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中国有色金属学报(英文版) doi:10.1016/S1003-6326(16)64089-X


关键词: , 金属基复合材料 , 锐钛矿 , 粉末冶金 , 滑动磨损

Thermodynamic Assessment and Experimental Investigation of Fe-Al-C System

Weiyan LÜ , Lin LI , Li WANG , Yanlin HE , Shuigen HUANG


Phase diagram information of the Fe-C, Fe-Al and Al-C systems are reviewed and the Fe-Al-C system is assessed. A FeAlC database is created by combining a set of thermodynamic parameters established by Kumar and SSOL database in Thermo-Calc software package. Ternary phase diagrams are calculated with FeAlC and the newly developed Thermo-Calc databases SSOL2 and SSOL4. The FeAlC database is the best one to describe the Fe-Al-C system. A1 and A3 values on the vertical section containing 1.5 wt pct Al are calculated with the FeAlC database in this work. To validate the thermodynamic calculation, critical temperatures Ac1 and Ac3 are determined by using dilatometer analysis. There exist some errors between the calculated values and the experimental results. So further optimization of the Fe-Al-C system regarding bcc and fcc phases is necessary. The experimental data in this work could be of some value in further optimization.

关键词: Fe-Al-C , null , null


Author S.R. Zhou , S.R. Qiao , S.H. Bai and C.S. Tian Faculty 401 , Northwestern Polytechnical University , Xian 710072 , ChinaManuscript received 18 October 1998


The tensile properties of three different carbonfiberreinforced carbon composites (C/C), mat C/C, 2D laminate and 4D C/C, were investigated under the combined influence of temperature and loading rate. From the experiments the following could be concluded: loading rate between 10-1-10 mm/min was valid; the fracture stress of the three kinds of C/C composites increased with increasing temperature in the range from room temperature to 1900, and the initial modulus of 2D laminate C/C composites increased with the increase of temperature up to 2000.

关键词: tensile testing , null , null , null


张万强 , 赵英民 , 王涛 , 詹万初

宇航材料工艺 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-2330.2014.05.012


关键词: 聚芳基乙炔 , 糠酮树脂 , X射线衍射 , C/C复合材料


张保法 , 阮宏武 , 李东生

材料工程 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-4381.2006.01.008


关键词: C/C复合材料 , 化学气相沉积 , 消光角度 , 偏光显微镜


孙乐 , 方向青 , 孟广慧

材料科学与工程学报 doi:10.14136/j.cnki.issn 1673-2812.2016.05.027

通过化学气相渗透(CVI)、树脂浸渍/碳化(I/C)的工艺制成多孔的C/C预制件,采用气体压力浸渗方法向预制体中渗入铜,制备出C/C-Cu复合材料.以高密度C/C复合材料(1.9g/cm3)作为对比样,在MM-200型磨损试验机上对其摩擦磨损性能进行测试,并对其微观结构和摩擦磨损机理进行分析.研究结果表明:C/C-Cu的摩擦系数比C/C复合材料的低,这主要与摩擦表面的摩擦膜有关,铜在摩擦力带动下填充摩擦表面的凹坑,并与碳材料共同形成摩擦膜,摩擦膜的碳含量越高,润滑效果越好.当C/C预制件密度为1.59 g/cm3时,C/C-Cu的摩擦系数和磨损量均小于C/C复合材料,摩擦磨损性能良好.

关键词: C/C-Cu , 摩擦磨损 , 摩擦膜

Electronic transport properties of NbC(C)-C nanocomposites

Physical Review B

We report the electronic transport properties of a composite system comprising zero dimensional superconducting NbC(C) nanocapsules and carbon nanofiber matrix. DC susceptibility measurements of the nanocomposite indicate that the critical temperature (T-C) of NbC nanocrystals is 10.7 K. The temperature dependence of electrical resistivity of the specimen pellet follows the Mott's T-1/4 law in a temperature range between T-C of NbC and 300 K, owing to a strong degree of structural disorder in the carbon matrix. Below the T-C of NbC, when the change of its electrostatic energy Delta E is far greater than the thermal energy, an electron will be localized on an isolated NbC nanocrystal at very low temperatures, leading to "Coulomb Blockade." As a result, a collective behavior of the single-electron tunneling effect takes place in a three-dimensional granular superconductors' network composed of the NbC/carbon/NbC tunneling junctions. The superconducting gap of NbC crystals is not found in the current-voltage curves, due to the suppression of surface superconductivity through the contact between NbC and carbon shells.

关键词: zero-dimensional superconductor;granular metal-films;particles;conduction;nanocapsules;percolation;samples

Oxidation behavior of C/C-SiC gradient matrix composites


Oxidation behavior of C/C-SiC gradient matrix composites and C/C composites were compared in stationary air. The results show that oxidation threshold of C-SiC materials increases with the amount of SiC particles in the codeposition matrix. Oxidation rate of C/C-SiC gradient matrix composites is significantly lower than that of C/C material. The micro-oxidation process was observed by SEM.

关键词: carbon carbon composites

Oxidation behavior of C/C-SiC gradient matrix composites

Jingyi DENG , Wenchuan LIU , Haifeng DU , Huiming CHEN , Yiyi LI


Oxidation behavior of C/C-SiC gradient matrix composites and C/C composites were compared in stationary air. The results show that oxidation threshold of C-SiC materials increases with the amount of SiC particles in the codeposition matrix. Oxidation rate of C/C-SiC gradient matrix composites is significantly lower than that of C/C material. The micro-oxidation process was observed by SEM.



李波 , 崔园园 , 李爱军 , 周春节 , 张家宝 , 白瑞成



关键词: C/C-SiC摩擦材料 , 摩擦磨损性能 , 机理 , 改性

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