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Analysis of Rolling Pressure in Asymmetrical Rolling Process by Slab Method

TIAN Yong , GUO Yanhui , WANG Zhaodong , WANG Guodong


The plane strain asymmetrical rolling was analyzed using slab method. The contact arc was replaced by parabola, and the constant surface friction status was adopted during the analysis. The deformation area was divided into three zones according to the direction of the friction. Then, the three zones were studied, respectively. A rolling force model and a rolling torque model were developed based on the analysis, and they were used to analyze the influence of asymmetrical rolling factors on deformation area and unit pressure if they had good precision which was determined by comparing the calculated results with the measured ones.

关键词: asymmetrical rolling;slab method;asymmetrical factor;specific pressure distribution

Textures and Properties of Hot Rolled High Strength TiIF Steels

GUO Yanhui , WANG Zhaodong , ZOU Wenwen , LIU Xianghua , WANG Guodong


The texture evolution in a high strength TiIF steel during the processing of hot rolling, cold rolling, and annealing is studied. For comparison, both ferrite rolling and austenite rolling are employed. It is found that the texture type is the same after ferrite rolling and austenite rolling, but the texture intensity is much higher in the ferrite rolled sample. Furthermore, texture characteristics at the surface are absolutely different from those at the midsection in both ferrite rolled and austenite rolled samples, as well as under the cold rolled and annealed conditions. The shear texture {110}<001> disappears and orientation rotates along {110}<001>→{554}<225>→{111}<112>→{111}<110>→{223}<110> during cold rolling. Compared to the austenite rolled sample, the properties of the cold rolled and annealed sheet which is subjected to ferrite rolling are higher.

关键词: high strength TiIF steel;ferrite rolling;austenite rolling;texture

Effect of Processing Condition on Texture and Drawability of a Ferritic Rolled and Annealed InterstitialFree Steel

WANG Zhaodong , GUO Yanhui , ZHAO Zhong , LIU Xianghua , WANG Guodong


The processing conditions of the texture formation and deep drawability of a TiIF steel strip hotrolled in ferritic region and subsequently annealed were investigated. The rvalue increases with the decrease of reheating temperature, and finish rolling temperature and the increase of reductions in ferritic region. For lubricated ferritic rolling and annealing, the rvalue is raised up to 175, and elongation rate is over 50% at the finish rolling temperature of 650 ℃, which is suitable for DDQ grade products. However, the rvalue is below 10 in the case of unlubricated rolling. The Xray diffraction was used to analyze the textural characteristic of samples. For samples subjected to lubricated rolling and annealing, the strong {111}∥ND recrystallization texture is distributed homogeneously along the thickness direction, and the intensity of {110} recrystallization texture is very low even in surface. However, for unlubricated samples, the {111} texture is distributed inhomogeneously and is weak along the thickness direction, and {110}∥ND recrystallization texture is strong, which deteriorates the formability.

关键词: IF steel;ferritic rolling;annealing;deep drawability;texture


周萧明 , 胡更开

复合材料学报 doi:10.3321/j.issn:1000-3851.2004.06.026

提出了预测复合材料非线性电位移和电场强度关系的一种解析方法,该方法基于各向材料的割线介电常数,将非线性问题转化成一系列线性问题来求解.该方法适用于任意各向异性复合材料和组分材料的非线性性质,而常用的Stroud和Hui的模型只适用于各向同性复合材料和组分材料的弱线性.证明了本文方法具有Ponte Castaneda提出的变分结构.计算结果表明,当基体非线性较小时,本文模型的预测与Stroud和Hui的模型一致,但当基体非线性系数增大时,本文模型能给出合理的预测结果,而Stroud和Hui的模型则会超出基体和夹杂的性能范围.

