Daolun CHEN B.Weiss R.Stickler University of Vienna
Wahringer Street 42
A-1090 Vienna
AustriaZhongguang WANG State Key Laboratory for Fatigue and Fracture of Materials
Institute of Metal Research.Academia Sinica
Shenyang 110015
Near-threshold fatigue crack propagation behaviour of a cold-worked copper tested with distinct fa- tigue testing systems under different stress ratios has been investigated.The emphasis was placed on the evaluation of crack closure effect as well as the effective fatigue threshold,It was found that the fatigue threshold for R=0 is higher than those for R=-1 and R=0.4,for which almost the same threshold value was derived.Compared with the conventional closure evaluation method,the pro- posed new closure evaluation method can generally interpret the dependence of the fatigue thresh- old on stress ratio and loading condition,and leads to a higher and relatively constant effective fa- tigue threshold of about 3 MPa·m~(1/2) for the cold-worked copper at different stress ratios and loading conditions.
near-threshold fatigue
Communications in Theoretical Physics
The unified theoretical calculation of thermal shifts (TS) of R-1 and R-2 lines and thermal broadenings (TB) of R, R' and B lines for ruby was carried out for the first time. The calculated results are in very good agreement with a great number of experimental data. Especially by using quantum theory and taking into account all the admixtures of wavefunctions within d(3) electronic configuration, all the Gamma M in electron-phonon interaction (EPI), the electronic energy spectrum and lattice-vibration Spectrum, the very important contributions to TS and TB from single-phonon direct process were theoretically calculated in detail. The microscopic essentials of various contributions are revealed, and the mistakes in previous work are remedied.
diamond anvil cell;pressure measurement;spectroscopy;temperatures
Communications in Theoretical Physics
On the basis of the unified calculation of the thermal shifts of R-1 line, R-2 line and ground-state-splitting as well as the thermal broadenings of R, R' and B line-groups for ruby, by taking into account all the levels and admixtures of wavefunctions within d(3) electronic configuration and all the GammaM in electron-phonon interaction, the transition probabilities of direct and Raman processes have theoretically been calculated. The thermal broadenings, of R, R' and B line-groups have successfully been interpreted in terms of the direct and Raman processes of acoustic phonons. The theoretically predicted transition probabilities are in good agreement with the experimental ones.
crystal fields;electron-phonon interaction;thermal broadening;transition probability;direct and Raman processes;shifts
Journal of Applied Physics
The magnetic properties of R2Co14B1-xCx (x=0, 0.5 and R=Y, Sm) compounds have been studied by measuring the temperature dependence of the easy- and hard-magnetization curves on magnetically aligned samples between 1.5 and 300 K for Y2Co14(B,C) and at 4.2 K for Sm2Co14(B,C). The magnetic anisotropy of Y2Co14B increases due to the substitution of C for B, whereas the saturation magnetization decreases. Between 1.5 and 300 K, the anisotropy field of Y2Co14B0.5C0.5 increases about 2 T and the Co moment decreases about 0.05mu(B). The anisotropy field Of Sm2Co14B also increases upon C substitution and the saturation magnetization decreases slightly. The ac susceptibilities of both SM2Co14B and Sm2Co14B0.5C0.5 exhibit anomalies that may arise from a spin reorientation within the basal plane.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
High field magnetization curves have been measured at 4.2 K on magnetically aligned R2Co14B1-xCx (R = Pr, Nd; x = 0.0, 0.2 and 0.5) samples with the magnetic field applied parallel and perpendicular to the alignment direction. It is found that, for both the praseodymium and the neodymium compounds, the saturation magnetization decreases on substitution of carbon for boron. In the Nd2Co14B1-xCx system, the critical field of the first-order magnetization process (FOMP) increases with increasing carbon content. No FOMP is observed in the Pr2Co14B1-xCx system. The temperature dependence of the a.c. susceptibility shows that in Nd2Co14B1-xCx the spin reorientation temperature decreases with increasing carbon content. A spin reorientation phenomenon is also observed in Pr2Co14B0.8C0.2 and in Pr2Co14B0.5C0.5. Also in these compounds, the spin reorientation temperature decreases with increasing carbon content.
Communications in Theoretical Physics
By means of improved ligand-field theory, the "pure electronic" presure-induced shifts (PSs) and the PSs due to electron-phonon interaction (EPI) of the R-1, R-2, B-1, B-2, B-3, and R-3' lines and the ground-state zero-lield-splitting' of ruby have been uniformly calculated. The calculation results are in very good agreement with all the experimental data. At normal pressure, ruby is a crystal with very strong crystal field. Thus the admixture of vertical bar t(2)(2)(T-3(1))e(4)T(2)> and vertical bar t(2)(32)E > bases in the wavefunction of R-1 level of ruby is small at normal pressure, and it gradually decreases with increasing pressure, which causes the R-1-line PS of ruby to monotonously red shift with approximate linearity. The combined effect of the pure electronic PS of R, line and the PS of R, line due to EPI gives rise to the total PS of R, line. The analyses and comparisons among the features of R-1-line PSs of three laser crystals (ruby, GSGG:Cr3+ and GGG:Cr3+) have been made, and the origin of their difference has been revealed.
high-pressure effect;electron-phonon interaction;R;R ';and B;line-groups;ground-state zero-field-splitting;admixture of;[t(2)(2)(T-3(1))e(4)T(2)) and [t(2)(3)(2) E);laser crystal;calibration;spectra
Solid State Communications
Magnetic anisotropy fields at room temperature of ternary tetragonal compounds of R2Fe14C(R = Lu, Gd, Nd) and R2Fe14B(R = Gd, Nd) were determined by Singular-Point-Detection (SPD) technique. The magnetocrystalline anisotropies of the carbides were found to be larger than those of their corresponding borides, indicating that the outstanding permanent-magnetic properties may be obtained in the R2Fe14C-based alloys.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
The temperature dependence of the anisotropy field H(A) and the thermal expansion DELTA-l/l0 of R2Fe14X (R = Gd, Lu; X = B,C) were measured by applying the SPD technique for H(A)(T) and a membrane technique for DELTA-l(T)/l0. Comparing Lu2Fe14B and Lu2Fe14C the difference in the temperature dependence of H(A) is associated with the difference in the Invar-like thermal expansion between the two compounds.
3d magnetism;anisotropy;gd2fe14b