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Advanced Materials for Energy Storage

Advanced Materials

Popularization of portable electronics and electric vehicles worldwide stimulates the development of energy storage devices, such as batteries and supercapacitors, toward higher power density and energy density, which significantly depends upon the advancement of new materials used in these devices. Moreover, energy storage materials play a key role in efficient, clean, and versatile use of energy, and are crucial for the exploitation of renewable energy. Therefore, energy storage materials cover a wide range of materials and have been receiving intensive attention from research and development to industrialization. In this Review, firstly a general introduction is given to several typical energy storage systems, including thermal, mechanical, electromagnetic, hydrogen, and electrochemical energy storage. Then the current status of high-performance hydrogen storage materials for on-board applications and electrochemical energy storage materials for lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors is introduced in detail. The strategies for developing these advanced energy storage materials, including nanostructuring nano-/microcombination, hybridization, pore-structure control, configuration design, surface modification, and composition optimization, are discussed. Finally, the future trends and prospects in the development of advanced energy storage materials are highlighted.

关键词: lithium-ion batteries;carbon nanotube electrodes;enhanced hydrogen;storage;metal-organic frameworks;double-layer capacitors;n-h system;carbide-derived carbons;ammonia borane dehydrogenation;ordered;mesoporous carbons;high-rate performance

Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion,The Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510070,China

B.W. Wang , H. Shen


Ni-Cr System solar selective thin solid films were prepared by d.c. magnetron reactivesputtering under the atmosphere of O2 and N2. Ni-Cr alloy was chosen as targetmaterial and copper sheets as substrate. Using SEM, Spectrophotometer and Talystepto analyze the relations between the selective characteristic and the structure, theformation and the thickness of the thin films. The aim is to obtain good solar selectivethin films with high absorptance and low emittance, which is applied to flat plate solarheat collectors.

关键词: solar selective thin film , null , null , null


WADSWORTH Jeffrey and FLUSS Michael(Chemistry and Materials Science Directorate , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory , Livermore , CA 94551)


The role of the National Laboratories is summarized from the era of post World War II to the present time. The U.S. federal government policy for the National Laboratories and its influence on their materials science infrastructure is reviewed with respect to .determining overall research strategies, various initiatives to interact with industry (especially in recent years),building facilities that serve the nation, and developing leading edge research in the materials sciences. Despite reductions in support for research in the U.S. in recent years, and uncertainties regarding the specific policies for Research &Development (R&D) in the U.S., there are strong roles for materials research at the National Laboratories. These roles will be centered on the abilities of the National Laboratories to field multidisciplinary teams, the use of unique cutting edge facilities, a focus on areas of strength within each of the labs,increased teaming and partnerships, and the selection of motivated research areas. It is hoped that such teaming opportunities will include new alliances with China, in a manner similar, perhaps, to those recently achieved between the U.S. and other countries.

关键词: : U.S. Materials Science. U.S. National Laboratories and Facilities , null

Energy of Grain Boundaries of Different Type in fcc Solid Solutions, Ordered Alloys and Intermetallics with L12 Superstructure

O.B.Perevalova , E.V.Konovalova , N.A.Koneva , E.V.Kozlov


The study of the triple junctions of the grain boundaries in some fcc solid solutions, ordered alloys and intermetallics with L12 has been carried out using the optical metallography and TEM methods. Two-types of the triple junctions were found in the alloys investigated (1), consisting of the boundaries of the random (RT), and (2), consisting of the RT boundary and the special boundaries (ST). The relative values of the RT and ST boundary energy were determined on the basis of the measurements of the angles between the grain boundary planes. It has been shown that the energy of ST boundaries increases with the increase of the stacking fault (SF) energy. The energy of the RT boundaries does not depend on the SF energy.