关键词: 复合材料 , 介电常数 , 非线性 , 割线方法



N。1Atmospheric Corrosivlty for Steels………………………………………………… .LIANG Caideng HO[I i。-tat(6)Caustic Stress Corrosion Cr。king of Alloy 800 Part 2.The Effect of Thiosul执e……………………………………… KONG De-sheng YANG Wu ZHAO Guo-zheng HUANG De.ltL。ZHANG Yu。。he CHEN She。g-bac(13)SERS slid E16CttOCh6iniC81 Stlldy Of Illhibit1Oli M6ch&tllsth Of ThlollY68 Oil ITOll ID H....



白宣羽 , 汪渊 , 徐可为



关键词: 非晶 , 电阻率 , 纳米压入 , 硬度

Studies of the g factors and the local structure for Ni3+in LaAl0.9Ni0.1O3, La0.75Y0.25Al0.99Ni0.01O3 and YAl0.9Ni0.1O3

Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids

The electron paramagnetic resonance g factors and the local structure for Ni3+ in LaAl0.9Ni0.1O3 (LAN), La0.75Y0.25Al0.99Ni0.01O3 (LYAN) and YAl0.9Ni0.1O3 (YAN) are theoretically studied from the perturbation formulas of the g factors for a 3d7 ion of low spin (S = 1/2) in tetragonally elongated octahedra. In these formulas, the contributions to the g factors from the tetragonal distortion, characterized by the tetragonal field parameters Ds and Dt are taken into account. According to the calculations, the ligand octahedra around Ni3+ are suggested to suffer 2% relative elongation along the [001] (or C4) axis due to the Jahn-Teller effect.

关键词: defect structures;electron paramagnetic resonance;crystal-fields and;spin Hamiltonians;Ni3+;LaAlO3;LaYAlO3;YAlO3;atomic screening constants;optical-spectra;paramagnetic-resonance;superconducting tapes;lattice-distortions;superposition model;scf;functions;cr3+ ions;crystals;epr


智海素 , 侯召宇

原子核物理评论 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4627.2006.01.002

考虑非微扰量子色动力学物理真空夸克凝聚效应,计算了碳核与碳核在质心系能量分别为630和200 GeV时碰撞Drell-Yan过程的K因子,以及加入核遮蔽因子后非微扰效应对K因子的影响,并把计算结果与没有考虑夸克凝聚非微扰效应的K值进行了对比.结果表明,非微扰效应和核遮蔽效应对K因子影响很小.

关键词: K因子 , Drell-Yan过程 , 夸克凝聚 , 非微扰量子色动力学 , 核遮蔽效应

提高本钢265 m2冷烧结矿及原料检验代表性的实践

李凤娟 , 吕国光

金属世界 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6826.2014.04.14

通过对烧结配料所需原料及对冷烧结矿成品检验采制样方法的分析,找出影响检验结果真实性的因素,采取有效的改进措施,使本钢原料厂一次配料、本钢炼铁厂265 m2烧结二次配料及265 m2烧结系统各项稳定率有了很大的提高,烧结矿实物质量和各项技术质量指标有了很大的进步,保证了高炉的稳定顺行。
  提高本钢265 m2冷烧结矿及原料检验代表性的实践
  Practice of Improving the 265 m2 Cold Sinter and Raw Material Inspection Representative
  LI Feng-juan, LV Guo-guang
  本钢炼铁厂265 m2烧结机生产所需要的含铁原料比较复杂,一次配料料种较多,且烧结含铁原料是由本钢原料厂二车间供料,原料质量的不稳定,会影响烧结矿质量的提高和新一号高炉的强化及高炉技术指标的改善。本钢质量管理中心驻冷烧检查站加强了对烧结配料所需原料及对冷烧结矿成品检验采制样代表性的研究,采取了一些改进措施,达到了良好的效果。含铁料成分稳定率、烧结矿各项质量和技术指标在稳步地提高。下面,对本钢质量管理中心驻冷烧检查站就提高采样及检验过程的准确性所采取的措施和办法进行说明。




