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Coercivity Enhancement of Nd{Fe{B Thin Film Magnets through Dy Surface Diffusion Process

C.Y. You


The Dy capping layer was deposited at different temperatures on the Nd-Fe-B thin films to investigate the mechanism of the coercivity enhancement through the Dy surface diffusion. The highest coercivity of 2005 kA/m (25.2 kOe) was obtained at the Dy deposition temperature of 460°C, which was significantly higher than the value of 1297 kA/m (16.3 kOe) without Dy capping layer. By performing the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis, it was found that some of the grain boundaries were enriched with Nd element, which could be partly ascribed to the promotion by the Dy surface diffusion. In comparison to the evolution of the spin reorientation temperature of Nd2Fe14B phase after the deposition of the Dy capping layer, it is concluded that structural modification plays a significant role in the coercivity enhancement due to the Dy surface diffusion.

关键词: Nd-Fe-B thin film

Coercivity Enhancement of Nd{Fe{B Thin Film Magnets through Dy Surface Diffusion Process

C.Y. You


The Dy capping layer was deposited at different temperatures on the Nd-Fe-B thin films to investigate the mechanism of the coercivity enhancement through the Dy surface diffusion. The highest coercivity of 2005 kA/m (25.2 kOe) was obtained at the Dy deposition temperature of 460°C, which was significantly higher than the value of 1297 kA/m (16.3 kOe) without Dy capping layer. By performing the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis, it was found that some of the grain boundaries were enriched with Nd element, which could be partly ascribed to the promotion by the Dy surface diffusion. In comparison to the evolution of the spin reorientation temperature of Nd2Fe14B phase after the deposition of the Dy capping layer, it is concluded that structural modification plays a significant role in the coercivity enhancement due to the Dy surface diffusion.

关键词: Nd-Fe-B thin film

Mean-field theory on mixed ferro-ferrimagnetic compounds with (A(a)B(b)C(c))(y)D

Physics Letters A

The magnetic properties of the mixed ferro-ferrimagnetic compounds with (A(a)B(b)C(c))(y)D, in which A, B, C and D are four different magnetic ions and form four different sublattices, are studied by using the Ising model. And the Ising model was dealt with standard mean-field approximation. The regions of concentration in which two compensation points or one compensation point exit are given in c-a, b-c and a-b planes. The phase diagrams of the transition temperature T-c and compensation temperature T-comp are obtained. The temperature dependences of the magnetization are also investigated. Some of the result can be used to explain the experimental work of the molecule-based ferro-ferrimagnet ((NiaMnbFecII)-Mn-II-Fe-II)(1.5) [Cr-III (CN)6] - zH(2)O. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: mixed ferro-ferrimagnet;Ising model;four sublattices;phase diagram;transition temperature;compensation temperature;magnetic-properties;prussian blue;alloy

The oxidation of Co-Y binary alloys at 600-800 degrees C in air

Corrosion Science

The oxidation of pure Co and two Co-Y alloys containing 2 at.% and 5 at.% Y has been studied at 600-800 degrees C in air. The oxidation of pure cobalt at all temperatures followed the parabolic rate law. The oxidation of the two alloys approximately followed the parabolic rate law at 800 degrees C, but was closer to cubic behavior at 600 and 700 degrees C except Co-5Y at 600 degrees C, which deviated from the cubic and parabolic rate law. The corrosion of both alloys at the three temperatures produced an external scale containing Co oxides (Co3O4, CoO) and Y2O3 and an internal oxidation region where Co17Y2 was converted into Co and Y2O3. The distribution of Y2O3 closely followed that of the intermetallic compound (Co17Y2) in the original alloy. The corrosion mechanism of the alloys is examined. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

关键词: Co;Y;oxidation;high-temperature oxidation;possible scaling modes;internal oxidation;oxidant pressures;h-2-h2s mixtures;sulfidation;oxygen

The oxidation of Fe-2 and 5 at.% Y alloys at 600-800 degrees C in air

Oxidation of Metals

The oxidation of Fe- Y alloys containing 2 and 5 at.% Y and pure iron has been studied at 600-800 degrees C in air. The oxidation of pure iron follows the parabolic rate law at all temperatures. The oxidation of Fe-Y alloys at 600 degrees C approximately follows the parabolic rate law, but not at 700 and 800 degrees C, where the oxidation goes through several stages with quite different rates. The oxide scales on Fe-2Y and Fe-5 Y at 700 and 800 degrees C are composed of external pure Fe oxides containing Fe2O3, Fe3O4, and FeO, with FeO being the main oxide and an inner mixture of FeO and YFeO3. The scales on Fe-2Y and Fe-5Y at 600 degrees C consist of Fe2O3, Fe3O4, and Y2O3, with a minor amount of FeO. Significant internal oxidation in both Fe-Y alloys occurred at all temperatures. The Y-containing oxides follow the distribution of the original intermetallic compound phase in the alloys. The effects of Y on the oxidation of pure Fe are discussed.