关键词: Alloys , null , null , null

Developing carbon materials targeted for applications-A summary on the annual world conference on carbon, Carbon2011


The 2011 Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2011) was held in Shanghai, China, during 24-29 July, 2011. This conference was hosted jointly by East China University of Science and Technology, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, and Institute of Coal Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences. About 800 attendees from 42 countries/regions participated in this conference, and 797 papers were accepted for presentation, including 5 plenary lectures, 42 keynote lectures, 280 oral presentations, and 470 posters, involving 10 topics: graphene; nanocarbon, carbon for energy storage and conversion, porous carbon and adsorption, carbon fiber and composites, precursor/carbonization and graphitization, computation and modeling, bio-carbon and safety, novel experimental techniques and characterization, bulk carbon and industrial applications. Research and development of nanocarbons are quite active and in particular, graphene received tremendous interest. Rapid progress has also been made on the electrochemical properties, energy conversion and energy storage applications of carbon materials.


Change in Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions From Energy Use in China′s Iron and Steel Industry

SUN Wenqiang , CAI Jiuju , MAO Hujun , GUAN Duojiao


As the largest energy consuming manufacturing sector and one of the most important sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the China′s iron and steel industry has paid attention to the study of changing trend and influencing factors of CO2 emissions from energy use. The logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI) technique is used to decompose total change in CO2 emissions into four factors: emission factor effect, energy structure effect, energy consumption effect, and steel production effect. The results show that the steel production effect is the major factor which is responsible for the rise in CO2 emissions; whereas the energy consumption effect contributes most to the reduction in CO2 emissions. And the emission factor effect makes a weak negative contribution to the increase of CO2 emissions. To find out the detailed relationship between change in energy consumption or steel production and change in CO2 emissions, the correlation equations are also proposed.

关键词: CO2 emissions , energy use , LMDI technique , steel production , energy consumption


TONG Xiaoyan WANG Dejun XU Hao Northeast University of Technology , Shenyang , China TONG Xiaoyan P.O.Box 180 , Northeast University of Technology , Shenyang 110006 , China


Based on the low-cycle fatigue tests of carbon and alloy steels,the cyclic properties of hysteresis energy and its changing rules have been analysed.The mathematical formula of cyclic hysteresis energy of the materials with different cyclic properties have been presented. The total absorbed energy to failure is associated with the variation of cyclic hysteresis energy.

关键词: cyclic hysteresis loop , null , null , null , null


Philosophical Magazine a-Physics of Condensed Matter Structure Defects and Mechanical Properties

Theoretical expressions of the dependence of the jog concentration and the secondary minimum creep rate on stacking-fault energy during recovery creep have been developed. They are the same as the empirical formulae given recently for nickel solid solutions. An important characteristic of the present expressions is that the index of the power function related to stacking-fault energy is a function of the shear modulus, Burgers vector, Poisson's ratio and creep temperature. For 18 materials, the theoretical values of this index are in good agreement with the corresponding experimental results.

关键词: high-temperature creep;cr-co alloys

Carbon nanotubes for clean energy applications

Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics

The issue of the sustainability of energy supply has attracted worldwide concern given the rapid depletion of fossil energy sources amid increasingly worsening environmental pollution and the drive to develop alternative, environment-friendly, renewable energy sources and energy carriers to secure our energy supply and sustainable development. Hydrogen is considered to be among the best solutions available, although technical barriers, in particular effective hydrogen storage, need to be dealt with. Quasi-one-dimensional carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with rich nanosized pore structures are considered to be a potential hydrogen storage medium; however, controversy over and discrepancies in both the experimental and theoretical results do exist. Therefore, the latest research progress in and the current situation pertaining to hydrogen storage in CNTs are reviewed and discussed in detail. Moreover, CNTs can have wide applications as alternative energy storage media, utilizing fully their unique structural characteristics. We summarize and analyse the advantages as well as the research progress made in using CNTs as electrode materials in lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors. Further, future applications of CNTs in the energy storage field are explored.

关键词: electrochemical hydrogen storage;double-layer capacitors;chemical-vapor-deposition;density-functional theory;lithium-ion;batteries;room-temperature;supercapacitor electrodes;catalytic;decomposition;nanostructured carbons;adsorption storage

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