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X.M.Min , C.W.Nan and K.F.Cai National Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing , Wuhan University ofTechnology , Wuhan 430070 , China


Thecorrelation between composition, structure, chemical bond, and thermoelectric proper tiesof Si doped boroncarbidesisstudied using SCF DV Xαmethod. Thecalculationsshow that Siatom firstlysubstitutes Bor Catomson theend of boron carbidechain, then may occupyinterstitialsites when Siis dopedin boron carbide, anditisdifficultfor SitosubstituteBor Catom in thecenter of chain orintheicosahedron. Arepresentativestructural unitcontain ing an Si atom is 〔C B Si〕ε+ 〔B11 C〕ε , whilethe structural unit without Siis 〔C B B ( C)〕δ 〔B11 C〕δ+ . Afteradding Sitotheboroncarbides,theenergyrequired bythe dispro portionation reaction decreases,theconcentrationofthecarriersincreases,andthereare more pathsfor the bipolaron to hopping. At thesametime, the covalent bond becomes weaker, andthethermal conductivity decreases. Therefore, thethermoelectric property of Si dopedboron carbidesisimproved .

关键词: Si doped boroncarbide , null , null


F.H. Froes(IMAP , University of Idaho , Moscow , ID 838443026 , USA Manuscript received 26 August 1996)


The synthesis, processing and mechanical properties of the light metals, aluminum,magnesium and titanium Produced by advanced techniques are reviewed. Synthesis techniques to be addressed will include rapid solidification, spray deposition, mechanical alloying, plasma Processing and vapor deposition.

关键词: :synthesis/processing , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null


WADSWORTH Jeffrey and FLUSS Michael(Chemistry and Materials Science Directorate , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory , Livermore , CA 94551)


The role of the National Laboratories is summarized from the era of post World War II to the present time. The U.S. federal government policy for the National Laboratories and its influence on their materials science infrastructure is reviewed with respect to .determining overall research strategies, various initiatives to interact with industry (especially in recent years),building facilities that serve the nation, and developing leading edge research in the materials sciences. Despite reductions in support for research in the U.S. in recent years, and uncertainties regarding the specific policies for Research &Development (R&D) in the U.S., there are strong roles for materials research at the National Laboratories. These roles will be centered on the abilities of the National Laboratories to field multidisciplinary teams, the use of unique cutting edge facilities, a focus on areas of strength within each of the labs,increased teaming and partnerships, and the selection of motivated research areas. It is hoped that such teaming opportunities will include new alliances with China, in a manner similar, perhaps, to those recently achieved between the U.S. and other countries.

关键词: : U.S. Materials Science. U.S. National Laboratories and Facilities , null

Advanced Materials for Energy Storage

Advanced Materials

Popularization of portable electronics and electric vehicles worldwide stimulates the development of energy storage devices, such as batteries and supercapacitors, toward higher power density and energy density, which significantly depends upon the advancement of new materials used in these devices. Moreover, energy storage materials play a key role in efficient, clean, and versatile use of energy, and are crucial for the exploitation of renewable energy. Therefore, energy storage materials cover a wide range of materials and have been receiving intensive attention from research and development to industrialization. In this Review, firstly a general introduction is given to several typical energy storage systems, including thermal, mechanical, electromagnetic, hydrogen, and electrochemical energy storage. Then the current status of high-performance hydrogen storage materials for on-board applications and electrochemical energy storage materials for lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors is introduced in detail. The strategies for developing these advanced energy storage materials, including nanostructuring nano-/microcombination, hybridization, pore-structure control, configuration design, surface modification, and composition optimization, are discussed. Finally, the future trends and prospects in the development of advanced energy storage materials are highlighted.

关键词: lithium-ion batteries;carbon nanotube electrodes;enhanced hydrogen;storage;metal-organic frameworks;double-layer capacitors;n-h system;carbide-derived carbons;ammonia borane dehydrogenation;ordered;mesoporous carbons;high-rate performance

Synthesis and superconductivity of Nd0.7Sr1.3Cu(O,F)(4-delta) with T-c=44 K

Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications

Superconducting cuprate fluorides Nd0.7Sr1.3Cu(O,F)(4-delta) with T-c = 44 K were obtained by solid phase fluorination of the T-structure Nd0.7Sr1.3CuO4-gamma at low temperature (200-300 degrees C) using CuF2 as fluorinating reagent. The oxyfluoride has K2NiF4 structure with S.G. I4/mmm as its precursors, but the evident lattice expansions were observed. The a-axis expands from 3.7257(2) Angstrom to 3.9288(5) Angstrom and c-axis from 12.8240(3) Angstrom to 12.9630(2) Angstrom. No trace of SrF2 was detected in these fluorinated products. XRD and magnetic measurement revealed that the superconductivity in the fluorinated products originated from the oxyfluorides with reduced CuO2 plane and in the presence of the apical anion.