关键词: pure Fe;Fe-Y alloys;oxidation;high-temperature oxidation;possible scaling modes;2-phase;binary-alloys;low-oxygen pressures;oxidant pressures


李鹏 , 胡耀波 , 熊惟皓 , 林真

硬质合金 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-7292.2000.02.001


关键词: 稀土元素 , Y , 金属陶瓷 , 组织与性能


Journal of Applied Physics

The magnetic properties of R2Co14B1-xCx (x=0, 0.5 and R=Y, Sm) compounds have been studied by measuring the temperature dependence of the easy- and hard-magnetization curves on magnetically aligned samples between 1.5 and 300 K for Y2Co14(B,C) and at 4.2 K for Sm2Co14(B,C). The magnetic anisotropy of Y2Co14B increases due to the substitution of C for B, whereas the saturation magnetization decreases. Between 1.5 and 300 K, the anisotropy field of Y2Co14B0.5C0.5 increases about 2 T and the Co moment decreases about 0.05mu(B). The anisotropy field Of Sm2Co14B also increases upon C substitution and the saturation magnetization decreases slightly. The ac susceptibilities of both SM2Co14B and Sm2Co14B0.5C0.5 exhibit anomalies that may arise from a spin reorientation within the basal plane.

关键词: nd2fe14b;exchange;nd2co14b;r2fe14b;field

Study of properties of mixed ferro-ferrimagnetic ising compounds with (A(x)B(1-x))(y)C

Communications in Theoretical Physics

The magnetic properties of the mixed ferro-ferrimagnetic compounds with (A(x)B(1-x))(y)C-z where A(z) B-z and C are three different magnetic ions and form three different sublattices, are studied by using the standard mean-field theory. The phase diagram which is related to experimental work of molecule-based ferro-ferrimagnet ((NixMn1-xII)-Mn-II)(1.5)[Cr-III(CN)(6)].zH(2)O is obtained. The magnetization curves(z) internal energy(z) and specific heat of the same mixed (A(x)B(1-x))(y)C system are also investigated.

关键词: mixed ferro-ferrimagnet;Ising model;phase diagram;internal energy;specific heat;mean-field analysis;magnetic-properties;prussian blue;alloy

The oxidation of a Co-15 wt%Y alloy under low oxygen pressures at 600-800 degrees C

Corrosion Science

The corrosion of pure yttrium and of a cobalt alloy containing approximately 15 wt% yttrium was studied at 600-800 degrees C in H-2-CO2 mixtures providing an equilibrium oxygen pressure of 10(-24) atm at 600 degrees C and 10(-20) atm at 700 and 800 degrees C. The corrosion of yttrium under these low oxygen pressures resulted in the growth of Y2O3 scales which was rather protective at 800 degrees C, presenting two approximately parabolic stages with a smaller rate Constant at longer times, but non-protective and faster at lower temperature. The oxidation of Co-15Y was rather irregular under all conditions, but generally slow: in particular, at 800 degrees C the rate decreased almost to zero after about 17 h oxidation. The oxidation of this alloy produced a thin external layer of pure cobalt metal overlying a region of internal oxidation, where the Y-rich phase was transformed into a mixture of cobalt metal and yttrium oxide. The microstructure of the internal oxidation region followed closely that of the original alloy, while no yttrium depletion was observed beneath the front of internal oxidation. These results are examined by taking into account the low solubility of Y in Co and the existence of an intermetallic compound in the alloy. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.

关键词: cobalt;yttrium;alloys;internal oxidation;2-phase binary-alloys;high-temperature oxidation;most-reactive;component;possible scaling modes;low oxidant pressures;internal;oxidation;a/o al;corrosion;1173-k

The oxidation of two Fe-Y alloys under low oxygen pressures at 600-800 degrees C

Oxidation of Metals

The corrosion of pure yttrium and of two Fe-base alloys containing approximately 15 and 30 wt.% Y was studied at 600-800 degrees C in H-2-CO2 mixtures providing an equilibrium oxygen pressure of 10(-24) atm 600 degrees C and 10(-20) atm at 700 and 800 degrees C. The corrosion of yttrium under these low oxygen pressures resulted in the growth of Y2O3 scales and presented two approximately parabolic stages at 800 degrees C, while at 600-700 degrees C it was faster and nonprotective. The corrosion of the two alloys followed approximately the parabolic rare law, except for Fe-15Y at 600 degrees C which oxidized nearly linearly. At 600 and 700 degrees C, when the gas-phase oxygen pressure was in the field of stability of iron oxide, the alloys formed also a thin external Fe3O4 layer, while at 800 degrees C, when the oxygen pressure was below the stability of FeO, a thin outermost layer of pure iron was observed to form. Under all conditions a region of internal oxidation formed in the alloy, in which the yttrium-rich phases were transformed into a mixture of iron metal and oxides, which included double Fe-Y oxides as well as Y2O3. The microstructure of the internal-oxidation region followed closely that of the original alloys, which moreover did not undergo any yttrium depletion. These results are examined by taking into account the low solubility of yttrium ib iron and the presence of intermetallic compounds in the alloys.

关键词: iron;yttrium;alloys;internal oxidation;2-phase binary-alloys;high-temperature oxidation;most-reactive;component;possible scaling modes;low oxidant pressures;internal;oxidation;al alloys;a/o al;corrosion;1173-k

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