Shenglin Jiang , Bowu Yan , Dongxiang Zhou , Meidong Liu
白宣羽 , 汪渊 , 徐可为
关键词: 非晶 , 电阻率 , 纳米压入 , 硬度
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids
The electron paramagnetic resonance g factors and the local structure for Ni3+ in LaAl0.9Ni0.1O3 (LAN), La0.75Y0.25Al0.99Ni0.01O3 (LYAN) and YAl0.9Ni0.1O3 (YAN) are theoretically studied from the perturbation formulas of the g factors for a 3d7 ion of low spin (S = 1/2) in tetragonally elongated octahedra. In these formulas, the contributions to the g factors from the tetragonal distortion, characterized by the tetragonal field parameters Ds and Dt are taken into account. According to the calculations, the ligand octahedra around Ni3+ are suggested to suffer 2% relative elongation along the [001] (or C4) axis due to the Jahn-Teller effect.
关键词: defect structures;electron paramagnetic resonance;crystal-fields and;spin Hamiltonians;Ni3+;LaAlO3;LaYAlO3;YAlO3;atomic screening constants;optical-spectra;paramagnetic-resonance;superconducting tapes;lattice-distortions;superposition model;scf;functions;cr3+ ions;crystals;epr
智海素 , 侯召宇
原子核物理评论 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4627.2006.01.002
考虑非微扰量子色动力学物理真空夸克凝聚效应,计算了碳核与碳核在质心系能量分别为630和200 GeV时碰撞Drell-Yan过程的K因子,以及加入核遮蔽因子后非微扰效应对K因子的影响,并把计算结果与没有考虑夸克凝聚非微扰效应的K值进行了对比.结果表明,非微扰效应和核遮蔽效应对K因子影响很小.
关键词: K因子 , Drell-Yan过程 , 夸克凝聚 , 非微扰量子色动力学 , 核遮蔽效应