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H.-M. Huang , J. Pan and S. C. Tang 1) Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics , The University of Michigan Ann Arbor , MI 48109 , USA 2) Ford Research Laboratory , Ford Motor Company Dearborn , MI 48121 , USA


An approximate macroscopic yield criterion for anisotropic porous sheet metals is adopted in a failure prediction methodology that can be used to investigate the failure of sheet metals under forming operations. This failure prediction methodology is developed based on the Marciniak-Kuczynski approach by assuming a slightly higher void volume fraction inside randomly oriented imperfecte analysis. Here, a nonproportional deformation history including relative rotation of principal stretch directions is identified in a selected critical element of an aluminum sheet from a FEM fender forming simulation. Based on the failure prediction methodology, the failure of the critical sheet element is investigated under the non-proportional deformation history. The results show that thiven non-proportional deformation history.

关键词: sheet metal forming , null , null , null

Oxygen reduction mechanism on copper in a 0.5 M H(2)SO(4)

Electrochimica Acta

The mechanism of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in a naturally aerated stagnant 0.5 M H(2)SO(4) Was studied using electrochemical methods. The cathodic polarization curve showed three different regions; electrochernical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurement was used accordingly. The EIS data were analyzed, and the mechanism for the ORR was proposed consequently. The three regions include a limiting current density region with the main transfer of 4e(-) controlled by diffusion (-0.50V < E < -0.40V), a combined kinetic-diffusion region (-0.40V

关键词: Oxygen reduction;Hump phenomenon;Chemical redox;Copper;Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy;sulfuric-acid electrolyte;anodic-dissolution;sulfate-solutions;corrosion;behavior;adsorption;chloride;cu(111);alloy;model

Simulations of Coarsening Behavior for M23C6 Carbides in AISI H13 Steel

Xinbin HU , Mei ZHANG , Xiaochun WU , Lin LI


Based on the local equilibrium assumption, coarsening behavior of M23C6 carbide at 700℃ in H13 steel was simulated by DICTRA software. The results from the calculations were compared with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations. The results show the interfacial energy for M23C6 in H13 steel at 700℃ is thus probably 0.7 J•m-2, which fits the experiments well. The influence of composition and temperature on the coarsening rate was also investigated by simulations. Simulations show a decrease in the coarsening rate when V/Mo ratio is increased, while the coarsening rate increases with increasing temperature.

关键词: DICTRA Simulation , 碳化物粗化 , 界面能 , H13钢

A Novel near Net-Shape Technique for P/M Parts with Large H/D Ratio

Yong LIU , Baiyun HUANG , Kechao ZHOU , Hongwu OUYANG , Yuehui HE


In order to overcome the shortcomings of conventional hot pressing, a novel near net-shape technique, called radial hot pressing, for P/M parts with large height-to-diameter (H/D) ratio was introduced. Effects of processing parameters on the microstructures and density of P/M TiAl base alloy valves were studied. Results show that the radial hot pressing is an effective technique for manufacturing valves with a H/D ratio of about 10:1, and the perfect joint interface between the Mo sheet and the parts is helpful for subsequent HIPing.

关键词: Near net-shape technique , null , null

1m3/h RO-EDI高纯水设备的研制

刘红斌 , 龚承元 , 苏建勇 , 朱孟府 , 马军 , 张西正

膜科学与技术 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-8924.2002.03.014

介绍了工业规模的EDI膜堆和1 m3/h RO-EDI高纯水设备的研制情况,进行了设备的稳定性试验和EDI产水的水质分析,并与离子交换树脂进行了技术经济性能比较.

关键词: 电去离子 , 反渗透 , 制药用水 , 高纯水

Copper corrosion and anodic electrodissolution mechanisms in naturally aerated stagnant 0.5 M H(2)SO(4)

Corrosion Science

Mechanisms of copper corrosion and electrodissolution in naturally aerated, stagnant 0.5 M H(2)SO(4) were investigated by means of electrochemical techniques, compared with deaerated measurements. The role of dissolved oxygen was suggested, and three models were proposed in -0.05 similar to 0.15 V vs. SCE range. Near to corrosion potential, chemical redox between cuprous intermediate and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) intermediate accelerated copper corrosion, and corrosion rate was controlled by a combined cathodic kinetic-anodic diffusion process. in low and high potential ranges, chemical redox, occurred between cuprous intermediate and oxygen molecule, synergistically accelerated the electrodissolution of copper. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: Copper;Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS);Corrosion;Electrodissolution;Chemical redox;acidic sulfate-solutions;sulfuric-acid;electrochemical reduction;impedance spectroscopy;oxygen reduction;disk-electrode;reaction;model;dissolution;behavior;iron


刘金荣 , 黄焦宏 , 金培育 , 李满才 , 成永顺 , 徐来自 , 邱巨峰 , 杨保荣 , 杨文志 , 王贵 , 王正德 , 张泽玉

稀土 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-0277.2001.06.011


关键词: 磁热效应 , 脉冲磁场 , 磁熵变 , M-H曲线


陈灵 , 曾德长 , 邱万奇 , 董小虹 , 黎炳雄 , 黄拿灿



关键词: 离子镀 , 渗氮 , TiAlCrN涂层 , 微观结构 , 硬度

EPR investigation of local structure for Mn(H(2)O)(6) (2+) cluster in M(H(2)O)(6) XCl(6): Mn(2+) (M = Zn, Mg, Cd, Ca; X = Pt, Sn) systems at different temperatures

Chemical Physics Letters

A theoretical method for studying the inter-relation between the local structure and EPR spectra is established by diagonalizing the complete energy matrices. For [M(H(2)O)(6)]XCl(6): Mn(2+) (M = Zn, Mg, Cd, Ca; X = Pt, Sn) systems, the calculated results demonstrate that the local structures around the octahedral Mn(2+) centers in the doped systems are very similar despite of the host crystals being different. Furthermore, it is shown that the EPR zero-field parameter D depends simultaneously on the local structure parameters R and h while (a - F) depends mainly on R, whether the doped systems are at liquid-nitrogen temperature or room temperature. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: electron-paramagnetic-resonance;single-crystals;spectra;field;ions;spectroscopy;copper(ii);complexes;behavior;mn(ii)


徐登辉 , 邓振波 , 张志峰 , 张梦欣 , 白峰 , 王瑞芬


将稀土铽配合物[Tb(m-MBA)3phen]2*2H2O作为发光材料应用于有机电致发光. 把铽配合物掺杂在PVK中经甩膜制得发光层, 并分别用AlQ和PBD作为电子传输层制作了两类有机电致发光器件. 器件1: ITO/PVK: [Tb(m-MBA)3phen]2*2H2O/ PBD/LiF/Al; 器件2: ITO/PVK: [Tb(m-MBA)3phen]2*2H2O/AlQ/LiF/Al, 研究了两种器件的电致发光性能, 并通过选择AlQ的厚度得到了发光性能较好的用AlQ作为电子传输材料的器件, 其最大亮度在20 V时达到140 cd*m-2.

关键词: 光学 , 电致发光 , 激子 , 稀土配合物

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