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Precipitation Behavior and Its Strengthening Effect of X100 Pipeline Steel

NIU Tao , KANG Yong-lin , GU Hong-wei , et al


Using TEM, electron diffraction, EDX analysis and physicochemical phase analysis, the morphology, crystal structure, size distribution and chemical composition of precipitates in the microstructure of high strength Nb-microalloyed X100 pipeline steel were investigated, and the strengthening effect of precipitation was quantitatively calculated with Ashby-Orowan correction model. The precipitates obtained in X100 pipeline steel can be divided into two kinds: “complex” and “single” particles by morphology. The EDX analysis of single precipitates reveals that the chemical composition matches well with particle dimensions, especially the Nb/Ti ratio regularly reduces with the increase of particle size. The yield strength increments in the way of precipitation strengthening of X100 pipeline steel reached about 52MPa, which suggests that the precipitation strengthening is not the dominative strengthening mechanism for X100 pipeline steel.

关键词: X100 pipeline steel;carbonitride;precipitation behavior;strengthening effect


X.B. Tian , X.F. Wang , A.G. Liu , L.P. Wang , S. Y. Wang , B. Y. Tang and P. K. Chu 1)Advanced Welding Production & Technology National Key Laboratory , Harbin Institute of Technology , Harbin 150001 , China 2)Department of Physics & Materials Science , City University of Hong Kong , China


The research on plasma immersion ion implantation has been conducted for a little over ten years. Much is needed to investigate including processing technlogy, plasma sheath dynamics, interaction of plasma and surface, etc. Of the processing methods elavated temperature technique is usually used in PIII to produce a thick modified layer by means of the thermal diffusion. Meanwhile plasma ion heating is more recently developed by Ronghua Wei et al[1]. Therefore the temeperature is a critical parameter in plasma ion processing. In this paper we present the theoretical model and analysize the effect of imlantation voltage, plasma density, ion mass,etc on the temperature rise.

关键词: plasma immersion ion implantation , null , null



量子电子学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5461.2009.06.010


关键词: 量子光学 , LC回路 , 介观电路 , 相干态 , 量子态演化 , 相空间的准概率分布函数


陈志钢 , 唐一文 , 张丽莎 , 张新 , 贾志勇 , 余颖

材料科学与工程学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-2812.2005.04.025


关键词: 氧化亚铜 , 电沉积 , 溶液温度 , 衬底


李强 , 宣益民



关键词: 纳米流体 , 强化传热 , 小通道扁管

Oxidation of Alloying Elements during ESR of Stainless Steel

WEI Jihe Xi'an Institute of Metallurgy and Construction Engineering , China.


The oxidation of alloying elements during the ESR of stainless steel has been studied. The model previously developed by WEI and Mitchell for the chemical reactions and mass transfer processes during ESR was applied to the remelting of the high Cr steel 1Cr18Ni9(Ti).The laboratory data for the unsteady state A.C.ESR were analyzed and dealt with by the model.When the remelting process reached a steady state,an oxidant(Fe_2O_3 powder)or a deoxidant(Ca-Si powder or metallic Ca)was added to the slag bath.The results showed that this model is applicable to the remelting of stainless steel rather precisely, and it is expected that the model may offer a reliable basis for the control of composition during practical ESR of high alloy steel. Also,the oxidation of Cr in the steel must be noticed when its content is high;but it is entirely possible to adjust the Cr content of ingot within a considerable range,using a special technique by means of the slag-metal reactions during the remelting.

关键词: ESR , null , null , null , null


董企铭 , 苏娟华 , 刘平 , 李贺军 , 康布熙

材料热处理学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6264.2004.03.010


关键词: Cu-Cr-Zr-Mg合金 , 微观组织 , 析出 , 时效性能

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