal of the European Ceramic Society

Dense Si2N2O was successfully synthesized using 2 mol% Li2O as an additive by a hot-pressing method at 1500 degrees C. Compared to other metal oxide additives, Li2O can significantly decrease the sintering temperature of Si2N2O, which is ascribed to the lower melting point of Li2O-SiO2 and the formation of less viscous liquid phase. Increasing Li2O content has no apparent influence on the mechanical and dielectric properties of dense Si2N2O, which is due to the easy evaporation of Li2O at sintering temperature. The mechanical properties of Si2N2O with Li2O additive are comparable to those of Si2N2O synthesized with other additives. The as-prepared bulk Si2N2O with 2 mol% Li2O additive exhibits both low dielectric constant (6.17 at 1 MHz) and loss tangent (0.0008 at 1 MHz) and combines good mechanical performance, indicating it is a potential high-temperature structural/functional material. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: Si2N2O;sintering;mechanical properties;dielectric properties;silicon oxynitride ceramics;thermal-conductivity;nitride;densification;toughness;strength;yttria;system

Li-Si 合金中间相作为锂离子电池负极材料的研究

侯贤华 , 胡社军 , 汝强 , 张志文



关键词: 锂离子电池 , 嵌锂形成能 , 容量损失 , 第一性原理


卢庆亮 , 于化顺 , 闵光辉 , 王常春 , 冯刚


通过液态原位反应合成制备MgO/Mg2Si增强Mg-Li基复合材料,利用TEM对增强相形态及界面结构进行了观察.实验结果表明,复合材料中增强粒子与基体界面结合良好,无反应物生成.确定了增强粒子与基体的界面取向关系,MgO与基体α相的晶体学关系为[100]MgO//[40(4)3]α,(011)MgO//((1)2(1)0)α;Mg2Si与基体β相的晶体学关系为 [310]MgSi//[411]β,(1(3)(1))MgSi//(001)β.

关键词: Mg-Li基复合材料 , 粒子增强 , 界面结构


陈汝芬 , 宋秀芹 , 冯子成

材料科学与工艺 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-0299.2000.03.018

采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了Li4.5B0.5Si0.5O4-xLi2O(x=0~ 0.5)离子导体材料,并采用DTA-TG、XRD、TEM及交流阻抗等技术对样品进行了分析和测试 ,结果发现:溶胶-凝胶法可降低Li4.5B0.5Si0.5O4的合成温度;随Li 2O的掺入可增强基质材料的致密性并提高其离子的导电性能.

关键词: Li4.5B0.5Si0.5O4 , Li2O , 离子导电性 , 溶胶-凝胶法

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