关键词: hole concentration;copper;route;a=ca;tc

Friction stir processing technology: A review

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science

Friction stir processing (FSP), developed based on the basic principles of friction stir welding (FSW), a solid-state joining process originally developed for aluminum alloys, is an emerging metalworking technique that can provide localized modification and control of microstructures in near-surface layers of processed metallic components. The FSP causes intense plastic deformation, material mixing, and thermal exposure, resulting in significant microstructural refinement, densification, and homogeneity of the processed zone. The FSP technique has been successfully used for producing the fine-grained structure and surface composite, modifying the microstructure of materials, and synthesizing the composite and intermetallic compound in situ. In this review article, the current state of the understanding and development of FSP is addressed.

关键词: strain-rate superplasticity;cast nial bronze;al-mg-zr;low-temperature;superplasticity;nickel-aluminum bronze;particle-size ratio;mechanical-properties;microstructural modification;magnesium alloy;grain-refinement

Some non-equilibrium thermophysical problems to be studied in materials processing

Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing

A lot of non-equilibrium high technologies have recently been developed in materials processing, such as spray forming; metal atomization by electric fluid dynamics; self-propagating high temperature synthesis; in situ contact reaction process in melt for making composites and electropulsing effect on structure modification and damage reversal etc. A series of non-equilibrium thermophysical problems arise consequently with these high technologies. Not only the real-time measurements are difficult to deal with, but also the principle analyses need to be treated carefully. It would be found that some of the normal thermophysical rules should be evaluated again, when the thermophysical processes under extreme conditions are further studied. Some possible ways for solving these abnormal thermophysical problems are tentatively suggested in this paper, such as the reconstruction of governing functions; the simplified treatment of complex processes and making use of the rules of other disciplines etc. It is known from these examples that a series of non-equilibrium thermophysical problems arising from recent high technologies of materials processing are remained to be actively studied. It gives a virgin land for thermophysicists to explore. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

关键词: biomimetic;materials processing;non-equilibrium;thermophysical;problems


G.Q. Zhang


The status of research, development of superalloys and materials processing & fabrication technologies for aero-engine applications in China Aviation Industry, with an emphasis on recent achievements at BIAM including directionally solidified and single crystal superalloys for blade and vane applications, wrought superalloys for aero-engine disks and rings, and powder metallurgy (PM) superalloys for high performance disk applications were described. It was also reviewed the development of new class of high temperature structural materials, such as structural intermetallics, and advanced material processing technologies including rapid solidification, spray forming and so on. The trends of research and development of the above mentioned superalloys and processing technologies are outlined. Cast, wrought and PM superalloys are the workhorse materials for the hot section of current aero-engines. New high temperature materials and advanced processing technologies have been and will be the subject of study. It is speculated that high performance, high purity and low cost superalloys and technologies will play key roles in aero-engines.

关键词: superalloy , null , null

Technology of Iron Carbide Synthesis

M. Bahgat , null


Iron carbides are very promising metallurgical products and can be used for steelmaking process, where it plays as an alternative raw material with significant economic advantages. Also it has many other applications, e.g. catalysts, magnets, sensors. The present review investigates the different properties and uses of the iron carbides. The commercial production and the different varieties for the iron carbides synthesis (gaseous carburization, mechanochemical synthesis, laser pyrolysis, plasma pyrolysis, chemical vapor deposition and ion implantation) were reviewed. Also the effect of different factors on the carburization process like gas composition, raw material, temperature, reaction time, catalyst presence and sulfur addition was indicated.

关键词: Iron carbides , null , null , null


熊进辉 , 黄继华 , 薛行雁 , 张华 , 赵兴科 , 林国标

航空材料学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-5053.2009.6.010


关键词: C_f/SiC , Ti合金 , 钎焊 , AgCuTi-W

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