C. M. Liu1)
K. Abiko2) and M. Tanino2) 1) Schoolof Materials and Metallurgy
Northeastern University
Shenyang 110006
China 2) Institute for Materials Research
Tohoku University
Effectoftheintergranularsegregationof Sonthehot ductilityof high purityiron wasquan titativelyinvestigated using high purityiron specimenscontaining < 2 ,5,10 ,20 and 60massppm Sby scanning AES,tensiletests under high vacuum and SEMof the fracturedsurface. The main resultsareasfollows: high purityironcontaininglessthan 2 massppm Sexhibitsanexcellenthotductility,thatis,reductionofareatofracturelargerthan95 % ,at alltesttemperaturesbetween673 and 1173 K. Dissolved Sof5 massppm causesanevident hot ductility dropof high purityiron at873~973 K.Increasingthedissolved Scontentfur ther decreases hot ductility and widensthetemperaturerange ofembrittlement. Theembrit tledspecimensfailinintergranular mode. Theamountoftheequilibrium intergranularseg regation of Sincreases withincreasingtheconcentration of dissolved Sand with decreasingthe annealingtemperature. Ssegregates much moreon cavitysurfacesthan atgrain boundaries.
high purityiron
C. M. Liu1)
K. Abiko2) and M. Tanino2) 1) Schoolof Materials and Metallurgy
Northeastern University
Shenyang 110006
China 2) Institute for Materials Research
Tohoku University
Sendai980 8579
Theeffectof phosphorusonthehotductility andthesegregation ofsulfuratgrain boundariesin high purityironcontaining 0 002 % sulfur werequantitativelyinvestigated bytensiletestat973 K, SEMobservation of fracture surface and scanning Auger electron spectroscopy.Theexperimental resultscan besum marized as follows:(1) addition of phosphorustothe iron remarkablysuppressestheintergranular fractureinduced bythesegregation of sulfur at973 Kandincreasesthe hot ductility;(2) phosphorusstrikingly decreasesthesegregation ofsulfur atgrain boundaries, whichisresponsibleforthesuppressionoftheintergranularfrac tureat973 K;(3) theremarkably decreasedsegregation ofsulfur atgrain boundariesbytheaddition of phosphoruscan beexplained bythesitecompetitioneffectandtherepulsiveinter action at grain boundariesbetweensulfuratomsand phosphorusatoms;(4) sulfurstrikinglysegregatestothevoid surfacesformed on grain boundaries, while phosphorushaslittlesegre gationtothevoid surfaces.
high purity iron
WADSWORTH Jeffrey and FLUSS Michael(Chemistry and Materials Science Directorate
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
CA 94551)
The role of the National Laboratories is summarized from the era of post World War II to the present time. The U.S. federal government policy for the National Laboratories and its influence on their materials science infrastructure is reviewed with respect to .determining overall research strategies, various initiatives to interact with industry (especially in recent years),building facilities that serve the nation, and developing leading edge research in the materials sciences. Despite reductions in support for research in the U.S. in recent years, and uncertainties regarding the specific policies for Research &Development (R&D) in the U.S., there are strong roles for materials research at the National Laboratories. These roles will be centered on the abilities of the National Laboratories to field multidisciplinary teams, the use of unique cutting edge facilities, a focus on areas of strength within each of the labs,increased teaming and partnerships, and the selection of motivated research areas. It is hoped that such teaming opportunities will include new alliances with China, in a manner similar, perhaps, to those recently achieved between the U.S. and other countries.
: U.S. Materials Science. U.S. National Laboratories and Facilities
B.W. Wang
H. Shen
Ni-Cr System solar selective thin solid films were prepared by d.c. magnetron reactivesputtering under the atmosphere of O2 and N2. Ni-Cr alloy was chosen as targetmaterial and copper sheets as substrate. Using SEM, Spectrophotometer and Talystepto analyze the relations between the selective characteristic and the structure, theformation and the thickness of the thin films. The aim is to obtain good solar selectivethin films with high absorptance and low emittance, which is applied to flat plate solarheat collectors.
solar selective thin film
G.Q. Zhang
The status of research, development of superalloys and materials processing & fabrication technologies for aero-engine applications in China Aviation Industry, with an emphasis on recent achievements at BIAM including directionally solidified and single crystal superalloys for blade and vane applications, wrought superalloys for aero-engine disks and rings, and powder metallurgy (PM) superalloys for high performance disk applications were described. It was also reviewed the development of new class of high temperature structural materials, such as structural intermetallics, and advanced material processing technologies including rapid solidification, spray forming and so on. The trends of research and development of the above mentioned superalloys and processing technologies are outlined. Cast, wrought and PM superalloys are the workhorse materials for the hot section of current aero-engines. New high temperature materials and advanced processing technologies have been and will be the subject of study. It is speculated that high performance, high purity and low cost superalloys and technologies will play key roles in aero-engines.
Shaoxiong ZHOU
The discovery of the first Fe-based ferromagnetic amorphous alloy in 1966 had made an impact on conventional magnetic materials because of its unique properties. Since then, a number of amorphous magnetic materials have been successfully developed and used in a wide variety of applications. A brief review of R & D activities on amorphous soft magnetic materials in China is given from the beginning to the present in a somewhat chronological order, followed by a brief introduction to their applications on electric and electronic industries. An analysis and a prospect of Chinese market of such amorphous materials are also presented.
MA Zongyi YAO Zhongkai Harbin Institute of Technology
The SiC_w/Al composite prepared by squeeze casting has a combination of superior room temperature specific strength and modulus together with excellent thermal properties.The extrusion can make an improvement on the strength and ductility of the composite from 582 MPa as squeeze casted up to 639 MPa,and on the transformation from isotropic to the anisotropic structure.This seems to be explained by the orientation of whiskers and the densification of dislocations in matrix.TEM observation indicates that the stacking fault is the usual planar defect on the SiC_w surface. composite;;SiC whisker;;Al alloy;;microstructure