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JIN Nengyun Shanghai Jiaotong University Jin Nengyun , Department of Materials Science , Shanghai Jiaotong University , Shanghai 200030 , China.Present address:Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung , Institut für Physik , 7000 Stuttgart 80 , FRG


A dislocation interaction model has been proposed for cyclic deformation of fcc crystals.Ac- cording to this model,cyclic stress-strain responses and saturation dislocation structures of a crystal are associated with the modes and intensities of dislocation interactions between slip systems active in the crystal; and,hence,may be predicted by the location of its tensile axis in the crystallographic triangle.This model has successfully explained the different behaviours of double-slip crystals and multi-slip behaviours of some crystals with orientations usually con- sidered as single-slip ones.

关键词: face centered cubic crystal , null , null , null , null


CHEN Guoliang(State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials University of Science and Technology Beijing Beijing 100083 , China)SHI Changxu (Academia Sinica , Beijing 100864 , China)


This paper briefiy introduces the R&D of intermetallics in China. R&D on intermetallics in a national scale in China began near ten years ago. The investigation in past years focused on the fundamental research and materials development. A significant progress has been made. Various components that made of Ti3Al Ni3Al, TiAl and Fe3Al have been successfully manufactured Some of them have been evaluted. It is expected that some intermetallic alloys will be produced in an industrial scale in the near future.

关键词: :intermetallic alloys , null , null , null

Key R&D activities for development of new types of wrought magnesium alloys in China

Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China

Many researchers in China are actively engaged in the development of new types of wrought magnesium alloys with low cost or with high-performances and novel plastic processing technologies. The research activities are funded primarily through four government-supported programs: the Key Technologies R&D Program of China, the National Basic Research Program of China, the National High-tech R&D Program of China, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. The key R&D activities for the development of new wrought magnesium alloys in China are reviewed, and typical properties of some new alloys are summarized. More attentions are paid to high-strength wrought magnesium alloys and high-plasticity wrought magnesium alloys. Some novel plastic processing technologies, emerging in recent years, which aim to control deformation texture and to improve plasticity and formability especially at room temperature, are also introduced.

关键词: wrought magnesium alloy;microstructure;properties;alloy designing;plastic deformation;research projects;y-zr alloys;mechanical-properties;mg-4y-4sm-0.5zr alloy;grain-refinement;rare-earth;microstructure;gd;phase;temperature;evolution

Growth and microstructure of r.f. sputtered Fe/Ti multilayers


Fe/Ti multilayers with different modulation wavelengths (Lambda) prepared by r.f. sputtering has been investigated by using cross sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM). It was observed that the columnar structure, interface morphology, and metastable phase presented at the interface of the multilayer system strongly depend on the bilayer thickness (Lambda). For high period multilayers, the waviness wavelength of interfaces is about two times broader than the column diameter. For a sample with Lambda =30 nm, its column width and waviness wavelength was about 80, and 190 nm, respectively. Both of them decreased with the reduction of Lambda, so as to nearly equal values of column diameter and waviness wavelength were obtained. The Fe and Ti grains of both 30 nm and 6 nm multilayers are polycrystalline, and have a textured structure. In short bilayer thickness (Lambda =6 nm), the intermetallic compound Fe2Ti was presented at the interfaces due to solid state reaction; for Lambda =2 nm, amorphous phase Ti-rich layer was formed at the interfaces, resulting in a sharp interface multilayer structure.

关键词: model;films

Growth and microstructure of r.f. sputtered Fe/Ti multilayers

Wei WANG , Lishi WEN


Fe/Ti multilayers with different modulation wavelengths (Lambda) prepared by r.f. sputtering has been investigated by using cross sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM). It was observed that the columnar structure, interface morphology, and metastable phase presented at the interface of the multilayer system strongly depend on the bilayer thickness (Lambda). For high period multilayers, the waviness wavelength of interfaces is about two times broader than the column diameter. For a sample with Lambda =30 nm, its column width and waviness wavelength was about 80, and 190 nm, respectively. Both of them decreased with the reduction of Lambda, so as to nearly equal values of column diameter and waviness wavelength were obtained. The Fe and Ti grains of both 30 nm and 6 nm multilayers are polycrystalline, and have a textured structure. In short bilayer thickness (Lambda =6 nm), the intermetallic compound Fe2Ti was presented at the interfaces due to solid state reaction, for Lambda =2 nm, amorphous phase Ti-rich layer was formed at the interfaces, resulting in a sharp interface multilayer structure.


Development of rapidly quenched soft magnetic materials in China

Shaoxiong ZHOU


The discovery of the first Fe-based ferromagnetic amorphous alloy in 1966 had made an impact on conventional magnetic materials because of its unique properties. Since then, a number of amorphous magnetic materials have been successfully developed and used in a wide variety of applications. A brief review of R & D activities on amorphous soft magnetic materials in China is given from the beginning to the present in a somewhat chronological order, followed by a brief introduction to their applications on electric and electronic industries. An analysis and a prospect of Chinese market of such amorphous materials are also presented.



倪卓 , 李丹 , 钟玉莲 , 刘丽双 , 陈展明



关键词: 电子墨水 , 微胶囊 , 永固红F5R , 电场响应

Effects of substrate temperature on properties for transparent conducting ZnO: Al films on organic substrate deposited by r.f. sputtering

Deheng ZHANG , Dejun ZHANG , Qingpu WANG , Tianlin YANG


This paper presents the substrate temperature dependence of opto-electrical properties for transparent conducting Al-doped ZnO films prepared on polyisocyanate (PI) substrates by r.f. sputtering. Polycrystalline ZnO:Al films with good adherence to the substrates having a (002) preferred orientation have been obtained with resistivities in the range from 4.1 x 10(-3) to 5.3 x 10(-4) Ohm .cm, carrier densities more than 2.6 x 10(20) cm(-3) and Hall mobilities between 5.78 and 13.11 cm(2)/V/s for films. The average transmittance reaches 75% in the visible spectrum. The quality of obtained films depends on substrate temperature during film fabrication.


Si-based Multielement Thin Film Prepared by r.f. Reactive Sputtering at Room Temperature

Xiancheng WU , Yinyue WANG , Hui YAN , Guanghua CHEN


a-Si:C:N:H thin films have been deposited at room temperature by r.f. reactive-sputtering of a Si target in an Ar+H2+N2+CH4 gas mixture. Fourier transform infrared-absorption spectroscopy and optical absorption spectra have been investigated for the films. The study shows that the film structure and optical, electrical properties are obviously modified readily by controlling the process parameters of deposition. The nitrogen-rich a-Si:C:N:H films are thermally stable within the temperature ranging from 200 to 800°C. They are of interest for the potential applications in electronic devices.


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