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YAO Kefu TANG Naiyong CHEN Nanping Tsinghua University , Beijing , China [Originally published in ACTA METALL SIN(CHINESE EDN)25(3)1989 pp A213—A218 , Ph.D.Student , Dept.of Materials Sci.and Eng. , Tsinghua University , Beijing , China


The development of dislocation structures in the plastic zone ahead of a crack tip has been in- vestigated in a duplex stainless steel during in-situ deformation experiments in a scanning transmission electron microscope.It was found that the dislocation distribution was significantly different in the ferrite and in the austenite.In the ferrite grains,the dislocations emitted by the crack tip may cross-slip out of the original slip planes and form a broad plastic zone.However,in the austenite,the dislocation free zone is small and the dislocations emitted by the crack pile up in its slip plane.The selection of slip systems at the crack tip depends on the crack tip Schmid factors in both phases.But after large deformation,the selection of the second slip systems at the craek tip in austenite does not depend on the Schmid factors.

关键词: crack tip , null , null , null


杨金瑞 , 余尚先 , 顾江楠



关键词: 羟甲基酚化合物 , 羟甲基酚树脂 , DEPT135 , 结构参数




关键词: SCI , 中国科学院金属研究所 , 中国金属学会 , 英文期刊 , 材料科学技术 , 数据库




关键词: SCI , 中国科学院金属研究所 , 中国金属学会 , 英文期刊 , 材料科学技术 , 数据库

热烈祝贺Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters)被SCI收录


由中国金属学会主办、中国科学院金属研究所承办的英文期刊Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters)于近日通过Thomson Reuters的评审,入选SCI数据库.该刊自2009年起出版的论文被Thomson Reuters旗下的Science Citation Index Expanded(alsoknownas Sci Search),Journal Citation Reports/science Edition和Current Contents/Engineering Computingand Technology所收录.这是继《金属学报》和《材料科学技术(英文版)》之后,金属所承办的又一被SCI收录的期刊

关键词: SCI , 中国科学院金属研究所 , Thomson , 中国金属学会 , Edition , 英文期刊 , 材料科学技术 , 数据库

热烈祝贺Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters)被SCI收录


由中国金属学会主办、中国科学院金属研究所承办的英文期刊Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters)于近日通过Thomson Reuters的评审,入选SCI数据库.该刊自2009年起出版的论文被ThomsonReuters旗下的Science Citation Index Expanded(also known as SciSearch),

关键词: SCI , 中国科学院金属研究所 , Thomson , 中国金属学会 , 英文期刊 , 数据库

热烈祝贺Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters)被SCI收录


由中国金属学会主办、中国科学院金属研究所承办的英文期刊Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters)于近日通过Thomson Reuters的评审,入选SCI数据库。该刊自2009年起出版的论文被Thomson Reuters旗下的Science Citation Index Expanded(also known as SciSearch),Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition和Current Contents/Engineering Computing and Technology所收录。这是继《金属学报》和《材料科学技术(英文版)》之后,金属所承办的又一被SCI收录的期刊。

关键词: SCI , 中国科学院金属研究所 , Thomson , 中国金属学会 , Edition , 英文期刊 , 材料科学技术 , 数据库

Fatigue crack initiation and fracture behavior of a copper bicrystal with a perpendicular grain boundary

Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing

By cyclically deforming a [(5) over bar 913]perpendicular to[(5) over bar 79] copper bicrystal with a perpendicular grain boundary (GB), the fatigue crack initiation and fracture behavior were investigated. It was found that only the primary slip systems were activated on both G1[(5) over bar 913] and G2[(5) over bar 79] grains including the vicinity of the GB at axial plastic strain range of 1.8 x 10(-4)-2.56 x 10(-3). By observing the surface and fractography, it was confirmed that the fatigue cracks always nucleated and propagated along the GB, and displayed an obvious tendency on different surfaces. On the front surface of the bicrystal, the intergranular cracking was more preferential than that on the lateral surface, even though the geometrical conditions among PSB, GB and stress axis on the lateral surface claimed to enhance cracking are more close to those proposed by Christ (Mater. Sci. Eng. A117 (1989) L25). Based on the experimental results above, the effect of the interaction of PSB with GB and stress axis on intergranular fatigue cracking in the bicrystal is discussed. It is suggested that Christ's geometrical conditions for intergranular cracking might be further developed and the plastic strain incompatibility near the GB should play a more important effect on intergranular fatigue cracking. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

关键词: copper bicrystal;cyclic deformation;grain boundary;fractography;intergranular cracking;nucleation


赵焱 , 李龙 , 秦伟

材料导报 doi:10.11896/j.issn.1005-023X.2015.05.018

以科学引文索引(Science Citation Index,SCI)数据库中1991-2013年分子印迹技术相关文献为研究对象,通过对文献类型、语言及数量、作者所属的国家/地区和机构、发表文献的期刊分布和学科类别等信息进行文献计量学的分析,发现1991-2013年文献数量随时间呈指数函数增长,论文(Article)是最主要的文献类型,英语是使用最广泛的书写语言.中国是发表分子印迹技术相关论文最多的国家,而瑞典是发表高水平论文最多的国家.中国科学院是分子印迹技术论文高产量机构,瑞典隆德大学是高产量高被引机构.发表论文最多的学术期刊为Analytica Chimica Acta和Journal of Chromatography A,主要的学科类别为化学分析(Chemistry analytical).本文研究所获信息用来评价分子印迹技术的研究进展和发展趋势,以期为从事分子印迹技术的研究人员提供文献参考.

关键词: 分子印迹技术 , 科学引文索引 , 文献计量学

Advanced Materials for Energy Storage

Advanced Materials

Popularization of portable electronics and electric vehicles worldwide stimulates the development of energy storage devices, such as batteries and supercapacitors, toward higher power density and energy density, which significantly depends upon the advancement of new materials used in these devices. Moreover, energy storage materials play a key role in efficient, clean, and versatile use of energy, and are crucial for the exploitation of renewable energy. Therefore, energy storage materials cover a wide range of materials and have been receiving intensive attention from research and development to industrialization. In this Review, firstly a general introduction is given to several typical energy storage systems, including thermal, mechanical, electromagnetic, hydrogen, and electrochemical energy storage. Then the current status of high-performance hydrogen storage materials for on-board applications and electrochemical energy storage materials for lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors is introduced in detail. The strategies for developing these advanced energy storage materials, including nanostructuring nano-/microcombination, hybridization, pore-structure control, configuration design, surface modification, and composition optimization, are discussed. Finally, the future trends and prospects in the development of advanced energy storage materials are highlighted.

关键词: lithium-ion batteries;carbon nanotube electrodes;enhanced hydrogen;storage;metal-organic frameworks;double-layer capacitors;n-h system;carbide-derived carbons;ammonia borane dehydrogenation;ordered;mesoporous carbons;high-rate performance

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